WILMETTR LIFE October 18, 1934 R. 0. A. SPEAKER Dr. Otto Eisenschiml, authority on the study of. batties and battlefields of the world, will address the Octoc- ber meeting of thé' North, Shore chapter, Reserve Officers association toniglit (Thursday) >at' the Orring- ton hotel, Evanston. He will give a, review of the Battie ,of Shiioh of Civil war renown. Dinner be served * at 6:30 o'ciock. ARE YOU READY? Have Youë.. Changed Oai? Changed Greaie? Adjusted Generator? Battery Tested ? Anti-Freeze? Heater InstalIed? You gel complete one-stop service at BARNEY'9S AUTO SERVICE SU8 Green Bay Road Ken. 5494 Occupational Tax S lbectat Stat e C. ofC. ession A meeting sponsor ed by the Mer- cantile Division of the Illinois Cham- ber of Commerce, the purpose. of which is to discuss the 2 per cent occupational tax, will be held in the Boulevard room of Hotel Stevens. Chicago, Thursday noon, October 18 Announcements of the meeting contaiti the information that special session of the Illinois legislature will be called for the purpose of re- enacting the 2 per cent measure. 'The probabilities are, it is said, that the special session will convene about the iniddle of November. Every retail merchant is to be called upon to express himself as to wheter or not lie 1. Favors a direct sales tax if the constitution can be amended to per-. mit this. 2. Favors the present method of adding the tax as a cost item if unification can be conîpleted through- out the state. 3. Unequivocally opposes re-elhact- ment* of the tax at the forthcoming session of the legislature. The following members of the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce -have signified their intention of at- tending the meeting: J.. E. Worthen, Mrs. Florence K. Freund, Louis Redke, A. S. Van Deusen, Jr., C. E. Renneckar, R. M. Burns,, William Taylor, and Frank. Wilson, 1Mr. and Mrs. Charles Klotz,- 5501 ;Ridge road, Kenilwortli, motored- to !Northern Wisconsin last weekend.1 Tura Tout Debi Mountainus Idto Moadhly mole HBis by using the nationally known Household Loan Plan. Loans $30 to $300-only signers are husband and wife-repay in. monthly instaliments to fit in- corne-charges figured only on balance due and for nubrof days between payments-first payment is flot due for thirty days-quick, courteous, private service. Visit, write or 'phone H@uoshold Finanuce Corporation "Your Doctor of Famil,' Finances» l2nd FI., 1737 Howard St. west of"11 L", Chicago Phone: Greenleaf 2550 14th FI., 105 W. Madison .Chicago Phones Franklin 0885 11111 UI111111111111Il 1111111i H I11111 li 1 l li 111 l 1 l 1 llm L Wilmette, Ill. Fîrst Church of Christ, Scientist Tenth Street and Central Avenue SUNDAY SERVICES-il A. M. WED)NESDAY-TESTIMONIAL MEETING-8S P. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL EkERCISES-9:45 A. m. OCTOBER 21t 1934 Subjec,DOCTRINE 0F ATONEMENT READINGROOM-l148 Central Avenue Open Daily (except Wednesday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday 9 A. M. to 7:45 P. M. Saturday 9 ýA. M. to 9 P. M. The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and ail other authorized Christian Science Literature may be read, borrowed or purchased at the Reading Room. THE PUBLIC 15 CORDIALLY INVITED TG ATTEND) THE CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM. STRANDEDDEER NOW RESORT PET Airs. T. G. Nicholson ol 701 Sheridan road, Wiliicttc, is utaking friends wpidh the camp pet she cncounnercd in flhe norf h woods at Springsted Lake, Wis., lasti nmner. The deer, Iiazing 10sf ils inother ditring flhc huituîg scason last vear, iies fou nd, starving and blinid. by the owncr of flhe Springsî cd rcsort zî-ho nurscd it back fa hcalth and friskipicss and csfablishcd it as flie rcsort pet. ['halo subniiflcd by Robert Nicholson'. The Logan-Howard Pre- Schooi cir- cie, a department of the Logan-How- ard P. T. A., is to meet