Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Oct 1934, p. 20

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WILMETTE. LIPE October 18, 1934 Methodist Church Reverend Amos Thornburg, mninster The ininister's sermon theme for the Il o'clock worship service next Sunday mornlng wihi be: "The. Possible You."* The music for Sunday morning is as follows: Organ. pi'elude-"Adagio"l (VI Syrn- phony> .... .......W idor Introt-"Grant Me True, Courage, Lord" Bach Anthein by the choir--Seek Hlm That Maketh the Seven Stars" ... Rogers Offertory anthenm-"Lord, foi' Thy- Ten- der' Meî'cy's Sake".......... Farrant Organ pos.ýtlude-"Pî'eluide and Fugue in 1D. Minoi,'........................ Bach The Churc-h school meets each Sunday nmorning at 9 :30 o'clock. There ar'e classes for ail ages froni the nursery to the aduit departnient., There are newv enroliments each Sunday morning. The annual H-arvest Home dinner and reception to the new minister and' his family will be held Friday evening of this week. The reception will be held at 6:30 o'clock in the Wonian's rooni. Din- ner wlll be served at 7 o'clock. The Wom-an's Home Mlsslonary soci- ety meets today (Thursday) at 2 o'clock in the Woman's room. Topic:, "Citizen- ship."1 Information on election biy Mî's. Frank Br-igigs. Movie problems: Mrs. Harry Mons. Devotions: Mrs. Hope Kerwin. The Rev. Phllip Lee, pastor of the Chinese church, Chicago, will ring. The guest speaker ,ill be the new North- ern district president, Mrs. Orville Mur- ray. Hostesses: Groups 1 and 2. A rummage sale is belng sponsored by the Woman's Aid society today andj tomorrow, October 18 and 19, at 1141 Greenleaf avenue. Chairman: Mrs. C. E. Burgess, 1534 Highland avenue, Wil- mette 4051. AIl women are urged to send rummage to this sale. The choir meets for rehearsal each Thursday night at 8 o'clock under the direction of Miss Marie Bncie. Tenors are wanted. The Sixth division will meet Tuesday, O ctober 23, at 10 o'ciock, with Mrs. Glenn Sensiba, 713 Maclean avenue, Kenil- worth. Mrs. Leo MeShane, co-hostess. The fail meeting of the Methodist Women's association of the Rock River conerecewill be held Wednesday, October 24, nt 10 oeclock in the Wilmette Parish church. Thursday, October, 25, is Division day. The foiiowing divisions will meet: First-12 :30 p. m.-Luncheon-Mrs. C. A. Lundbcrg, 1010 Eimwvood avenue. Second-10 :30, a. m.-Mrs. George Hoffman, 66 War'wick avenue, Winnetka. Mrs. H. E. Poronto and Mrs. William Harvey, co-hostesses. Thlrd-12 :30 p. m.-Luncheon-Mis Paul A. Rensch, i639 Highland avenue. Flfth-10 :30 a. m.-Mrs. W. W. Rogers, 622 Central' avenue. The Girl Scout Leader's' association meets Tuesday evening, October 23, at 7,:30 o'clock in the Girl Scout rèoni. Oui' Brownie pack, for girls frorn 7 to 10 ycars of age, is in need of a lead.3r and assistant before meetingscan be started this faîl. Anyone interested in this fas- cina tîng. progî'am wlth these little gir'ls ls asked to get in touch wlth Miss Lii'e Mae Humphnies at the churçh office. The followîng Scout troops for boys and girls ineetin this churcli: Girl Scout Troop 1-Thursdays at 7:15 p. ni. G irl Scout Troopî 2-Thursdays at 3 :4.5P.ni.m Girl Scout Troop 4-Tucsdays at 3 :45 P. ni. Boy Scout 'Troop 3-Thursdays at 7: 30 P. ni St. John's Lutheran Wllmette and Park avenues J. H., Gockel, pastor SERVICES 9 :15 a..m.-Flrst service. 9 :30 a. m.-Sunday schooi and junior and interniediate Bible classes. 10> a. m.-Seilor Bible ciass. il a. m.-Second service. 8 p). m.-Speclal mission service. MKEETINGS Organisation meeting of young ladiles employed on, the north shore, this eve- nlng. at 5 p. m. ; supper at 6 p m. Junior Walther leaguers', social, Fr1- day at 8 P. m. Children's Christian education classes, Saturday at 9:30 a. m., Wernesday iat 4 P. m. Choir rehearsal, Monday at 7:45 p. mi. On Sunday we.shahl observe our an- fluai mission festival. The Rev. W. H. Medier, mlssionary-at-large for the Northern Illinois district, will preach In the two morning services. The Itev. C. F. DankwMorth of Hlnsdale will deliver the mission sermon in the evening serv- ice. This evening at 8 o'clock the pastor wlll present an illustrated lecture en- titled "'Twenty Centuries of Christian Missions," showving, among other things, how the Gospel of Christ was brought to Our. pagan ancestors. The public Is ln- vited to attend this lecture, as well as the Sunday services. St. A ugustine's Next Sunday will be the 21st Sunday after Trinity. There will be Holy Comn- munion at 8 a. m., church school and Bi - ble classes at 9 :45 and morning prayer' with sermon atil a. ni. The women of the church are urged to meet Friday, October 19, at the Womnan's club at 10 a. ni. to sew for St. Mary's home, our churcli home for girls. Lunch- eon will