aOct.ber 18, 19à4àW; A. ATF 1 in I q IAHERNE IN CONSTANT INYMPH Winnetka Comnmunity, theater will present "Thte Constant Nyrnph,' anous as the novel by Mlargaret Kennedy, Titesda3 anid Weditcsday, Octo- ber 23 amti 24 Anong the sponsors are Mr. anid Mrs. James Porter, 31fr. aund Mrs. 1,iliiarth Ickes, Mrs. Brown (CaId:,(ell. Mfrs. W-illiam11 G. Hibbard, .Iir.'anid lbs. Thtomas Ijlli<tt and Victor Iilting. The film is not only of literary interest but it is an example of what can be accomplishjed in the: movies as a resuit of artistic under- staniding. Special music was written 1 I)y thé' famous modern composer lgene Goossens. The story portrays the famiîv life of a self-exiled. Englishi musical genius. The first part with its lovely TvroJean setting. manages to capture a surprising anlount of the essential glamour that surrounds the Karen- dehutte. \Vild, wilful and lovable in a turmoil of- gaiety and tempera- ment, old Sanger is "sketched lightly and charmingly. Mac Tine bas saîd: -It is a film of exqjuisite delicacy vaguely distur- bing, thrilling, saddening. TÉhe act- ing-all of it-is some of the rnost perfect that I have ever seen. I recommend The Constant Nymph as a phiotoplav of worth and interest.*" The next picture in the series, Tuesday, October 30, ill be "A Nous la Liberte," a gay farce directed by Rene Clair. DAUGHTER BOËN Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd M. UdelI, 302 Park avenue, announce the birth of a nine-pound daughter on October 15. The baby was born at the home of Mrs. Udell's parents in Berlin, Wis. The baby's father is the son of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Udeli of Wilmette. He and his mother drove to Berlini on Monday to see. Mrs. Udeli and the 1 baby. Miss Virginia, Jones, 'daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Hilton Ira JOnes, 1538. Forest avenue,:,who is a freshman at the University of Arizona, bas re- cently been pledged to Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. YOUROLD FUR COAT bas a. TRADE-IN value titis year. Apply It toward a gorgeons new MILLER fur coat or elotit coat at present low prices. Buy your wln. ter coat now - proteet yourselt againit rising prices-use yoir«old ceoat as a deposit. miNIR voiTgc . 184 le. MICHIGAN AVE., Cideago Youthful Democrats Meet; Arrange Dance The New Trier branch of the Illi- nois Young People's Democratic league held a meeting Monday night at the home of Mrs. William M. O'Connel]. Over fifty representatives from the four north shore towns were ini attendance. The district leader, Thomas J. Lynch, and the candidate f rom' Glencoe for County commis- sioner, Walter A. Rooney, addressed the young people. Plans were laid for a supper dance to be held at the Vista del Lago club, Friday, October 26. AIl young voters are invited to attend this dance. Tickets* can be se- cured through John Patterson, 918 Linden avenue, Wilmette. William «McGivern, 865 Pine street, Winnetka, George Kriete, 325 Oxford road, Kenilworth, and Joe Fisher. 271 Scott avenue., Glencoe. Mr; and Mrs. J. F. Anderson and thleir son, Bill. of Newark. Dela., are leaving Saturday after visiting the George WN. Steivarts. 2403 Iroquois road. EXHIIT Cntining tintil Nov. 1 and French. and SmaII Antiques. SALE Nec1w T/ings Arriving Dail ' Discount to dealeee The Little House of luterest 813 Chestnut st. Winn. 2574 SPECIAL THIS WEEK FUDGE-Honie Made T oelteNU.Choeolate L .4O .MarshmiaIIow. mapie Nu t.....M 0 744 Eim St., Wln;netia -WIBn579 306 Center Ave., HIghla.nd Pk. H. P. 1717 WANTED I will buy meu's used guits shoes, overcoats;- alse fur - coats.Býest prices. Prompt U servIce.W J. MARKS-Uni. 0347 Sterling Silver B read and Butter Plates -in a selection that cannot be e qualled anywhere for quality and price- each a Fine addition to your own silver Service, and an ap- propriate wedding gift. Patterns îllustrated range from $35 to .$90 the dozen. SPAULDING-GQRHA.M EVAN STON 1636 Orrington Avenue CHICAGO OAK PARK. October 18, 1934 ýWILMETTE LIPE