Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Oct 1934, p. 29

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Ocobr 8 134UTWLME~ 'w --w -WAA.TTEA LIFE 29 Mothers,* You Sol SeTatý N. T. 'Girls-' Club ModelI Ki tchen, Hieh School Group Takes- Tl From Century of Pro gress The, model kitchen of the Girl club of New Trier Righ school wa formally opened last Friday nigh wben the, officens of the club, wit Miss Elizabeth E. Packer,. deanc girls. and Miss Lulu Wright, facult sponsor of the club, enjoyed, in th adjoining clubroom, a dinner pré pared in the new kitchen. The club itself financed the equip ping, and even the constructionc this noom, a small projection havir been huilt into a corner -of the higi school building. The room neces sarily constructed below the kitchei wvill be coniverted into a powde noom, it is planned, when club fun< are available for this purp'ose. Follow Fair Mo4els Reminiscent of kitchen~s in th- niodel houses at A Centurv of Pr( ,gress is. the Girls' club's newv pro ject. The steaks for the inaugura dinner were broiled in a white elec tric stove. the features of -%hich in clude useful table space above ti oven and broiler, and a built-ii Dutch ovexi. To the left of the stovg is a rnetal sink, with a built-in dish. washer for the hundreds of cups an( plates used when varions -g roup! serve 1 tea in the clubroom, a decide( iniprovement upon the- tedious te2 svstem of former davs. wben th( girls heated water ini the scboo kitchen. far from the clu.hroom, and aftef- their partv. had to, carry th( soiled dishes back to the kitcher in a bushel basket, to be washe< .Vide windows above the sink framc a picture of the hockey field, ane the illumination at night is provided b)v concealed ligbts directly- above the sink. 1Newest in, Everything Bevond the dishwasher is a métal worki table. Ahove and below the table. and ahove the stove. are verv superior cabinets to hold the ne,. dishes, and cooking' utensils pur- cha-'ed hv the girls. The newvest type of electric refrig- erator. a white one that is auto- matically lighted as the door is opened. f ills a niche in the wall op- posite the stove. The kitchen's equip- ment will be completed wvhen the girls bang their new curtains, which it is planned, wiIl be partially rust- coloned to harmonze wîtb the rust and, green funnisbings of the club- room. The walls of the kitchen are of composition material, in mottlec green and white, and tbe same mate- rial, in black and white, covers the floon. Wherever the built-in equip- ment meets the floor and wall, thc î> corners and edges have been round- ed,* to facilitate cleariing. This time-and labor-saving room is completed with, an ingenious Dutch is' door, leading into the clubroom. The ,as top haîf of the door swi ngs open, ht, but the lower haîf, which is topped ýtii by~ a wide, fiat board for serving, of remains stationary. ty Taking jealous cane of the shining he new kitchen, andchecking up on its e- of ,S- GREET HEDGEROW, THEATRE Under the direction of Mrs. josephi Pearson, who is beginning ber second year as president, the Drama Club of Evanston opens its season with a real coup. The internationally fa- mous, Hedgerow thea tre, directed by Jasper Deeter, is making its first stop on its transcontinental tour to play be- fore'tbis audience today (Thursday). In order. to arrive on this date the players rearranged eastern schedules and made a flying trip n the auto-. mobile :caravan. AT CONVENTION The Rev. Herbert Willett and Mrs. Willett, 319 Richmond road, Kenil- worth left Monday for Des Moines, Iowa to attend the annual conven- tion of the -Disciples of Christ. They will be gone until Saturday. Dr. Wil- Iett is pastor of the' Kenilworth Union church. BHiSpiney Préesident, of New Trier Sophomores The New Trier- sophomores have elected Bill SpinnypeidentKath- erine Wenter vice-president, Charlene Driver secretary, and Bill Mcjunkin treasuree. This week tbe various sophomfore adviser rooms were busy choosing. social representatives to confer with the officers concerning class activities for this year. A. L. Grinneli of the commerce departient and Miss Alma Hurst of the social science department are- the faculty sponsors for the sophomore class. AT HOMECOMING GAME Dr. and Mrs. David J. Davis, 721 Elmwood avenue, motored to- In- dianapolis and Terre Haute,, md., and Urbana, ýrecently. They attended the Hlomecoming gaine when Illinois played, Ohio. TRE ORGINAL ARHLK SHOE FOR WOMEN MADD(I'EAI .ICE condition and supplies each. time it ________________ exxx HrmI-A RCH is used by oneof the various groups MO -AC in theschool, is the Girls' clubs ar -- ERN__ SNUG INSTEP rangements conimittee. The memn- E" BANDAGE LIKE Support bers of this committee and the of- YOUR HOME NOW* METATARSAL RAISE ficers and coinmittee chairmen of the.1 club, planned'this newest club pro- Paints Varnishes e WIDTHS AAAAA...D ilect. Brashes Wallpaper e SIZES 4-10 A SINGING CANARYManrp C NORTH SHORE fa joy forever. German Rollers, Wa erP itC .Bo TER Choppers, Warbler5-aII beautifult w O T R open Tues., Thurs. and Sat. Evenings M0 Davis St. (Exclusive A rchlock Distributors) DAVIS STREET PET SHOPTeehn G oenlef eff 523 DAVIS STREET 102S flavis St.. Evaniton ephM North Shore Hotel Bldg. Gre. 9301 FOR SALE a bona mfide offer MMg *This B-LINE BOILER of 2,500 feet of water radiation is inexcellent condition and may bepurchased very cheaply, complete. with gas burners and ail controls. This bo iter was taken out so that an oit humner could be instalted. The change was made because of the more economical operation of an oit humner for automatic heat. This boiter is guaranteed to be in perfect condition., Direct inquiries to Murphy-Miles Oit Company at address below. * ECONOMY. 0 0 *For true economy use Murphy-Miles. fuel oil m.a modern oil burner. Murphy-Miles fuel oil is richer in B. T. U. content .... will go farther than other fuel ois... and delivers more heat. per- dollar. Phone TODAY, and have your tank filed at current low pries MURPHY-MILES OIL OMPNYý WiIIow Roud. West, of Skokie IIvd.. Winuetka (Plant No. 6) Wilmette .900 PHONES, Winnetka 85 Executîve Offices, 1801 Fullerton Avenue, Phone Divr. 2700 SIX PLANTS CON VENIENTLY LOCA TED SERVING THE CHICAGO.ARIA October 18, 1934 licli, Ir CI y in M.

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