be served at noon. Those who cannot come in the morning should endeavor to do so after lunch. IThe funeral of Mrs. Emma L. Pringle, 1144 Lake avenue, was held in the church IMonday, With- burial at Oakwoods ceme- tery, and the funeral of, Mrs. William von Medihig (formerly Miss Winnifred Mickey) was held in the church Tuesday, with burial at Graceland cemetery. At the latter funeral the New Trier High school octet sang a selection from Bach and the Girls' Vested choir, of which Miss Mickey had been leader before her marriage, sang. On October 25 at St. James' church, Chicago, the Woman's auxiiiary of the diocese wili hold its jubiiee meeting. There wili be holy communion at 10:30, with Bishop Stewart as celebrant, fol- lowed by an address by Mrs. George O. Clinch, luncheon at 12:30 and a final ses- sion at 1 :30 to hear "Echoes of the Gen- erai Convention" by-delegates just re- turned. No reservations are necessary for the luncheon. A large delegation of the teachers and officers in our church school attended the first session of the North Shore Institute School for Teacheî's last Monday nîght.. The school will continue for the next five Monday evenings beginning at 7 :30. Today those especialiy interested in the work of the Church Mission Help among Friendiess Girls are meeting at St. James' churcli, Chicago, at il a. ni. for a coî'porate communion. Mrs. WVil- liam Figueira of 411 Laurel avenue Js our local representative. The rector bas reserved. seats foi' the civic fareweli -in honor of Commander' Evangeline Booth of the Salvation arnmy to be held at the Auditorium theater lin Chicago on Thuî'sday, October 25, at 8 P. ni. The seats wili be given to any Who wouid like to attend. The Rev. F. C. Tromp has begun work at St, Augustine's. as assistant to the rector. Wilmette Baptist. Wilmette aànd Forest avenues Rev. George D. Allison, pastor "The Answer of God" Is the theme of Dr. Alllson's sermon for Sunday morn- lng, continulng the significant series from the'book, of Job. A large group of members has foliowed through the read- lng of this book inctober. It is flot too. late for yôu to Join thern, brlnglng your problems té the Midweek conference, for discussion. The chorus choir under the direction of Miss Lydia Kochi meets for rehearsai every Thursday niglit. The rally service, "uligthe King- dom of, God," was a great occasion for oui' Chunch school last Sunday. Classes wili meet as usual duning the remalning Sundays et- the fali quarter. New pupils are being recelved fnequently. More are wanted. The Sunset club meets Suinday at 6:30 in the rear hall of the church. Joel Diekerson wlll lead a*discussion on the "Munitions Inquiry", and its relation to International good-will and Veace. The High School soclety meets at 6 in theGuild room, unider the guidance of Keith M. Jones, counselor. Jim Lamb's group, the Fellowship commission, is due for Uts turn at ieading the service this week. Our midweek service, Wednesday at S, is a place of genuine inspiration and eomnradeship. Comments on the reading of. Job, praise service and a message froin the pastor make up a valuable hour to which ail are welcome. First Con gregational John G. Hindley, minister "Life Changers" is thle subject of the second in a series of sermons which the Rev. Mr. Hindley is preaching on "Mak- ing Pull Use of Our' Religion," at the il o'clock service next Sunday morning. The mnu:ical prograni for this ser vice follows: Prelude: "Pastoral".......... Schminke Anthein: "Praise the Lord, O Jei'usa- len" .......................... Adams Junior choir Anthemn: "0 foir the Wings of a Dove"- 2Mendelssohn Postinde: Senior choir -Sketch in C Mýajoi - Schumann The Young People's group meets at 5 :30 on Sunday afternoons -under the leadership of Francis Hayes. - Open to ail high schoolers. On Monday evening, at 7 :30 o'clock, the Board of Religious Education Nviil mneet at the church. The East End circle will meet at the home of Mrs. S. A.. Wheelock, 822 Cen- tral avenue, Monday, October 22. Luncheon will be served at 12:30 o'clock. Mrs. Wheelock will be assisted by Mrs. J. C. Gapen of 919 Elmwoiod avenue and Mrs. Myron H. West of 916 Greenleaf avenue. Church night will be ob.sei'ved this evening, October 18, with a Fellowship dinner for ail the menibers and attend- ants of the church. Cub Pack 63 meeting on Satiiida * vat 9 :30 a. mi. at the church. Ahl boys of 9, 10 and Jil years of age are invited. Scout troop No. 1 meets on Tuesd.i'y at 7:30 P. ni. Scout troop No. 2 mieets on Wednesday at 7 :30 P. ni. Girls' choir rehearsal at 3 :30 p. ,ni. Thuî'sday. Boys' choir rehearsal at 4 P.ini. Thuî's- day.. Senior choir rehearsal at 7 :15 p. in. Thursday. Girls' choir rehearsal at 10 :30 a. ni. Sa turda y. Boys' choir rehearsal at Il