LORDS Is ý-H'eadq uartersfr Every E.1ectrica ce -ppýtan "As You Like It"' SiIk Hose LUX FREE Regular-sizo box with every purchasîo. Lrds recommends Lux flakes. Everywhere Smart Women Gather They Talk About Lord's New Inexpensive Dress Shop 09a5 To $10.95 jSelect AlImo st a SComplete Dress Ward robe at Any One of These Prices 0 SPorts. Dresses 0 Street 'Dresses *Business Dresses e Afternoon Drese4. *Cocktail Dresses Hundreds of dresses to choose fromi Crepes. woolens and nov- elty fabrics. Tunics, two-peoce ef- fects. A weaith of detail includingj miefailic ff ects, fur, moire -trim- mings. Women's and misses, regu- lar sizes and. H A I F:S1Z ES. LORD'S-Seco-nd Floor FOUNTAIN SQUARE Dorvu:orrnEvamnst Smart New. Robes. for Every Member of the Family FOR DAD Carefully tailored of fine, al-. w oo I flannel and gen.rously proportioned. Colors are"Navy. Maroon, LIght Blue, Brown and Green in small, medium and large sizes. LORD'S-First Floor FOR MOTHER $4.95 Wonderfully w a r m a n d com- fortable robes of 1000/. pure wool flannel. Navy, C o p en, Rose, Red a nd Green in small, medium and large sizes. Other tailored robes $5.95 fo $1 0.95. LORD'S-Seconid Floor FOR BROTHER $395s Looks iust like Dad's only if is ovailable in striped patterns of brown or blue. Sbawl collar, one pocket, silk fringed beIt and smoked peari buttons. Sizes 8 fo 14. LORD'S-First Floor FOR SISTER 1 $3-9a5 Girls will adore themi Tailored models in Navy, Copen, Rose, Red or Green with ail-around beit, deep pockets, peari but- tons. Sizes 7 to 16 years. Others $1 .95 to $4.95. LORD'S-Second Floor FOR YOUNGSTERS Robes like these are a neces- sary part of every liffleftts ward-obe. 10 0 /.p ur e wool flannel in every wanted shade. Sizes 2 to 6 y ea r s. Others $1 .95 to. $4.50. LORD'S-Second Floor ,A nticipote Christmas Gift-Giving No W. Every. Woman Has Need for a "Softie"" The best part ofthem is that you can wear thern in se rnany swanky ways. Nôiveltyfabrics in Auturn shades adorned with a swank quill. Hat Box-First Floor . They're Washable Capeskin. Pul-Ons. Se soft and pliable a capesi ta yeu '11 alrnost think ifs kid. Black and brown in classic and novelty stylos. LORD'S--First Floor & WILMETTE LIPE Bidai Double BlaInkets Hëesa 70%/' wool DOUBLE bla nket, 70x8O, that.weighs 4)/2 bs. If cornes in bledk-plaids in monrt celer cornbinations and is sateen beusnd. Very speciall .LORD'S-FPirst PFloor FREE PARKING..I With 'Direct Entrance OCTOBER 18, 1934 BUY ON OUR LIBERAL PA YMENT PLAN New Double Carbon,,A rc Sun-HeaIth Lamp Ail thé benoRis of rnid-summr sunshin. overy dey of the year. Science reproduces ultra-violet raya and Vitarnin D $45 d# through this lamp. Completé with goggles, carbons and 5 4 6. foot extension cord at* the loweit price ever offered. An pad New Day Eiectric Washers Philco Transitome Auto Radio $3 9*95mîete Enjo y the glorbous ton*e nd per- fect reception of this all-electric r a d i o. Wonderful performance speeding along or parked. In- stalled while you wait in any camr. $4 DOWN. RADIO SERVICE on rny ae of ra-l dio...exprt ork A mericals Greatest ONLY $4.95 DOWN ... a fully guaranteed electric washer with every new feature is almost umbelievable at this price. Made by a prominent manufacturer in apple green anoal. Corne in and lot us demonsfrate if. $4950 New Day Eiectric Ironers, $3 9150 ONLY $3.95 DOWN ...an autornatic electrie irener in a sensational offerimg. Full size 26x4l/2 inch nen-sag roll gives 3,000 square inches of ironing surface per minute. Dual con-, trois. Baked-on enarnel finish. You Can Get Ai Foreign Pro grams Direct 45-L$599 SeeIiNEWl1935 ONLY $6 DOWN.. even our gêneraI manager. John D. Fimch, was unconvinced until he tuned in France and Spain himnseIL Corne in any afternoon befwee n 2 and 4 and hear these foreign breadcasts. The cabinet is- most decorative. The value is notable. Crosley Shelvador $99050 If yeu could order an elec*ric refrng. erator built te your individual specifi- cations you couId mot find itfany more oxactimg in satisfying yeur evory want and neod than the Crosbey Sholvador. lits Many outstan ding features provide untold cenveniences. lis dependable rofrigeration unit brimgs long, trouble- fre. service. Ifs ecenerny of oporatios and I o w c o si t are unsurpassed. Hooer Specials These Are Previous Models Re- constructed at the H Iooper Factory PAY ON LY Sesationoal vaIuos.-.overy onel Cern- plotoly ro-builî andgueramtoed for on. year. Equipped witlî new ball-bearing beating-sweoping brush; new bag. cord and beIt. Dusting tools a re available. Limited Quauiity Make IMmediate Selection irFOUNTAIN SQUARE, EVANSTON L OR D' Phone Wilmette 3700 QUA L ITY -f - - - ------ ---- Model B-43,. 1135