WILMETTE LIFE October 11, 1934 HOLD FIELD TRIALS The third annuai A. K. C. licensed. Field Trial, under the auspices of the. English Springer Spaniel club of the Central ýStates will be held Sat- urday and Sunday, October 13 and 14 at the Forest Haven estate in, Lake t Forest,, two miles west of Waukegan road. The clubbas secured the serv- ices of E. D. Knight of Charleston, W. Va., and Thomas' C. Dennehy, jr., of Lake' Forest, as judges'; both of whom are outstanding authorities on Springer Spaniels. Mr.Edward Geither, 321 Raleigh road, Kenilworth,,was hostess to ber luncheon bridge club yesterday. 1 Sc Mon. to Sat. to 6:30 p.m. Show Starts at 2 p.m. Cont. 2 Evenlngs and after 252:30 p.m. Sundays I NOTICEI Y@ur Laut Chance t. See "THm THIN MAX,,,, IHUAY AND FRIDA~ CICTBERil AND lit M RETUEN ENGAGEMENT 0-mM - ,.ai. __ lA.. I .. 1 DooRS OPEN AT 12.:30 P. M. James Cagney.- Paf O'Brien HERE COMES THE NAVYMI Main.. OnIy 'BU RN 'EM Up BARNES-" 1 r Il SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, in AND la ~~~ROGERSý ""HANDY ANDY" w IValencia Fis Week I ARISTOCRATS 0 F DOGDOM With Quality Movies A powerfuily dramatic theme 'and deft characterizations make "0f Hu- man .Bondage" an undeniably great picture at the Valencia theater Thurs- i1*day of this week. Leslie Howard and Bette Davis are the stars. The. retùrn of "The Thin Man" Friday, October 12, is welcome news to many movie patrons. Here's àt1- other opportunitv to. see Wiia Powell and Myrna Loy ini a top-notch mystery story. Saturday, October 13, Jimmy Cag- ney, Pat O'Brien, Gloria Stuart and the U. S. Pacific fleet heélp to put £ over the smash- These seven truc bloodlije Sproiqer S/'aniels arrived at the homte of Jose ph Zeutchel, 2315 Thornwzood avenue, Wilmettc, about eight weeks ago. Titeir mother, who declined Io face the camera tcith hcr brood, is Big Tree Cheekie III, and the daddy is Hicks Carn/ilId Ajax. Organize to- Support Candidaey of Kinne Activities in local republican circles have centered the past week in the formation of the "New Trier Kinne for Probate Judge Committee." The purpose of the new organization is, as its name implies, the furthering of the campaign of Harry C. Kinrne for the office of probate judge. Officers of the organization are: Paul C. Lang, general chairman; Wil- liam D. Leary, treasuren; Hoyt King,- secretary. ,Subcommitrees. in each of the New Trier township villages will have charge of the work in their respective districts. Chairmen of these subcom- mittees are: Wilmette-Fred Mf. Clarke. Kenilworth-A. R. Peterson. Winnetka-Charles M.. Thompson. Glencoe-Clifford J. Ellis. Jr. Efforts of thîe organization will be directed toward- winning the unani . mous support of New Trier voters for the candidacy of Mr. Kinne, it is said, and to raising the funds neces- sary to presenit his qualifications to aIl the voters of the county. Headquarters have been estahlished 'n the State baàk building. Wilmette. KENILWORTH GIRL SCOUTS Kenilworth Girl Scouts of Troop No. 1 divided into, three groups for their meeting on Wednesday, October 3. One group went to the home of Mrs. E. F. Snydacker. There they heard Mrs. Snydacker give a talk on trees. Another group worked on the completion of the requirements for the first'aid badge. The third group studied first aid. with' Mrs. Arthur- Bonnet. Virginia Graham, formerly a member of Troop No. .4, joined Troop No. . Seven girls fromn Troop No. 1 went on an over-night hike1 to. Lake Geneva last Friday and Satur- day. Everyone had -a good time learning some outdoor cooking, and pitchîng tents for the finst class work. STEAL TIRES FROM CAR John Blasdall, 1102 Foster street, E-vanston, reported to the Wilmette police that while bis car was parked in front of 2120 Washington avenue Sunday night three of his tires were stolen. An investigation by the police resuîted in finding the tires .in an old barn nearby. Miss Alice Stade, whose dance classes are sponsored by the Logan-Howard Parent-Teacher association, announceb the opening of the