Octoben 18,. 1934 UILMTTE LIFE SIwz Sak NOW IN PROGRESS Many North Shore res- idents will remember our former sales, and the wonderful bargains off ered then, but let us tell you that none can compare with the values offered in this sale of seasonable, new, new- style shoes (no old stock to get rid of). $400 go $6.50 Values NOW I $2.75 t. $6.50 Values *!::I::.... $2.05. $4..45. -$4.8S .50 Values YA M $34 v I~4L Schneider's Bootery. 1133 Central Avenue Wilm ette 800 Z!DO AKR Rabbi Charles E~. Shtd mon of0 North Shore Con gregation Israel, Glencoe, iwill be the guest speaker Wcdnesday, October 24, at thte inidday service broadcast over radio station WGN ai 12:30 o'clock. Mrs. Emma L. Pringle Taken by Death Friday Mrs. Emma L. Pringle died of a cerebral hemorrhage last Friday at her home, 1144 Lake avenue. Mrs. Pringle was 78, years old and was born at Day- ton, Ohio. She moved to Wilmette in 1911 and had been living here most of the time since then. She was a member of St. Augustine's Episcopal church. Surviving ber are two daughters, Mrs. Frank C. Cooper of Red Bank, N. J., and Miss Charlotte Pringle of Wilmette, and a son,.Arthur K. Pringle of Akron, Ohio. The funeral services were held Mon- day afternoon at St. Augustine's church, with the rector, Dr. Hubert Carleton, officiating. Dr. Carleton was assisted by Locke Carruthers, student at the Western Theological seminary, Evanston, and a personal friend of Mrs. Pringle. Burial took place at Oak- woods cemetery. BOY TAKEN BY DEATH Jack Walcott Webster, three-year- old son of.Dr. and Mrs. George H. Webster, died on Monday, Octôber 8, at the Webster residence, 615 Linden avenue. The funeral services were conducted Iast Thursday morning at Scott's funeral home, 1118 Greenjeaf avenue. Burial took place at Grace- land cemetery. John Campbell, 1521 Greenwood avenue, left Saturday to work for AlliedMilis in Cleveland, Mr, Camp-) bell is. a brother of Mrs. Herman T1. Reiling,, of the samne address. Mrs. Lena Kuhies Dies; Formherly Resident Here Mrs. Lena Kuhles, 48 years old, 110 Garrison street, Evanston, died Thursday rnorning of last we ek in the Grant hospital, Chicago, following a major operation. She had been a resident of Wilmette for over seven years before moving to Evanston. Mrs. Kuhles was born in Chicago .in 1886. Surviving are ber husband,. Charles Kuhies; one son, Edward, and three sisters, aIl of whom live in Chicago. Funeral services were held at the late residence Saturday afternoon at 2:30. Interment followed in Forest Home cemetery, Chicago. Prohibitionist Regan to Speak in Evanston A community rally. in the Orringtoni school auditorium, Evanston Saturday evening, Ocotober 27, will be addressed by Frank S. Regani of Rockford, wbo is candidate for state treasurer on the prohibition party ticket. Mn. Regan, who is at present acting as special deputy assessor for the City of Rockford, is a wellknown authority, on the practical processes of taxation. He bas spoken at chautauquas and for lycei bureaus f rom coast to coast as a platform cartoonist. He served in the Illinoi s legisiature, elected as a party prohibitionist. Mr. Regan -will present a way out 'of the present tax conditions when he speaks in Evangton next week. Haltemans PhotoFraming Shops at 1146 Greenlesf Reasonable W"lette 1476 Prices Al Sales Final and for Cash ILIN DSTROM9S LOCK SHOP w A A. ni M. a a si, J6. A a J6. .7à Mrs. Von Medintg, Neéw Trier MuÙsic Instruétor, Dies Mrs. Winnifred Mickey Von Med- ing, former memiber of the New Trier High. school faculty, died Sunday night at the Ravenswood. hospital in Chicago. The funenal services were held Tuesday afternoon at St. Augus. tine's Episcopal church in Minmette, and burial took place at: Graceland cemneteny. Dr. Hubert Canleton, rec- tor of the church, officiated at the services. Mrs. Von Meding was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D, M. Mickey of Winette. For years she had been active in music work along the north shore. She was a graduateof New Trier High school, class of 1922, and had been on the music faculty ther-e for ten years, 1924 to 1934. She for.- merly had charge of the girls' choir at St. Augustine's church, and until this year was director of the New Trier boys' octet, which won much praise in music circles both, on tlhe north shore and in Chicago. Six members of the octet, Arthur Katzel, Frank Christiansen, Bill McFadzean. Bertill Hiliner, Bill Casseli, and Bill Jenkins, sang at the funeral services. The other two boys were unable, to be present. Mrs. Von Meding was the wife of William Von Meding. She and her husband had been living at 4226 Greenview avenue, Chicago. Besides hen husband and parents, Mns. Von Meding is survived by two sisters. Helena of Minneapolis and Mollie of Wilmette, and by one brother, Thomas, of Wilmette., A large representation of New Trier High school students and fac- ulty members attended the funeral services.