16 WILMETTE LIFE -2-58 New Tier 1934 Gradua 1tes Now Engagëd in ColleeStudies Number Re>reseats 63.1,o Last Year's Class$ Two hundred and fifty-eight 'of the 409 students who were, graduated f rom New Trier High school last June are continuing their education ini institutions of higher learning, a survey, completed this week by the registrar's office, at the high school reveals. The number attending college represents 63.1 per cent - of the class. One hundred and tbirty girls and 128 boys are included in the total of 258 now enrolled at 93 different schools of advanced learning from Massa- chusetts to Texas and from Florida to California. There were a total of 224 girls and 185 boys in the class. Nearby Schoola Lead Western conference .(Bjg Ten) universities attracted the largest number of last year's graduates. Northwestern, as usual, heads the list with a total of 43. There are 27 of the 193.4 graduates ait the Univer- sity of- Illinois, six at the University , of Chicago, five at Purdue univer- sity, four at the University of Michi- gan, tbree at the University of Wis- consin, and one >each at Ohio State and the University of Iowa. The only Big Ten schools'not represented are Minnesota and Indiana. Lake Forest PopuaIar 0f the middle western colleges outside the Big Ten, Lake Forest proved to be the most popular with New Trier's 1934 graduates. Tbere are twelve members of the, 1934 class now attending Lake Forest. Nine others are at DePauw university, Greencastle, Ind., seven are at Law- rence çollege, Appleton, Ais., seven aI Grinnell college, Grinnell, Iowa, and five at Beloit college, Beloit, Wis. Many of the graduates are.at east- ern colleges. Seven boys of the 1934 class at New Trier are at Dart- mouth. Two are. at Harvard, onc is at Princeton and one is. at Yale. Other eastern schools, sncb as Cornell, the University of Rochester, Amherst, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston university, Brown, Colgate, Swarthmore, the Erskine scbool, Bryn Mawr, Chevy Chase, Vassar, Connecticut college, La Salle junior college., Radcliffe, Williams, Philips Andover academy and Sarah Lawrence« also are rép- resented. .Here's Complete List Following is a complete list of the 1934 New Trier graduates now at- tending college, together with the names of school' aI which they are enrolled:- Amherst college-Cbarles Dostal, Er- nest Estes. University of Arizona-Aliceà Free- man, William Freeman, Virginla Jones, John Iettlewell, Douglas Stevens, Rob- ert Struggles.. Armour. Institute of Technology- Thomas Llvely (wlll attend in Febru-, amy>, Robert Saville. Art Institute of Chicago-Eileen Jew- ell, Betty Palenske. Belolt colee-Ursula. Keliner, Louis: Klein, Stanley' Knight, Robert McIGulre, Louise Moses. Bennington college-Marion Sieck. Boston unlversity-Sheldon Fox, Sami- uel Smale. Bradford Junior college-Gladys Pen-, tlcoff. Brown universitv-William Chiches- ter. Bryant and Stratton Business college -Virginia Browning. Bryn Mawr colege-Esther Hearne. Carleton college-Donald Andrews, Richard Greengard. .Chaffey Junior college (Ontario,. CalIf.)-Robert Kyle. Chevy Chase junior college (Wash-e lngton, D. C .)-Marle AIder, Mary Alice Hayes. University of 'Chicago-REllzabeth Bar- den, Joe Coambs, Richard Hall, Muriel Himmel, Ruth Sager, Mary Jane Steven- son. Cleveland' Sch ogl of Art (Cleveland, Ohio)-Evalyn Evans. Colgate unlversity-Jack Byrne. Colorado School, of Mlnes-Harry Wol- den-berg. University of Colorado-Maurice Bos- ley. 1 Connecticut college-Brenna Hawley, Jane M eyer.1 colfNus Cook County'HospitalScolfNus ing-Adlyn Reinbold. Comnell college (Mount Vernon, Iowa) JoehHarrison,. Jane Johnson. Corneli university--Elwood Glass, Mary Hvid., The Cradie School of Nursing (Evans- ton)-Alma Lundcjuist, Margery Taylor. ,Daniel Baker college (Brownwood, Texas)-Onalouise Rowell. Dartmouth college-John Cuiler, How- ard Fogg,-John Griffith, James Kîngery, Cyrus MacKinnon, Gross Williams, Lewis Williams. 