Octoer 8, 934ni ii u -w ~we, w w., _______________________ -y, ~.mr £ r,~39 Two-Day Rummage' Sale Next W.ek, Guild Benefit ,Clothing (both summer and winter) for boys and girls,. men and women, for, -infants; bits of bric-a-brac, pieces Of furniture, articles for use in' bouse- holds, shoes,'and rhats, and many other items. will he offered at the Rummage sale the Women's Associated gui s of St. Augustine's Episcopal church w~ill hold Wednesdav and Thursdav of next week. The doors of the Parish House will be. open at 8. continuing on through the day. MIrs. S. Bigelow Halev is genieral cliairman, assisted by a group of church women who will be on dutv both days for. two hours at a time. Members of the parishi and others interested again are urged to make a final search in their homes, in everv nook and crann. Something thev have mav no0 longer fit into the schenîe of ýa nev home, into a new mode of interior decoration, a new ardrobe, but wvll be the exact article -for whicli some one el.-e ;s searchmng, is needîng desperately. Articles contributed wvill be called for if donors cannot (leliver them to theI Parish Flouse. if 'Mrs. Haley is notified at ber homfle, 1434 Lake avenue. Pa de~Car Rayhutf-Richter Photo .irs. Ean hE. Grahamn of WiI- i nette is general chairmon of the all-day educational con fcrcnce spon.- sored bv thle Parents' council at thec National Colleqe of Education ini hiz'anstoi on October 24. Admirai Ciuverius WiII Speak to Juniors Tonight lSle for SI. M rof Rear AdmniraI Wat T. Cluvecritis w~ill , hilanithropydeateto Ithie speaker at the Guest niglit meet- the \Voxan's Club of Wilmette, is ing oi the junior auxiliarv of the Won hlaving its da\ for sewing for St. an~ - Narv 's Epîscopal home Friday of ai(sCluh) of \Vlniette ibis eveningiisvekMssLuaD yisein (Thursdav at 8 o'clock. lhswe.MisLuaDvi ein AdmiaI luveins conniaîdat ~chairman, Mfrs. W. E. Robertson, is iii.. the ira Cvitîthoinindntofcharge of the luncheon. Navl dstict issoglî afer The speaker during the luncheon as, a speaker,. paricularl\ an after- 1 hour is a member of the speaker's (limier speaker. His naval training wvas 'bureau of St. Mary's home. on board a four-niasted schoonier, but Sewîig' commences at 10 in the silice the Xorld war he bias been at i morning. and to ibis work the phil- Great Lakes. Menibers of the auxiliarv 1 nhovdprmn ftecu n are invie(] to hriqg guests, as the speak - vites aIl womnen of the village, re- er~~~~~~ ~~~ th1aet haIeItle f"htgardle ss of whether or not they are Happenis at S,'ea." will bave especaiaImembers of the club.. To the lunch- appeal to n ien. jeon. wvhich is served ai IlooR, ifothers Imav bring school children. Garden Club lea Mrs. Harry Kimbark, 1312 Cleve- NIr. and Mrs. Edward Gould of land aven-ue, eniertained the Evans-1 New York and Osierville, Cape Cod, ton junior League Garden club at are leaving ioday after a visit with tea Tuesday, on the occasion of its- their daughîer and family, the Harry regular monîhly meeting. Kimbarks, 1312 Cleveland avenue. BoJ&S1~T do Friday and Saturday 0nIy NEAPOLITAN CAIKE Rich threc-Iayer concoction.. AsSORTED3 MINCE.91 Pis . .. 2 DATE AND NUT COFFEE CAKE ý b The whole family wilI onoy it ..............& I.w *UTTE.R.FLAKE. ROLLS 2 Light as the proverbial feather, Doz............l VEAL LOAVESi3 Individual size. WilI serve two...........C Full of fresh vegetables ...... 5c Bake Shop-Street FloorÀ WIEDOLDT9S-EVANSTON On Davis Street Wilme*1'e,1100 GLAMOUR The black and, whif, dinner dress with bodice of silver lamé-shouIder corsage of red roses nestieci undeir a delightfully fIaftering- collar. Skirf of biack crepe, with ankie kick, plaits. Qiher dinner dresses and formais 17.75 up. See Our A deertisement onv Page 26 Edgar A. Stevens, lune EVA NSTON Octobee 18, 1934 il lu ir ir ic y ir ic v 45e.