October 18, 1934 Sunselt Ridge Women Eleci New OfFicers New officers of the Womani's board of Sunset Ridge Country club were elected'at a luncheon held Friday at the club. Mrs. Homer Bang of Ev- anston is. thé new general chairman, the other officers being:à Mrs. Howard Jordan of Kenilworth, golf chairman; ,Mrs. Dick:Payne of Winnetka, bridge chairman; Mrs. Will Kelley of Win- netka, entertainiment chairman; Mrs. Willis Nance of Wilmette, chairman of the bouse committee ; Mrs. Herbert Zipf of Wiîinetka, chairman of the playground, committee; and Mrs. Ernest Sahîpson of Glencoe, publicity chairman. Mrs. Lillian Beecm, retiring man- ager of the club, wvas a guest at the hincheon and wvas presented with a lovelv silver vase, ini appreciation of ail she, las done for the wvomen of Sunset Ridge. %,rs. A. J. Luick, re- tiriflg general chairman, made the presentation. 'Mrs. Beami left Fridav evening for WVashington, where she is to live. In addition to their election, the m-oinen of the club conducted other business at Friday's session.- They discussed plans for an active program! to keep the clubhouse open during' the winter. Several dances and some winter sports are on the calendar for the coming season. WILMETTE. LIFE 41 Co-chairman, Toloff Photo Mrs. Kenieth L. Foxr of Glencoe is co-chairman of tlhe Parenits' coun- cil which is arranging the ail-day Lducational con Jerence for parents and teachers at flhe National Col- lege of Education H -'edpnesdav, nerf. North ShoreWomen wil.lReloice, In Th is Specia Demonstratin Çractcal &fron t Çarmen ts Noted for their'remarkable litheness and slenderness of line, the amply' supporflng construction and theoas comfort they give to the wearer. $350 to $7,50 AI Town, and Country Club %zpucner vay ai rair The Town and Country club had Goucher College day' at the Cen- the first meeting of the season at the tury of Progress is today (Thursday).! home of Mr. and Mrs. William Kend- Alunxnae meet for luncheon at 12,:30i rick, 2214 Chestnut avenue, Wilmette. c0-clock at the Women's College The next meeting of the group will Board louage ini the Hall of Social îbe at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Science at the Fair. Hostesses for the Munroe Munson, 230 Tenth street, day will be Mrs. Russell Hamlin on November 10. Burne, Mrs. Frank J. Corliss, Mrs. C. Ellis Goldstein. and Mrs. Benjamin M. Pilbrck.ln Sister's Honor Luncheons for Guilds The Guilds of the Church of the Holy Comforter are having luncheon meetings ini Kenilworth next Monday, with the following serving as host- esses: .Mrs. Ira -C. Darling, of 256. Kenilworth avenue, to the Anderson guild at her home; Mrs. A. G. Philips, to the Xhitehouse guild; Mrs. joseph Wendel, to the Stewart guil at her home, 415 Essex road. Sunday Tea Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tideman, 138 -Abingdon avenue, Kenilworth, gave atea Sunday, their guests being members of the Frank Ketchams' annual house party over Labor day at their summer home at Land i o'lakes, *Wis. 1Mrs. Judson Stone, 1234 Ashland avenue, entertained at a bridge luncheon at Glen View Country club 1Friclay in honor of her sister, Miss Elmer Cole of Los Angeles, who left on Monday to visit in Cincinnati. ENTRANCE-OC T. 22, 29, Nov. Bq 12 Fashlon-flrawing. Magazines, Covers, Newspapers, Posters, color, Layouts, etc. Dress Des!gnlng. F r en ch Cuttlng, Draping, Millinery, Sketching, color, Ideas. Styllnkg for buyers, consultants, reporters. lEt. Decoration. Period Styles, color, Arrangemnent, Estimates, Rendering, Stylinig. Personal Training, Individual Advancenient. 116 SOUTH MICHIGAN BOULEVARD 0 CHICAGO * DEPT. 8 I. il FR0 CKS, for TOW Trhe glint of metal threads . a bit of lamé . the elegance of muaterials eut on simple, clas- sic lines. . . distinctive fea- tures of a series of town frocks priced from $12.75 JANET SCHUIR SHROP, Ine. 1605 CHICAGO AVENUE, EVANSTON North Shore Hotel Building Open Saturday Evenings Especial- Iy designed to g i ve youth- f ul 1Unes Io t he heavier, larger figitre. Front - Lace corsets for t he larger f»,g u re. Ail - in - On.e c ombinations w i tlh auto- matic adjust- nme nt. Pri nce se which gives you siender slimi lnes. Miss Fanky, Stylist wiII «b. ber. Thursday and Fni- day of this w.ek to advise you regarding your cors.fry' probl.ms. SheWilI Model and Demonst rat e t hes. remarkabi. foundafion garments so you may se. for you rs.If how perfect they are to weair under new frocks. Corsetr y--S cond Floor, . West WJEILDT9,S-EVANSTON On Davis Street WiImette 1100