1Dnison uiniversity-Jane Bryson, William Burrill, Helen Clements, Rich- ard Cullen, Joan Guthridge, Katharine Idier, Ann Liddle, Betty Lindstrom. De Paul university-James Hall, Jack O' Ne ill. De Pauw university-Phyllis Carie- ton, Foster Gilgis, Betty Herrick, Kath- lyn' Holway, Mildred M.Nullen, Betty Phil- lips, Dorothy l{aggio, Betty Smith, Janet Wright. Emmanuel Missionary college (Ber- rien Springs, Mich.)-Irma Bail. Erskine school (Boston, Mass.>-Joan Sutter. Florida Military academy (St. Peters- burg, Fia.)-James Ferry. Furmanuniversity (Greenville, S. C.) --John Dlckson. Grinneil college-Shirley, Bumnett, Alice Ebeling, Marie Friedlander, Doro- thy McCoy, Jacqueline Preston, Kather- mne Rounds, Janith Wyle. Gulf Park college-Helen Bellows. Hanover college (Hanover, mnd.>- Jack Slayton. Harrington School of Professional Interlor Decoration-Hester Dillon. Harvard university-William. Bowen, Sanford Gifford. Illinois college (Jacksonville, 1II.>- Dorothy Shlelds.' University of Illinois-Edward Beler, Chester Brevitz, Caroline Calloway, Howard Carlson, Gilbert Conover, James Donahue, Grace Ellis, Elmer Erickson, Adam Gruber, Theodore Hosking, Philip Hoza, McKendre Hutchins, Mary Kath- ryn Johnson, William Katz, Frank Mc- Cabe, Frank Mueller,. Marshall Peterson, Richard Preston, Virgin-ia Radin, George Reinhardt, Andrew Russo, Ger- aid Seng, Eleanor Shapiro, Melvin Sul- verman, Asta Smidt, Elmer Young, War-, ren Young. Iowa State, Teachers' college-Helen Church (Cuda), Lorraine Russell. University of Iowa-Ellen Jordan. University of Kentucky-Dorothy Armstrong, Vivian Grigsby. Kenyon college-Miles Geringer, Da- vid Jasper', Samuel Stowell, Thomas Thackery. Knox college-Mary Louise Moreau. Lake Forest academy-Henry Hunt. Lake Forest college-Alfred Brown. John 'Cordell, Ora Jean Hazlewood, Bet- ty Hitchcock, Esther Morgan, Virginjia Nordstrom, Virginia Oakley, Jeannette Peard, Richard Sullivan, Jane Twist, Hazel Wihite, Arthur Woerner., La Salle Junior college (Auiburndale, Mass. >-Frances McNulty.. Lawrence college-John Bartholomew, Martin Bridges, Donald Easterberg, Robert Hallqulst, Alice Holloway, June Mauland, Helen Sethness. Lewis institute-Mary Louise (Mazie> Hawxhurst. Loyola universlty-Thomas McCann. Mary Baldwin college (Staunton, Va.) -Barbara Watrous. Massachusetts Iùstitute of Technology -Lester Kornblith. Mercershurg academy-Donald Cooke. Uni verslty of Michigan--Loren Green.- blatt, Louis Tloffman, James Kingsley, Betty Jane Taylor. Mtilîs college-Ru;th Anderson. Milwaukee-Downer college - Carol Jean Wellbeloved. University of Msor-olyBry- ant. Monticello Seminary-Carolne Clark. Mount Vernon seminary-Mary Jane EIder, Mariorie Truesdale. National College of Edlucation-Shirley Letipel, Eleanor Ricks, June Thrall. Nqtlonal Park semlnary-Mary Ray- mnondL Newcomb college of Tulane unlversity -Lc'ui.se Elsenstaedt. -i, Y'- -k qf-t Merchant Marine academy-Bartlett Price. North Park college (Chicago)-Mar- guerite Gaetion. Northwestern university--June Ahl- strand. Clarence Arnold, John Beam, Albert Becbteîheimer, Norman Boehmer. Gerald Brooks, Ruth Coale, George PLANS RGRA Joseph W Lechner, past grand knight of Oniiliiette council, Kiiights of Colinhuis, assistcd by other past grand kniglzts of the coînil, is inaking arranigements for, Old T'imier.? Night Io be obserz'ed by the counicil Monda y evening. October 22, iii thc Wilimette Ma- sonic temple. Featiuring the prograin Of enter tainment 7eilI be the appear- ivnce of M. Vincent Gottschalk, Inagician. Cooke, William Cray, Mary Jane Falvey, Nora. Glassenberg, Virginia Lee Graham, William Happ, Jeanne Jacobs, Randolph Jacobson, Robert Kiel, Eleanor Eliza- beth Kremer, Fred Krlebel, Lenora Kritchever, Elizabeth Kuitchar, Beatrice Levinson, Fayette Lilly, George Logan; Venita Mangel, Robertson Mathieson, John. Mathison, Peggy>,McCabe, William Melchior, John Millett, Ethel Jane Moe, Paul Moore, Althea Murphy-, Helen Os- berg, Donald Rahn, Locke Rogers, Joe Roseman, Harriet Shefner, Donald Simpson, Harrison Storms, Edward Thomas, Bertram Trlllich, Richard Withrow, Russell Wyle. Oberlin college-George Maxwell, Mii- dred Waugh. Ohio State unlversty-Maxine Living- ston. Pease college (Raleigh, N. C.