WILMETTE LIFE Octoberl8, 1934 HOME AGAIN Mrs. john Segsworth, and ber family,, 1006 Forest avenue, wbo bave been at Pine Lake, Imd., since last April returned to their home 'on Monday of 'this week., Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Kemp, who had been occupying the Segswortb borne, bave now rented, tbe Artbur W. Allen bouse at 803 Cbestnut avenue. The Allens will spçnd tbe inter in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Olsen of St. Paul bave moved to 210 Abingdon ave- nue, Kenilworth. Johns-Manville WiII Finance YOUR Home Improvements at government rates through their local, autborized representative. AJAX SHINCLE and Modernizin C.. G. W. SWINEY, Mgr. 1137 Central Avenue Wilmette 1248 Estimates gladly given ..no obligation Announce Marriage of Reba Michener Mr. and Mrs. Comrly MÏchener of, Wilmette announce the marriage -of tbeir daugbter, Rèba Marguerite, to Jared Darlington, son ofj Mr. and Mrs. Edward Diwrlington of Cbadd's Ford.' Pa. on Satu rday, September 29. The bride and bridegroomn were married by a Friends' cereffony i Doylestown. Pa., at tbe residence of. tbe bride's grandmother,1 and will be at home after October 15. in Colum- bus, Obio.. The former Miss Mlichener is a grad- uate of New Trier High scbool and --f the school of Education of the Penn- sylvania State college. Mr. Darlingtort is also a graduate of the Pennsylvania State college, class of '32, scbool of Engineering. VISITS IN WINNETKA Mr.Julius T. Seng. wbo bas leased lier home at 1222 Chestnut avenue and is spending the winter at ber borne at Silver Lakes, Fia., is visiting her daugbter and family, the M. E. Corns of 1166 Ash street. \Vinnetka. For that Hallowe'en Party Krispy-Kist Popcorn Balla, .o .....50c SPANEUN KANDY KUPOOARD 924 Spani.h Court le No-Mangs Land Wilniette 5423, r' a - - E 12 PEPI. The youth of today* needs pep and vital- ity to compete with his play- mates. LYMAN'S ICE CREAM. is a nutritious and, health- building food as well. as a de-, fiejous treat. Made according to Mrs. Lyman's private for- m ula. Special This Week We will deliver Mint Stck2and>romPtly at n Chocolate, qt. brick ...42 time you specif y le I PRESIDENT Toloif Photo Mrs., George A. Quinlan. 211 Greenileaf aveinie, prcsidcnt of the Central-Lauirel Parenrt- Teacher as- sociation, presided at flie opcning meecting of< the association held Tuesday evening of this iveek in thre .tolp se hon! asseib!y hall. Tihe speaker was Dr. JVillianz Mont- gomneriv McGo7'erin, associai e Pro- f essor of political science ai North- Zsci-epIl 1Unrzersjty, and a prograîn of mnusic was prese>îîcd bktihe Nrorth Shore I.3ric ensemble. Huerter. Legion Auxiliary ISears School Gridders Trounce Evanlston Teams I>e'r.1 Ilu'te ( ii 1Q)josephi Sears scbiool football *teanîs Monday eveni ng, October 22, will were victorious over teams represent- be "Ladies' Night." A card and l)unco iii-, the Central school of Glencoe 'I' party vîll be gîven for the henfit oi tbree of the four wveiglht classification,; the Peter J.. Huerter auxiliary by last Saitirdav at Keil«%ýorth. The Mrs. Frank Enesa e onLke game between -boys. weighing les., avenue and Waukegani road (Lake than seventy-five pounids resul.ted iii Avenue taverni). a scoreless tic. Iii the 85-pouind claýss There wvîll l)e attractive prizes. an11, Kenilworth %%-on, 6 to 0. The 100- refreshments will be served, it is an- pound and Il 5-poiund gaines resulted nounced. Members are urged to in 10 victories for joseph Sears. bring their friends. Persons lhaving In gaines -witb more experienced no means of the transportation to the~ teanis froni the two Evanston grain- party' are requested to cal Mrs. Peter mnar schools joseph Sears fared mucli MaNv \Wilnette -9664. better than is usually the case. WVed- _______ esday of last iveek the joseph Sears An Armistice dance ivill be givei l)bovs of the second 85-pouni teani by the Legion and Auxiliary Saturdav plaved a scoreless tic with Haven. evening. November, 10, at the Legioa -,vhile the Kenilwortb l15-pounid teain club) rooms, Wilmette avenue and whippe d Haven, 12 to 0. ý Ridge road. A nonminal admission fec Monda3' of this week at Masoi is to b h rgd.park. Evanston. josepb Sears drop- cbarged.ped two games to Nichols. losing ini Thesewng irces illinet a th 1the midget (85-pound} class, 13 to 0. The ewîg crcls ~illnict a t1 and ini the 100-pounid class. 7 to 0. n ome ouINIvrs.rIlarry Lis VV(iediS.- da%, October 24, to sew on the quilt. Thé Men's Whist club met Tuesday evening ôf this week with Claude E. Fitch the host at bis home, 1033 Elmwood. avenue. 732 TWELFTH STREET (Rear of Herbon's Garage) WIL. 3242ý VISITS IN KENILWORTH The Rev. Austin Pardue of, Min- neapolis. was an overnigbt guest M.,ondav of his wife's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Klotz of 550 Ridge road. Kenilworth. He was a dele- gate at the Episcopal Cburcb con- vention at Atlantic City. MOTO RTO WISCONSIN Mrs. Cornelia A. Keith and soni, Elbridge. 310 Warwick road. Kenil- 1 worth, accompanied hy' Miss Virginia .Patton of Evanstoni and Miss Grace Roberts of Chicago. motored to northeri \Wisconsin ov-er the' wieek- e nd. Mrs. Martha 1. Potter of Madison. Iiid., lias l)een the guest for the past five weeks of lier son's familx, the T. B. Potters. 607 Forest avenue.? She expects to l)e here until after Christmas. Speciol Foursome Packagie., serves, four, 25c P. TA. Plans Parent Night at New Trier The parent-teacher association of New Trier High scbool is planning to bold a parents' nigbt for tbe mothers and fatbers of fresbman students .011 Tbursday, November 8, from 3 o'clock in the afternoon until 9 o'clock at nigbt. Parents will be invited to at- tend classes witb their sons a nd daugbters at that time. Another event to be conducted un- der the auspices of the parent-teacher association is an open bouse for par- ents of upper class students at Newv Trier on Tbursday nigbt, November 22. Seek $1000 Budget This year the New Trier Parenit- Teacher association is undertaking to raise a budget of $1,000. The organ- ization bas no dues, and it is the bope of the .executive committee of the association that the money can be raised by voluntary subscriptions. The plan is to use $300 of t 'he $1,000 for cbarity work witbin the scbool. snch as the payment of medical and dlental supplies and service for stu- (lents wvhose parents are bard pressed financially. Tbe P.T.A. lias been doing cbarity work of this kind for the past few years. Would Expand Library WVith $500 of the $1,000 budget it is pflanned to build up the school library by adding new volumes. The remaining $200, according to the plans of the P.T.A. execuitive cornmittee, ivill be used to equip a rest room in, conneiction with the school iiurse's office. l" October 1.8,1934 WILME'TTIE LIFE (%00