WILMETTE LIFE October 18, 1934 SUPPER FOR VISITORS Mr. and M'rs. George Coale, 322 keni!worth avenue, Kenilworth, en-m tertained at a, buffet supper last Sun- day.in .honor of Mr., and Mrs'. Fred Reemer and Mrs. Hubert Drennan of Birmingham, Ala., who are visiting in- Winnetka. EarlMo'ss, 316 Cumrxor road, Ken- worth avenue, Kenilw'orth, returned Sunday f rom lier summer home, IdIe- wild, at Sawyer, \Vis. Mrs. XV. G. Peacock accompanied lier. -o- Mrs. Lester Hulva of San Diego, Cal., is visiting lier sister's family, the junior H-enry Zanders of 736 Cui- mings avenue, -Kenilworth. Alpha Chi Omega alumnae had a bridge luncheoni at the sorority !îouse last Tuesday. MOTPORS SERVICIE Everything for A uto mobiles WINTER TUNE-UP Special - Oclober 8-13 2 5 Cylinder Regular Price 50c Per Cylinder 1. Test battery, dlean terminaIs, etc. 2. Clean and adjust points. 3. Clean and adjust plugs. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Retime motor. Check coil. Check condenser. !Check wiring. Adjust charging rate. Clean screens. Adjust carburetor for *winter (Power Prover). 721 MAIN STREET. Phone Wilmette,2600-2601 Harmony GrOup Begins A nnualI Re.organization (Contiinued, fromn Page 3)> mait to succeed Mr. Lang- will be elected by the delegates. Mr. Lang's term expires w.itb the present conven- tion, andlie will flot l)e a member of the new one. Originators of the convention en- listed the aid of civic organizations in its formation, the purpose being not oîîlv to end factional contests in Village elections, but also to attract to local public service the very high- est type of talent. Wilmette's cit- .izenslhip is rich in ahility of a higli cordler, andl the olject of the conven- tion is te imipress upon those possess- îng it that their plain civic duty is to serve tlieir coimunity for a Iimited timie. \Vith the elimuination of elec- tion ceutests, it xvas asserted, men andl xvonen of the desired calibre \voul(l net refuse to undertake respon- sihility of the mnanagement of public àaif airs. Organized in 1932 TIhie I arniony convention wvas orgaflizC(l in 1932, fîînctioning first ini the Village election of April 13, 1933. At tîlat tine the candidacy of Pres- i(lent C. P. Dubhs was en(Iorsed, and thrce candidates for Village trustees and mie canid(ate for Police Magis- trale vere noininated. Ini the election of April 12, 1934, a comp)romise mras effected, wvherehy thie tlîrce cand(idates for trustee 011 -tn opposition ticket were .ithdlravn and l)ecamne candidates on the Harîneon ticket, wbich was un1opý- Th'lose ilitereste(l in the success of the I larnienv plan assert that it is niecessarv tlîat candlidates l)e chosen as earlv as possib)le, ini or(ler thiat thev navlia ve an oI)portunity to at- tend ieietings o)f the Village board ali(l lecoifle fainiliar xith the routine of officiail)usinless before taking office.' Miss Na ncv Wilds of 244 Oxford road, Keilw\Nortiî, a fresliman at Ferr hall, entertained a groupl of 'Ferry Hall Juniior college girls at dinner Saturdav. Sa turday Night Specal Dinner THURBERS DINING ROOM 413 LINDEN AVENUE b lock west of "IL" Terminal M office. today. Our service is prompt and courteous. FURNITURE LOANS AUTOMOBILE LOANS CO-MAKER LOANS COMBINATION LOANS PERSONAL FINANCE CMPANY izi%,vc'r-ol Gordon IFarra,' RoI/rs, 1210 Grccnzc.oocl aseni ti, lii')b Serves notice lipon (Ili pî-ospecctize rabbil hnimers Io "la v off"fils fine conti- panion hi this pic/ur'. If this îcarning docs flot sif wie, odn( sic lus grauîd-daddv onmi tecul/'rit.ç. for qrand-daddy is noue allie,-titan Village Tritstec 17!e C Farrar. Gordonîthe11 son' of MrI,. and .lls. Gordon Il uylies Rogers. PLEDGES SIGMA NU Christy Brown, jr., 2228' Beecli- xvood avenue, Xilmette, wvas pledged to Sigmia Nil, national social frat- ernity, at Nortlwvestern university last iveek. Browvn is a graduate of the Asheville School for Boys, Ashe- ville, N. C. He enrolled as a fresh- man ini the college of liberal arts at Northwestern this faîl. Mr.Paul Perrv of Tuscaloosa, Ala., left last Tuesdayv after a visit with her sisters familv, the E-. -C. Hildreths, 2006 Beechwood avene. Mrs. Perrv came to attend the fun- eral of ber mother. -o-- Mr. and ,\rts. George B. Chandler of Columibus, Ohio, were guests la-st week-end of Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Clarke,- 526 Washington avenue. Tbey attended the Illinois-Ohio foot- ball game at Champaign. L-ockhead Company Busy Manufacturing Electras TWvo more Electras recently were delivered to Northwest airways by the Lockheed Aircraft corporation. The transports, which are among the fastest multimotor airliners in the worl(l complete the initial order for three Electras placed by Nortlîwest airways. Two additional planes of the same type are being buit for the air hune. In order to f111 or(lers for tù%enty-tlîree Electras under contract, the Lockbeed coliîpany lias doubled the floor space of its factory at Bur- bank, Calii., and bias increascd its payroll f rom 150 to 600 enployees ini the last few nionths. The, members of the Thursday bridge club of Kenilwortb, are motor- ing to Bensen ville today for lunch- eon at the Wellwood Tea room. i You are-sure jo lilce Ihis.week's special! Tortoni und Ras pberry Ice 413 LindenAvenue WiImette 4120 7W &mmch trot, vauton WiInette 4m Greenleaf- W81 45cý Regular 60e value (QUART). P.EACOCKS [CE CREAN LOOKS LIKE AN EASTER BUNNY WILMETTE LI FÉ Octèber 18, 1934 1 - 798 Church Street Evanston