-Betty Schmidt. Philips Andover academy-Edward Walters. Princeton unlversity-John Phillips. Thé Principla-Louise Cowan. Purdue, university-Bruce Ramnes. Henry Pfutzenreuter, Ralph Pfutzenreu- ter, Grant Van Busklrk, George Yeoman. Radcliffe college-Ruth Willilams. Ravenswood Hospital School of Nurs- ing-Virginia Andersen. Ripon college-Ruth Bristol. University of Rochester-Richard 01- son. Rockford college-Marjorie Hecbt. Sa-raih Lawrence college-lirances Durr. Stanford university-Harry Mînor. Stephens college (Columbia, Mo.)- Jean Campbell. Sullins college-Naney Oliver, Jean- nette Wright. Swarthmore college-Ann Mosser. Swedlsh Covenant Hospital Schoffl of Nr*ursing-Dagrnar Augdahl. Texas State College for Women--Ma- rie McElroy. Vassar college-Virgi nia Munster. Wabaah college-Robert Davis. Wheaton college (Wheaton, Ill.)- Marjorie Wedell. Wheaton college (Norton, Mass.>-. Ruth Felsenthal. .Williams college-WallaceCawod George, Stokes. 'University.«f Wiscéonsln-EmilIe Jane Gerber, Margaret Heinenian, Joy Mer- Vis. 'Yale unlversity-John Conrad. Central 'YMCA college (Chicago)- Gardner Johinsrn. Post graduate students at New Trier- Genevieve Birlauf, George Knelsly, Vio- let Lance, Barbara Miller,, Helen Perry, AIlfred Strueblng, Richard Torrey. Mrs. avenue, w'eeks' routh. H. E. Tippett, 900 bas returned from visit with relatives Central a six in the . 1 October 18, 1934 Hold Prelirninary, Meeting9s of New.. Democratic Club. Preliminaryr meetings looking to- ward theorganization of what is to be known as the New Trier Democratic Woman's club were held in Glencoe Monday and Wednesday, October 8 andl 10- and another meeting.was held the. following. Tbursday evening to nominate -officers and a board of di- rectors. The nominating committee submitted its report at a meeting of the club held at the Vista del Lago club Wednesday afternoon of this week. The meeting Monday was hield at the, home of Mrs. Edgar E. Brand. 128 Cresent drive, where plans foi. the organization wvere d i s c u s s e d. Meeting wîth Mrs. Brand, were Mrs. Howard Hickey and Mrs. W. M. O'Connell of Wilmette; Mrs. Frank R. Fuller of Winnetka, and Mrs. Thomas J. Lynch, Mrs. Chartes White and Mrs. Walter A. Roonev of Glencôe, the latter being the wife of ,New Trier's DemIocratic candidate for county commissioner. At the Wednesday meeting, held at the home of Mrs. Charles White, 845 Greenwood avenue, Mrs. Joanna E. Downes of 145 Bertling lane, Win- nietka, was elected temporary chair-, man; Mrs. Charles White, temporar%' secretary, and Mrs. Howard Hickev of Wilmette, temporary president. The following comprise the nomi- nazing committee which was ap- pointed to select candidates for the various permanent offices:' Dr. Rosanna N. McKenney and Mrs. Frank R. Fuller, Winnetka; Mrs. Walter A. Rooney, Glencoe; Mrs. Howard Hickey. Mrs. W. M. O'Connell and Mrs. J. McCue, \Vil- mette. First Aid Methods Are Shown to Optimist Club At the weekly meeting at the Shawnee club Tuesday, members oi the Wilmette Optimist club were re- galed by a demonstration of first aid methods employed by the Evans- ton Accident Prevention bureau, headed by Lieut. Frank M. Kreml, who was bonor guest. This safety squad won the -international award at A Century of Progress. Distinguished guests from out-of- town were Maxwell Holsey of New York, traffic engineer for the Na- tional Bureau of Casualty and Surety Underwriters' association, and' Bur-. ton W. Marsh of Washington, D. C., safety 'director of the American Automobile association. Special music for the occa sion was supplied by Toman's "Three Flash- ers.', VISITS AT DENISON Mrs. John A. Clements, 381 Ster- ling, road, Kenilwortb, returned by motor early, this week from"Denison university, Granville, Ohio, where she spent several days with ber daughter, Helen, wbo bas recently been pledged to Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. Miss Mary Hvid, daugbter of :Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hvid, 621 Elmwood avenue, bas, been pledged to Kappa Kappa Gamma, sorority at Cornel university, Ithaca,, N. Y.,1 where she is a freshman this.year. -o- Reed Whitney of Shawnee Country club returned on Tuesday of. last week from Boston wbere be had been