Full 314-lb. bar, plain or almond ....... Kisses, fulilbM. 2for2 5C .. . . 25c Your doctor will tell you that in Pharmacy, as in al other tbings, experience is the best teacher. Long asso- ciation with ail the numberless details of compounding prescriptions wUll make even a pharmacist better. You can trust your local Inde pendent Pharmacist. HOSPITAL COTTON Long fibre, extra, quality, lb. roll& 29C Bot5PASTE sixe 7 ISE sheets2fr25 Squibb's Cge:a 3 3c Italian Daim 9c 44c CaoxTOOTH 47cOvaltine .'sixe52c TekTOOTH c3 PLAYING CARDS D.&R ± 45 Tec BRU SH "si3ecArtisticaliy P n ' id 5c2. _______ _______ _______ _______GIBSON _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Highest quality lin- en at ancomparably Iow prices, froni Alavm Cloeku Sturdily bujikeeps accur- ate time, . 9 $1.25 value . . . Vick's vajn Jub 35e size . . 24c $yr. Cocllana l'o.,39 4-oz ...................... 9 ]Efedron Jeu>y,49 <Hart's) ...........49 Beii's Piste Tar,43 60e size........ Asîirisi,3c 100 tabiets .......... . .3 c Hialier 0>11 Capsules, ~ ? plain, 50 ............. ... 1 2 Rel*.. 49c 15 iX, ...... .....53c I)itoi, 7 25c size17 Laxative Broiiii) Quinine. 30e se..........c Pertusslîi,, 60e si4ze .. ................ 49 Li-steie....................0S C Nature's Remedty, 7 25e size ............. 7 Willlim's Shaving, Créam 39 50e size ...... ..............39 brushesV 50e -ize............39e Bird Seed, 23c Kaempfer's................. Fish Food, ... Kaempfer's...................9 Wils6n's Cleaner,24 35c size...............24 Lysol 23 Aiiaigesle Bulna Bengue ....................... Peroxide Parke, Davis~, full pintý ..... .. . . . . .. .3 c llnrC011, fulpnt .............. .........39 RIDGE AVE. PHARMACY SNIDER-CAZEL DRUG CO* 901 Ridge Road Phone Wilmette -316 1167 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wilmette 4M1 LYMAN PHA&RMACY 400 Linden Avenue Phone Wilmette 4M BLANN PHARMACY RENNECKAR DRUG CO. 400 Green Bay Road (Kenilwàrth) Phone Kenilworth 3200 1138 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 28 OCTOBER 1,8, 1934 Choeolate ANNIE WINDSOR Cleansig Tissues Superior QuaIity Defies Competitive Brand. Full Box of if 500 Sheets 1package of COOPER BLADES Absoltately Guaaruteed Pkg. of S blades and 1 tran lblade Pkg. of 141 blades and 2 trioi blades O iant flavored CodLier ilfullpint,pla r.5YC Cod ~uver standardized2c19 Ex.-Lax Chocolate sel9 T h rat Discs ,edcated 6015 Sanitary Napkins qaylity er 2.5c Yeast Focam Tablets. c34c yn' HONEY and 50c39 ËHind sALMONU CREAM site39 1 COLD REME