AScoop On the, Mcaket! SALE 0F HAND 0f a QuaIitfy Thalt Bespeaks $1 Price a AII-Quer Effects a Stripes ,0 Dots -0 Geometrics 4 Solid Colors Rappi, crepes, satins aènd foulards . . . gen. erously cut. hand-made and of resilient con- struction in thec very latest colors and1 most effective patterns. fi*e.ère ties the most fastidious man will greet with zest I virle. snappy and tua tlit isght and look weil-groomed. Put 'cm away, -for Christmas gift -living.. . stock up on a -sesons supply for yourself. Men's New Foul Shirts Are Certified Shrunk ,e29 3 for $3.70 V Broadcloth shirts in white or pastels, uncondi- tionially guaranteed as to color. Ccrtified shrunk, with inner collar linings agise shrunk, s0 they wontf cudl Tailored to fiti Our regular $ 1.55 Y qualify in sizes 14 ta 171/2. Monogrammed FREE in Color! You, May select your shirts. pay a smlII deposit. order your monogramming,.and we will hoId them, attractively wra pped for Christmas, for delivery on. Decem ber I st. Men's Shop-Street Floor, East WýIEDOLDT'S-EVANSTON On Davis Street' 116HE BEGT STORE IN EVANSToN FOR MOST PEOPLE 19, Wilmette 1100 OCTOBER 18, 1934 Her. Are Thioegs Recly Needed by NEEDLE WORK, GUILD! Two or -more articles consti- tute membership, Wou know. 2 Children's Wool Sweaters 2 Girls' Wash Dresses (7.16) 2 Large Crb Blankets 2 Chidren's Flannelotte Paîemas 2 Boys' Knickers 2 Boys' Sh.ep-Lincd Ceafs 2 Mens FIe.ced Union Suifs 2 Pairs Childr.n's Long Hose, 2Pairs Boys' Golf Hone We.are equippod to moel every requirernent for this splendid enterw- prise.. and always. ef course. offcrîîing*«More Valne Per Doflur.