Tum bie,Test of School fe i'ugn-an.- FROM FIELDS M~ Prove Their Claim to Fame After ail, children's clothes prove their superiority during school days- they inherit- the duties 6f play clothes as well as'dress clothes-duties that are not demanded of them during the Summer months. That's the reason wve welcome this chance to convince mothers ihat Field Quality is dependable under the most trying circumstances-that Field clothes are Iess expensive in the service and satisfaction that they bring! FOR THE SMART YOUN LADY--A SWEATER AND SKIRT A navy blue box pleated skirt with button-on Waist, sizes 7 to 12 ....................35 And to wear with the skirt, a navy blue cardigan with a slip-over sweater with horizontal stripes in contrasting colors (sizes 8 to 12) ........5 A JACKET AND SUIT FOR THE CLASSROOM A Plue or brown flannel Eton with a belted coat,' shorts and blouse. a dressy school suit that solves your problem. Sizes 4 to 10.........$3.75 And a Melton cloth jacket for the older boy ... .4' heavy, warm and suitable for ahl outdoor wear. in blue, brown and green, sizes 8 to 18 .... $SM5 FOR TINY POLK.. TWO IMPORTANT, ACCESSORIES, A 2 - piece pajama ensemble with Scotties stenciled.on the front of the pajamas andthe bottomn of the kimono. The Pa- jamas are white trimmed with blùie and the kimono i 1s soid- blue. Sizes 2, 4 and 6.$9 With the same Scottie motif is a water proof high chair pad with removable cover. In Pink or blue, seersucker or pique ................$9 ACCESSORIES FOR BUSY NANOS AND *USY FEET Warm, s t urdy, fleece lined one-clasp cape skin gloveSL in black or brown.. .........$125 English seamless haif- socks of plain wool with 3x6 r In walnut or navy ...:...........Sc English* seamless y4 socks like the above (navy and russet) -75C And th ese dainty littie patent T-straps with welt soles. In sizes 854 to .2 .. ... 5 Si Zes IZ2/ to 3 PM2 It's Great Fun to B ringj the Children to Field's Evanston Store THE EVANSTON STORE 0 CHURCH AND SHERMAN MARSHALL FIELD & COMPANY OCTOBER 18, 1934 o r. e *5 T~cNs VANSTON STORE