WILà.TT T1iV tnber1Ry 1Q How Much D o nw ivOU be/býhe ffattstroni cLors ÇINg SPECTACW AND &Y[cr4flAS ", EVANSTON 702 Church Stiesi I WILMETTE OAK PARK 9 central Avenu.e 1001 Lake Sfreef FLEXIBILITY-Here S a prinfing organ- ization that is fruly fleible.'With produce- ion equipm.nt for aill printing operations, from idea to the mailbag, under'on. roof, w. offer th. comiplet. soilution f'o your, prinfing and advertising problems. W. can adjust ourselves insfanfly to Your requirements, whether large or 'smafl.» LLOYD HOLLISTER INC. PHONE WILMETTE 4300 i New. Trier lligh .School Newsj or sci n, .y v wheh fbs'.tyr J.'au o p Eleet Bob Eastman to viously visited. Members of the club HeadN. T Spaish lubare making a complete survey of all HeadN. T Spaish lubfossils they can find in the various Bob Eastman was elected president stone quarries of the Chicago area of the Spanish club at a meetinig.held and in the strip coal mines at Coal last Thursdav. At the same time the City. They classify ail specimens and club elected Antoinette Russo vice-* make drawings of every species. president, jean Perrili secretary and __________ Paul Baker treasurer. The next meeting of the organization is to be 1,00 Stuidents Enjoy held on Thursday, November 8,' at WLS Barn Dance Show Paul Baker's home in Winnetka. The On Iuadsuet eeao club's regular meeting time i*s the On9huadsudnswr mn second Thursday of each month. Miss the crowd of 2,500 persons which Helen David is the faculty sponsor. attended the performance by the The officers of the club comprise an WLS barn dance troupe last Friday executive committee which will ap- night in the Leslie F. Gates gymnasi- point st udents to plan the programs um. The WLS entertainers were for he eetigs.well received by the audience, and for he eetigs.the Tri-Ship club, sponsor of the program, is pleased with its success. L. A. Hutchens to Help The club raised a substantial sum, which bas been placed in the scholar- Observe Frat Jubilee ship fund to assist deserving New L. A. Hutchens, head of New Trier's Trier boys who would be unable to, Englisb department, is one of ten continue their education without DePauw university graduates wbo financial assistance' from some out- founded Sigma Delta Cbi, profession- side, source. aI journalism fraternityý, twenty-five years ago. Tbe fraternity wilI hold, a silver anniversary celebration. Fn- day, Saturday, and Sunday, October 19, 20 and 21, at Greencastie, Ind., seat of DePauw university. Nine ofj the ten founders of tbe fraternity "are still living and most of tbemn are connected witb some phase. of journalistic work. Students View Play in' Globe Theatre at Fair Members of Miss Elisabetb Stan- wood's and, R. S. Peterson's Englis h IVA classes attended the -5 o'clock performance of "Macbetb" at the Globe theater in Merrie England Wednesday of Iast week. The stu- dents :were dismissed from tbeir last period classes twenty minutes early in order to get to the fair grounds in time to see aIl of the play. Vacation Day Loomns as Terachers. Plan Session tra dayior vaction n tlhavweek-end- New Trier vactionen tewi aeean-ex- of October 27, 28, and 29.. There is tbe no school on Monday, October 29, because of 'the meeting of the Lake Shore division of tbe Illinois State Teachers' association at Ev- anston. Ail New Trier teachers will be attending that meeting. ELECT OFFICERS Tbe C ommerce club is planning to hold a meeting today (Thursday) after scbool to elect officers for the 1934-1935 term and to discuss plans for the organization's Hallowe'en Party to be held on Saturday nigbt, October 7, at the home of D. E. Johnson in Wilmette. Mr. Johnson is the faculty sponsor of the club. Sehool Mourns Death of Popular Teacher The flag on the New Trier Cam- pus was 'flying at haif mast this week in memory of Winnifred Mickey Von Meding, New Trier graduate with the class of 1922 and member of the music facultv for ten years from 1924 to 1934. Mrs. Von Meding died Sunday night. The account of ber death appears elsewhere in this issue. Persing to Address Teachers' Meeting Chester L. Persing, freshman boys' advisor and member of the Englisb department, will speak on the sub- ject, "Discovering tbe Reading In- terests of Maladjuisted Students" at the library section meeting to be held in connection with the annual confer- ence of the Lake Shore division of the Illinois State Teachers' associa- tion at Evanston Township High school on Monday, October 29. Miss Eleanor Libbey, New Trier librarian, is chairman of the library section and will preside at the meet- ing of this group. Another New Trier teacher, Mrs. jane Lighter, head of the home economics departmnent, is chairman of the home economics section of the Lake Shore division. W. S., Brown, manual. education in- structor at New Trier, is on the reso- lution'committee of the division. L- QUESTION NO. 1 A crabbed old' gentleman' prom- ised his niece $1 ,000 if she woulcl nof marry for six years. Is such an agreement legal? ANSWER Generally if has been held thaf if is nof legal, being against public policy. Avoid future trouble by taking advan- tage of the skill cf our Master Craftsmen in preparing and Fiffing your glasses. NEXT QUESTION "When does a young man affain his majority?' Watcls The Evanston Revieu, of Nov. 1 for the answer to tAis question and another 'very interesting question Freskmfnan Night B rings 0ut 65 Dads at '"Mixer" Sixty-five fathers turned out for the first fresbman dad's night "mixer"' in the Tri-Ship club room last Thurs- day. night, wben the boys of W. J. Aschenbach's, Gordon Van Kirk's. and H. C. Pifer's adviser rooms were. bosts to their fathers. Le Roy E. Harvey, 131 Sixteenth st reet, Winmette, and bis son, Jack, carried' off the bonors in the ping pong tournainent, which was one of the features of the evening's informai program. Two more freshman dad's nights are being held this week, one tonight (Tbursday) and another on Fridav night. The Thursday nigbt "mixer"; is for the boys of J. C. Schumacher's, ,W. S. Brown's and Robert E. Gatten's adviser rooms and their fathers. On Friday night tbe boys in the adviser rooms of Kenneth Funkhauser, G. H. Flaningam and R. C. Routsong wvill be hosts to their dads. Bill Fowler President of Sehool Geology Club Bill Fowler of Kenilworth was elected president of the Geology club last Friday. Other officers elected weie: Bob Cutier, vice-president. Greogc- Frazer, secretary, and Harry Levine, treasurer. Three of the offi- cers, Fowler, Cutler and Levine, and a fourth member of the club, Charless H-ahn, hast Saturday madea trip to a f- 1 WILMIETTE' LIÉE . October 18. 1934.