Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Oct 1934, p. 40

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October 18, 1934 140a Ai. A.i rià Catholic Juniors Wili Hold Bake Sale SatUrday Saturday of this xveek is the day set for the annual Bake sale of the Juniors of the Woman 's Catholic Club of Wilmette. Van Deusen's market xviii be the place in which it xiii be held, beginning at 8 o'clock ini the morning and continuing until ahl the food is sold. Dishes for Sunday night suppers and Sun- day morning breakfasts, as wel as the usual bakery goods, will be available. Miss Dorothy Brooks, chairman of tbe ways and means committee, is in charge, and ber assisting committee consists of tbe. following girls: Misses Elsabelle FitzPatrick, Dorotby Mar- shall, Patricia McCartby, Jane New- ton, Jane Norman, and Laura Lou *Reichmann. In addition toplans for tbe Bake sale, the possibilitiy, of a dance to be given during the Thanksgiving holi- days. was discussed at* the last meeting of the Juniors on Tuesday, October 9. More definite details concerning this- dance will be announced in the WViLm.ErTELive later. The Drama circle will meet at 8 o'clock.next Tuesday, October 23, at * the home of Miss Clara Meter, 114 * Fourtb street. for its second meeting of the year. Seilement Board isis Models for Style Show Models are sucb an important part of any fasbion show that the an- nouncement of those participating in tbe annual fashion show of the Win- * netka board of the Northwestern settlement is always received with mucb interest. Mrs., Chester Sargent, chairman of the committee for models, and ber co-workers, Mrs. James Prindiville, j Mrs. Fred Fairman, and Mrs. Na- thaniel Howard, are delighted witb *the following partial list of charming matrons and young women wbo will *model the variety of fashions to be sbown at Christ churcb Parisli House at 2 o'clock Tuesday, October 30. 0f the Winnetka debutantes of this year, the Misses Fanny McPherson, Deborab ,Butler, Nancy Knode, and Muriel Picher will tuodel. The Misses Jean Armstrong, Mary, Louise Gard- ner, Eleanor Janney, Barbara Bastien, Barbara Ann Sargent, Mira Lee Benoist, Evelyn Bouscaren, Helen English, Ann Palmer, Betty Gillies, Betsy Needham, Marion: Barber, and Virginia Prussing are also modeling, as well as the Mesdames John Demn, Horton Conrad, Edward F. Hamm, Jr., Harold Barnes, R. Hampton Rip- ley, Willett Gorham, Eugene Cary. The next meeting of the Winnetka board will be held Thursday of next week witb Mrs. John Ott, at wbicb time alI committees will make their final reports. Elected President Photo by ]Ray Mrs. Homer Bang of Evanston, r who served on thegolf coniittee of the Womnan's board at Sunset Ridge Co'untry club lasi year, wa.s elected g enerai.chairmian of that board at a * lncheon meeting held at the club Fridoey. Mrs. WiIIis Hulson Now HeadsArden Shore Group At the meeting of the Arden Shore board Thursday of last week at the home of Mrs. Robert Stoddard, the following new officers were electéd: Mrs. Willis I-1. lHutson, chairman; Mrs. Roy R. Marquardt, vice-chair- man; Mrs. Ernest H. Freeman, secre- tary;- Mrs. Willard H. Thayer, corre,- sponding- secretary; Mrs. Frank L. Tolman, treasurer; Miss Frances A. Goodhue, industrial chairmail; Mrs. Oscar E. Thaleg, sewing.chairman; Mrs. -Frank C. ýHuffman, assistant sewing chairman; Mrs. Louis S. Becker, in charge of schedule for work. at Economy shop; Mrs. Lorin A.>Bower, publicity chairman. Mrs. Frederick Tilt retired that day from chairmansbip of the committee, after serving three years.: As a tokený of their appreciation 'of ber spirit and work, the members of tbe' board presented ber with a chrysan- themum plant. Sfarts eame Service FIoy Little Bart lett of 711 Sheri- dan road, Winnetka, author of "Busy Book", and editor of the Busy- group in Cbild Life, and wbc' writes an article eacb montb for- the same magazine, is inaugurating ber Cbildren's Came service at ber home. She bas decided to organize tbis service because of the many re- quests sbe has had to suggest games and entertainment for cbildren's parties. To Discuss Plans for Benefit Supper Dance Mrs. W. Jerome Byrnes -of 133 Glenwood