October 11. 1934 WILMETTE LIFE Plan Canvass to EC0140MY $HOP NEEDS Prom ote Housing Althoughi we are enjoying the cu stomarylovely October weather Pro'gramLocally we .know, that, winter is pot far ýJosepb H. Heinzen, 1518 Lakeave- hehind. And. Economy- Shop is nue, general, chairman of the Wil- having constant cails . for warm mette Better Housing committee, re- clothing of ail kinds-underwear, ports that the campaign for moderni- hosiery, suits,, dresses, overcoats,. zation and improvement of bornes, a batbrobes,, bats, caps, shoes. The.se part of the National Better Housing for men, women, children, infants., program, is making definite and satis- Nothing wearable cornes amiss. If factory. progress. The Wilmette Economy Sbop'gets the garment Chamber of Commerce bas under- before tbe moths bave taken their written tbe initial expense of organi- toll so mucb the better-Mrs. A. L. zation, and is taking steps to finance Grinneli, cbairman. tbe proposition tbrougb private sub -_______________ scriptions. Mr. Heinzen' s committee bas Mrs. T. E. Stapp to Head reacbed a position wbere arrange- ments bave been made, to utilize! Christmas Seal Campaign workers f rom tbe Federal Emergency Organization for Wilmette's annual Relief Administration to institute and Cbristmas Seal sales campaign was carry on a bouse-to-bouse canvass eff ected this week witb tbe formula- for prospects for improvement loanq. tion of tbe campaign committee witb It is ,expected tbat tbrougb tbis; Mrs. T. E. Stapp, 1711 Elmnwood ave- source a permanent secretary will nue, as cbairman. also be secured, wbo will be gîven Serving on tbe committee witb Mrs. quarters in the Cbamber. of Com- Stapp will be Mis Aima Mueblberg, merce offices. 11135 Oakwood avenue; Mrs. J. V. Several loans bave already been Smitb, 125 Laurel avenue; Mrs. Daniel %iade, and otbers are in process OfM. Davis, 920 Fifteentb street; Mrs. consummation. F. W. Anbalt, 1050 Cberry street, The failure of local contractors, Xin netka, and Mrs. H. A. Storms. including painters, carpenters, tin',2,51 Wood court. workers, bricklayers, etc., as well as iTbe sale of Christmas seals belps dealers in lumber and other building the work of the Wilmette Health materials, to register is causing sorne Center, which is affiliated witb the difficulty. Mr. Heinzen said. Regls- Cbicago Tuberculosis Institute. tration at the Chamber of Commerce Tbe board of directors of tbe offices is earnestly urged as a definite Healtb Center announce a bake sale assistance to the campaign. to be beld Saturday, October 27. Mrs. George Scberzer. is cbairman Knights of Columbus mettebrsale wand M arkt 1146 Cen .Plan OId Timers Palrtyl tral avenue. The purpose of tbe sale An invitation is extended to aIl is f0 provide cod liver oil for use at Knights of Columbus in tbe vicinity, 'the center. wbetlier or not they are members of Ouilmette council, to attend the Old Inflation Is Subject Timers Nigbt meeting of the coun- cil at the Wilmette Masonic temple1 for Northwest Club Monday evening, October 22. The~ The October meeting of the North- occasion is one of the big annual %vest M.\en's club was held Thursday nugnis Ut '.uimette council s vear. A prominent speaker will be on the programn..1. Ouilmette counicil announces tbat ail Knigbts. whether alone or in groups, are urged to attend. Witb its ineeting October 22, the council launches tbe first of an exr tensive faîl and winter program with promninent speakers and athletic eve nts. LECTURES AT MASONIC LODGE Hilton Ira Jones of Wilmette, well known scientist and lecturer, will ad- dress the Minette Masonic lodge Thursday evening, October.25, on tlhe subject. "Science and tbe Future" Numerous scientific demonstratuons will be included in tbe lecture. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lynch, 1241 Greenwood avenlue,,are leaving today, motoring to northern Wisconsin on a flsbing trip. evening. October 4, at thie home of 'Maxwvell Rust. 2016 Chestnut avenue. Professor Reinboth of Northwestern university gave an interesting and in- structive talk on inflation and its effeet upon problems of national econom ics. Dr. A. McCandless of Pontiac, Mich., Ieft last 1Iondav after a visit with bis daugbter and family, the James M. Buchans, 237 Cumnor road. -132 TWELFTH STREET (Rear of Herbon's Garage) SW/iL. 3424 Mrs. Leonard Sieben of Geneseo, II-J Ill.. is visiting her daughter and familNI, the Arthur K. Lees, 517 *I Cumnior road, 'Kenilwortb. A Delighfful Combination C hocolut e and. New Toak45 Regular 60c value (QUART) PERCOCK'S (CE CREAN 413 Linden Avenue WiImette 4120 St. Francis P. T. A*, to Hold Bridge Tea Oct. 19 Friday. -October 19, the St. Francis Xavier Parent-Teacher. association w'Ill bold its first meeting in the scbool auditorium in tbe formn of a bridge tea at 1:30' o'clock. Tbe mothers, of eigbth grade childeen'Nwill be bostesses' for. tbe afternoon. Tbe proceeds are to be used to equip tbe auditorium witb new chairs. Al mothers are urged to be present. R. N. A. PARTY The Royal Neigbbors of America, Camp 3926, will bave tbeir regular montbly meeting tbis Friday evening at 8 o'clock in Odd Fellows baIl. Tbe meeting will be in the form of a card party for members only. Mrs. Artbur Sternberg of Wilmette is cbairman of tbe party. RECREATION BOARD MEETSý The October mneeting,,of the Plaýy- ground and Recreation board.will be held this evening (Thursday) at 1:30 o'clocký at the Recreaionci office, 914 Central, avenue. 1 -ota New and Di#erent CANDY 5 APPLES, esch..5 a real treat KANDY KUPPOARD 924 Spmnimh Court lu Ne-Man's Land Wilmette 5423 AN AMAZING ACHIEVEMENT IN HOME LABOR-SAVING ECONOMY A New Heavy Duty Electric MACHINE $16e 1. Does i complete wash. 2. Washes anything from silk to flannels. 3. Safe-ali machinery enclosed. 4. Uses '/e electricity per wash. 5. Double coated enamel finish. 6. Will tuck under kitchen sink. 7. Clean-sanitary. 8. Cast aluminum agitator. Spcilsini JOHN SON'S Products 1 Quart GLO -COAT - i APPLIER Both for 9 NO RUBBING! NO POLISHING! 1. Pt. LIQUID WAX or 1 lb. PASTE WAXj For Floors, Furuiture, Woodwork, etc. NEWELL MEASURF MILLEN HA 1219 Wid.ett. Avffnue ITE-PINLESS CURTAIN STRETCHER Set White e namcled steel roda with "Measuring Marks." Juat hang your wet curtaina on the rod and adjuat. Sevea timle Seves work! Better Iooking curtaina. ýRDW ARE COMPANYi Phono Wilett. U I mun WILMETTE LIFE October' Il, 104.