October 18, 1934 UPPire Contest ClamsI'nterest of Hockey Fans, Saturday will be an eventful day in field hockey circles, for, for- the first time in the Chicago area, an ail-day umpire contest with exhibition games will be held at New Trier High school. Miss Ann Townsend, of Phijladeiphia, who for ten years has been captain of the Ali-American teami, is coming on from the East to conduct the contest, which, open to ail hockey players, is of especial im- portance to those interested in um- pire ratings. In the morning1 an exhibition match will be played between Madi- son and Chicago association teams, in the afternoon an exhibition match between the Country day and Chicago Latin school teams, the exhibition gaines giving rated unmpires an op- portunity of displaying umpiring in both school and association teams, and giving those with local ratings opportunity of seeing umpires with national ratings. WiIl View Movies In the, evening moving pictures * wil1 be shown. of English hockey teams at play to give ail applicants for umpire ratings the chance to see how tiumpirin g is to be doue before trying for thieir. own rating. About twelve north shore players are dele- gates to the contest. Saturday morning the Lake Shore * teamn of the North Shore Field Hockev association goes to North- * western to play the university team ini Evanston at 10 o'clock, with its llayers ail returningý to New Trier, probably, for the Umpire contest. *Saturdav înorning, too, Skokie and Indian Hijl teams wvill play, the game being changed, perhaps, from Skokie Plavfield to Newv Trier. Sunday, one of the, north shore teamns will play West Suburban, a single hockey club on the west side of Chicago, probablv lfl(ian Hill; thus> Ieaving, Skokie and Lake Shore to comipete. although this schedule was niot' definite Tuesday.. Continue Fine, Record Last week-end added to the record! the three north shore teamis, Skokie, Lake Shore, and Indian Hill are piling up, none of which, so far, has lost an association match. Skokie and Lake shore played twvo of the three teams of the Chicago Field Hockey association, Skokie de- feating the Midway, team 2-0; Lake Shore getting a tie with Applebee 1-1. On Sunday morning Indian Hill and Lake Shore played, a tie game, 1-1, and Skokie played Lake Shore for one-half, and Indian Hill one- 1h alf in a practice game. ENTERTAIN NEWLYWEDS Mr. and Mrs. Neil Williams, 533 Brier street, Kenilworth, who were married on October 3, have been guests at a number of festivities late- ly. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Harper of Glenview, formerly of Glencoe, gave a dinner party recently, and among others who have entertained are Mr. and Mrs. Victor Spoehr of Glencoe. who gave a buffet supper; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Boardman Hanson of Evanston, also a dinner -party. This Saturday Mr. and Mrs. John E. Whéeler of Lake Forest will enter- tain at another dinner party. Dr., and Mrs. Ralph T. Huif and their daughter, Mar-tha Ann, of 706 Washington avenue, spent last week- end at their summer cottage at Dela- van Lake, driving up and back. Mrs. H. A. VonPflugk, 533 Forest avenu,. enertaned er Mna WTIM~TT~ I = = - JL. 1 r M. TOTEMEN. WHO .DE.MAND FINE. CLOTHES:0 Presen ts Topcoa ts THE H UB 'S E VA NSTON SHOP. the Most Talked About Suits and in America!. Worsted-tex Suits Lots of men today have their elothes custom-tailored. But in a Worsted-Tex syou can meet these men on even terms ..in clothes just as correct as theirs, just as fine in appearance. And the price you'I pay is only $35. That's why we recomrnend Worsted-tex suits to men who are particular about their clothes. Knit-tex Topcoats' $3O Everybody you meet-including the man whose topcoat is an expensive importa- tion-will appreciate the sof t, rich lux- ury of your Knit-tex. For no matter how much a. man pays, he can't buy more warmith on a ýcold day, more lightness when the sun cornes out, or, more prac- tical smartness when he's got to look his best . . . than a Knit-tex at $30. TH uB HENmRyCeLYTTON &-SONS Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings Orrington and Church-EVANSTON