next with the P., T. A. on Fathers' night, November 6, at 8 o'ciock in the Howard school to liear Dr. Carleton W. Xashburne. superintendent of the Winnetka schools, speak on educational systems in Eur- ope. This promiseîs to be most inter- esting, becatuse of Dr. Washiburne's re- cent travels in the European countrie., f rom which the examples are given. Prc-School Circle The Pre-School circle extends a cor- dial invitation to al1w~ho are interested in the littie chiid to join with themn for the meetings this coming winter, andI promises an instructive program of lec- tures and study. Since the years be- tween tlhe ages of two and five are * calied ail-important in habit- forming, by most child-psychologists, it foiiows that the Pre-Schooi circie is offering a reai help in chiid training. Cali Mn:;. Normanî Fuller (Wiimette 2474) to learn more about this group., Prc-Adolcscent St!idy Groiip The Pre-Adolescent Study group an- nounces that its meetings are to be held on the third Tuesday of each month at 10 o'clock to avoid conflicting with Dr. Sadier's lectures which are being sponsored by the Central-Laurel P. T. A. 'on the second Tuesday of the month. Thirty-five members of the Pre-Ado- lescent. Study group attended the meet- ing ,iast week, whicli is about double the average attendance of last year. Additional me mbers are always wel- come, however, so save the, third Tues- day morning of the month, for tliese classes if you have, a "problemn in youn home." Mrs.:Harry Adler (Wilmette 3772) will be glad to tell, you more about the meetings. Radio Broadcasts Remember to tune in to WMAQ for the Thursdav afternoon talks on 'edu- cational problems being sponsored b> the National Congress of Parents and Teachers, -in cooperation with the Uni- versity of Chicago and tlie National' Broadcasting company. Mrs. Walter1 Buhlig, in mentioning these splendid'1 Clfton M.0 Utley Is Congre gation Men-'s Club Speaker An evening of .camaraderie, 'enter- tainment, and interesting addresses on topics of current importance has been planned by the Men's club of North Shore Congregation Israel, for its open- ing meeting to be held at the temple ini Glencoe Tuesday eveninig, October 23, at 8 o'clock. Clif ton M. Utley, executive di rector of the Council on Foreign Relations will discuss and interpret, "Current Events at Home and, Abroad." Mr. Utley, a graduate of the University of Chicago, has spent years in study abroad at the Universities of Munichi, Algier., and Geneva, and at the National Uni- versity of Mexico. He is now devoting aIl of his time to the study of current events. A. Raymond Katz, noted Chicago artist, several of whose works are hung ini the temple lounge, will speak oný Jewish art. The Men's club octet will make its first appearance at this meeting; r(e- freshments, and smokes will be served. and an informai reception heid for the many new members of the organization. This is the oniy meeting openî to guests. which the Men's club bas planned for the current season. taiks at the district conference in Evanston a. few days ago, suggested that severai P. T. A. memnbers meet at the home of onie, every Thursday at the time of these taiks, to listen and per- haps later discuss what lias been heard. Watch the newspaper'sclieduies for the exact time of the broadcast. Roorn Teas, Room* teas, in the, n ear future: October 22 (Monday), Howard third grade, Miss Gunderson's room; hostess, Mrs. Cliarles Officer; assisting. hostess, Mrs. Jesse Waiwortli. October 23 (Tuesday), Howard kmn- dergarten, Mrs. Hesse's room; liost-, esses, Mrs. Anthony Nosek and Mrs. Julius Friedlander; assisting liostesses, Mrs. L. H. Haines, Mrs. Harvey Mc- Cowan. .Octoben 26 grade, Miss hostess, Mrs.1 hostess, Mrs. (Friday), Howard first Lindenmeyer's room; Carlisle Boger; assisting Raymond Robinson. M h October 18, 1934 WILME TTE LIPE