a. ini. Sat- urday. First Presbyterian Ninth street at Greenleaf avenue James T. Venekiasen, minister Our morning worship service will be held at il o'elock. The minister wilI l)ieach on the theme, "*An Unnecessary Famine," one of the great messages froni the prophets. We cordially invite you to worship-with us. During the morning worship houî' our Junior church will care for the littie folks so. that the parents may be free to attend the church service, The morning worship: musical service wiil be as fol1lows:- Prelude, "Jesu, Joy of Man's Deeining,"1 Bach;. antheni, "Je- sus Oniy,"l Rotohi; .91010, "Song of Peni- tence," Beethoven, Edward Otis, soloist; postlude, I'Triumphal March"l, (Sigurd Jorsaifar), Grieg. Miss Enma Rounds Is pianist and director. Our'Bible séhool meets at 9 :30 in ail departMnents, unden the general direction of Raîpli H. Rice, superintendent., Our Aduit Bible class meets for study at 10 o'clock. We wili study torn ext Sunday "The Conversion of Paul" We Invite you to meet wlth Us. The Tuxis society, oui' high school group, and the Forum, oui' college and post-college group of young people, willl have a union meeting at 5:30 o'clock. Refreshments wlll be served. Atter refreshînents the meeting wlll be held. Dean Frederick A. Kahler of. New. Trier Hlgh school wlll speak on "The Impor- tance' of Education." We Invite aIl the young people to nieet wlth us. Sunday even ing at 8 o'clock there willl be an anniversary service for the Chii- cago Christian Industrial league at the Fourth Presbyterian church of Chicago, Michigan boulevard and Chestnut street. The Rev. Dr. H. Ray .Anderson wlll de- liver the address. Ail who are interested in the league are invited to attend. Boy Scout troop No. 5 will meet 'Mon- day evening at the church. The spokes of the Woman's society will meet Tuesday as follows: No. 3 with Mrs. A. C. Bell, 1216 Elmwood ave- nue, for dessert luncheon; No. 8 with Mrs. J. D. Wilkin, 526 Central avenue, 1 o'clock dessert luncheon, Mrs. Ferrenz and Mrs. Miller, co-hostesses; No. il with Mrs. J. W. Davis, 6321 Winthrop avenue, Chicago, in an ail day meeting. On Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock ve will hold a special meeting of the church and congregation for the purpose of con- sîdering further operations on the build- ing of our church. Every nieinbeî' is urged to be present. Girl Scout troop NO. 5 will meet Thturs- dav afternoon at the church. Thuirsday evening at 8 o'clock there wili be a civic farewell for Commander Evangeline Booth of the Salvation armny, at the -Auditorium theater, Chicago, to whlch we are al Invited. Seats may be reserved at the office of the Chicago Fed- eration of Churches. The Northwestei'n University, A Cappella choir will sing, and there will be severai distingtilshe<I speakers. Our churcli choir will rehearse Friday evening at the church. The pastor Is awvay this week conduct- ing a conference on foreign missions be- fore the Presbytery of Rushviile at Bushneil, Ill., representing the Presby- terian Board of Foreign Missions. He wiI return for the services Sunday The pastor's class for those who -%vish to prepare for church membership will begin Sundayr morning at.9 :30 o'clock at the ('hurch. English Lutheran Seventh street at Greenleaf "A House of Worship", The Rev. David R. Kabele, pastor SUNDAy SERVICES *Sunday school. ... ...9 :45 a. in. Mforning worship il.......1:00 a. m. Luther league.... ............ 7:30 p. m. The Woman's, society will meet this afteî'noon (Thursday> at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Frank Hayson, 241 Laurel avenue, Wilmette. Choir rehearsal Friday evening at 7 :10 o'clock. The Luther league will meet Sunday evening at 5 :30 o'clock. We invite ail the young people to enjoy oui' meetings with us, The Catechetical. class will meet Tues- day afternoon at 3 :30 o'clock. The children: in thesketch, "'Alice In Thank-Offening Land," wiil rehearse Satunday nionning at 10 o'clock. We invite you to worship with ues at oui' services of wonship. Kenilworth Union Dr. HerbertL. Willett, minister Dr. Williett's subject for, Sunday, Oc- tober 21, will be: "The Church's Stnug- gle for Uity.", The church service is at ilo'clock. The Wonien's guihd will meet *Monday mornlng, Octoben- 15, at 10 o'ciock. 'The work of. the guild Is for the benefit of good. causes In which the women of the church and the community are inter- ested. Ahi women of Kenilwonth not othenwise engaged on Moridays are cor- dially invited to conie In for as mnuch tume as they can spend in this good work. The Sunday school will meet at 9:45. There are classes for childnen between the ages of kindergarten and the hlgh scbool. Visitors are welcome. 20 s I~;O NESFTHE iCHURCE a

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