WPresentWith PrideJ,'a Comlt 1943 eeon of Nationally -Recognized For Years as Leaders in Arch-iType Fashion' Shoes A 'striking selection -of fas.hion- able foot wear in modes for every daytÎme hopur and occasion. .. . .. . . .. .. . . Pumps, straps and oxford types.. . in soft suede and sleek kid or calf .. . many attractive combinations. Black, of course,1 and the ricli autumnal browns sponsored by Fashion for the new season. Dainty cul-cuis adornthe dress-_ ier shoes, as do touches of con.- fra»sting trim, nove1 pe rforations, interesting stitched freatments. '4. t. k For Yeairs You Paid As High As $8.50 aind '$1050. Now Offered. at $ 50 Pair The snappy model, above, is one cf the noted Red Cros 'Cobbele shoes.. pre-eminent wherever smart Sporfswomnen foregather. If is but one cf the shoos avail-, able at fkis new Iow price.' Foot wear .SOlon-,Street Floor North. Shcre women Wil b. t+ho first, to admit that Red Cross is .synonymousiwith fcotwer Mode and footwear comfort. WIEDOLDT S-EIIII.VANSTON o. Davis Street' SHOP WITN A CONVENREENT CHARGE ACCOUNT WiImette 1100 OCTOBIER 18, 1934