ladies' class in lin- bering and tap dance, Tuesday morning, October 16, at 10:30 o'cîock in tI-e Logan school. The year's work is divid- ed into ten-week terms, and tuition i., payable at the beginning of the terni. These classes are reported as providing a very pleasant means of improviî'g general health, as well as learning the dance steps.: .The Ballroom classes will open on Friday evening, October 12, in the Lo- gan school, the beginners at 7 o'clock, and the advanced students at 8 o'clock There is still time to register. For more information regarding these classes cal Mrs. R. D. Oilar (Wilmette 3676) or Miss Stade (Wilmette 2838). The Logan-Howard P. T. .A. turns in the profits f rom these classes for us;e in the welfare work which it carrnes on This includes medical and dental work for children in families unable, to pay for it. Ins.tructive Radio Baroadcastsç .Offering assistance to parents on edu- cational problems, a series of Thursdav afternoon radio programs, sponsored bY the National Congress.of Parents and Teachers, in cooperation with the Uni- versity of Chicago and the National Broadcastingcompany is being given over WMAQ at 4 o'clock. Mrs. B. F. Langworthy of Winnetka, president of the National Congress of Parents and Teachers, opened the series last Thurs- day.. Here is an opportunity for each, member ofý the, local unit to get irn touch with P. ýT. A. work and aims'a.s expressed byIeading workers through- out the country. Don't miss these.talks! Babies' Friendly The Babies' Friendly, a branch of the Logan-Howard P. T. A., which pro- vides layettes for babies in needy cases, is meeting today (October Il) at the home of Mrs. Bjeulah Comee in North- brookc. Anyone interested in sewing for this good cause will be weîcome. The gronp meets every secondThu'isday at ing drama of Uncle Sam's jack-tars afloat, "Here C o m e s the Navy." The film is based on............. B en Markson's exciting s t o r y whic.h combines romance, r o 1 - licking comedy, rapid fire action Jimmy Cagney and breath-taking thrills. For the first time in pictures, the whole gi1- gantîc Pacific fleet is seen, weighing anchor and steaming out of its harbor for the Atlantic coast. Another of Will Rogers' priceless- characterizations is offered in the mîrth-stirring film, "Handy And(v." Snnday, M.\onday and Tuesday. Octo- ber 14-16. This time he's the apothe- cary whose wife forces him to take a vacation. "Paris Interlude" Wednesdav. Oc- tober 17, grips the imagination. M1adge Evans. Robert Young and Otto Kru- ger are superl) in their roles. Hoffman Team Wins 3 Straight-in Pin League The Hubbard Hoffman team won three straight games f rtm Phil Bleser's Bowling Academy boys last Thursday night in the Knigihts of Columbus Bowling league. The leagne bowls every Thursday night at Bleser's Bowling academy the sched- uIe of games having started two. weeks ago. In other games last week AI Stahl's team won three from the Kuss Jeweîers, the Emmett XVhelan team whitewashed the Lynam Texaco sta- tion boys by also taking three straight games, and Mornie Steiner's team won two out of three games from Paul Weiler's Gardeners. in the matc hes between AI Stahl's teamn and the Kuss Jewelers the last game resulted in a tie at 719 pins each. Stahl's team was victorious in the roll-off. Il' a. m. For further facts calI Mrs. A. W. i3ersch (Wilmette 3050). HoId Room Tea Logan school, fourth grade, iý having the first Room tea of the season today (October 11) in ,Miss Bricky's room with Mrs. Robent W.>HuIlI,.room moth - er, as hostess, 'and Mrs. Normani J. Radder. assisting ber. Every mother who bas a.* child in this fourth grade will he expected at the tea, to get bet- ter acquainted with Miss Bricky and the mothers. of her child's schoolmates. as' well as to learn of the work of thp school. Anoth er room tea will be giv en for Miss Olthof's fourth grade in the Howard school, with Mrs. William R. Morrison as hostess and Mrs. H. C. Shoemaker assistin'g her. -1 - 1 1- October Il',: 19à4 WILMETTE. LIPE