avenue,. Hubbard.Woods, is. entertaining tbe members of 'the executive board of Miseric ordia Ma- ternity Hospital andý Infant's home at luncbeon' at Skokie Country club on Friday, October 19. Tbe board is meeting to discuss plans for the annual benefit supper dance to be held this year at the Palmer House on Tbanksgiving eve. Mrs. Michael F. McGuire is presi- dent of tbe board, Mrs. Raymond P. Tennes is chairman for the party, and Mrs. joseph P. Savage is assist- ing ber. Mrs. Charles J. Holland of Wil- mette is in charge of the entertain- ment, and among other north sbore enthusiastic workers are Mrs. Cusb- .man B. Bisseli. of Lak.e Forest, Mrs. Julia Hursen of Winnetka, Mrs. Thomas F. Molyneaux of Kenilwortb, and Mrs. John J. Dowvdle of \Vil- mette. Vistors Feted Mrs. Hubert Drennan and Mrs. Fred Reemer, who with Mr. Reemer are vis- iting tbe Charles Liddles in Winnetka, bave been guests of honor at several affairs in Kenilworth. Mrs. John O'Con- nor of 149 Kenilworth avenue was host- ess at a bridge luncheon Friday for them, Mrs. Ralph Hawxhurst of 618 Essex road gave a small bridge lunch- eon Tuesday in honor of Mrs. Drennan and Mrs. Reemer, and on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Craig Ketcham entertained 'at a dinner party at their home,.611 Ab- botsford road, for the three vîsitors. Alumnae Presideni Toloif Photo Airs. Ralph Stoetzel of Glencoe is the newv president of the North Shore Alumnae association of Delta Gamina sorority, which is sponsor- ing a program by the North Shore Lyric *ensemble Monda y at Skokie Country club to bene fit the scholar- ship fund. Matrons' Chorus Feature of Junior League Follies Charter members of the Ev- anston Junior league xvi lot have to be content xith ap- plauding the anties of newver members f rom a back seat at the junior League Follies. Dressed as ballet girls of the nineties with Mae West as their insira- tion , they xvill dance and sing their "Old Girls" song wvritten especially for theni. ln the "Matrons' Chorus" xvili be Mrs. Kenneth Burns, Mrs. Kenneth Cotton Brown, Mrs. George Fargo, Mrs. J. Larned Ferguson, Mrs. Jobn Herdic, Mrs. Elliot Johnson, Mrs. WillimPbalen, and Mrs. Jobn Eliot X a rn er., Men who- bave been chosen to be i n the cborus and skits are: John Chivers, Hayward Erickson, Forest Gillett, Russell Holliday,,John Hunts- berger, Elliot Jobnson, John Keegan, Dr. Wallace MacKenzie, John Mc- Pberrin, Perry Pennington, Stanley Peirce, John Scott, William Sullivan, J obn Townes, John Turner, Lansing Warner,' Warren Wheary, and Thomas WThite. Hess MacClean.' Edward Torcom, Clifton Fogaéty, and Ae R. Carman, Jr., wvili take part in specialty num- bers. Louis Tildeîi, who needs no introduction. will do an accordion number with Bennie Rawlins, and jack, Foley, well-known north. shore entertainer, will do a song and dance specialty with Mary Cook. Rice-Ekvall Wedding Is Solemnized Oclober 13 In the Edgewater Beach hotel at 4 o'clock last Saturday afternoon, Miss Ruth Isabelle Rice of Evans- ton became the bride of Leonard Ekvall of Wilmette. Tbe brides uncle, theRev. Jobn Bonckx, pastor of tbe first Preshyterian church of Elgin, wbo officiated'at the wedding of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Layton Rice, performed the marriage service. A bigb tea followed the ceremony. A simple dress of white satin fashl- îoned along long straight lines with a short train and a short, long- sleeved jacket, was worn by the bride,' as was1 a small 1wbite satin bat in place of a Veil. She. carried. a large bouquet of wbite button chrysantbemums. Her only attendant was ýMiss Ber- nice Lorber of Cbicago, a former classmate at Hillsdale college in ,Michigan. Lier dress was of green metallic transparent velvet. Hier accessories were, brown, ber large bouquet was of mabogany and gold cbrysantbemnums exactly hike, the flowers used in decoration for thie wedding. Raymond Hilton of Wilmette acted as best mani-. Mr. Eckvall and bis bride motored soutb on their wedding trip. They will be at borne after November 1. at 419 Linden avenue, Wilinette. act;vties w S cilcircle By JEAN TEN BROECK % a - ý

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