October 4, 1934 WILMRTTR LIPR 59 'Wildcats &eek to A vnge Tkming, Administered b Iwa Last:Year r Coacha Hanley Points for Big week on the line. Aitbough Mar- Satuèdayquette gained but 35 yards f rom TenOpeerscrimmage, there, were times when the Hilltoppers' backs were able' to inowa next. That- is the objective penietrate to the Wildcats sccondary inNortbwestern's football camp tbis wvith'apparent c ase. week as preparations were in pro- Go as eev gress for the opcning of the Big Judging from tbe sbowing of Ten season against the Hawkeyes Leeper, Anderson, Henderson and at Dyche stadium Saturday. Wilson at the flanks, the Wildcat Iowa. How that namne rankies the fants wiil have* littie cause to moan Wildcats, wbo but a short 12 months the loss of Manske and Jens, last ago suffered a 7 to 0 defeat at the year's 'star ends. The current crop bands of tbe Hawkeyes in the open- of, ends, wbile they may not possess ing gaine of the 1933 season. North- the defensive abilhty of last year's western was the first teain to feed the stars bave aiready demonstrated power of the rcvived Iowans, who superiority at snagging passes. continued on to smashing victories There is a lot of power at the over Wisconsin and Purdue. tackle positions. Joe Chambers and It was a complacement, confident Sain Papich, the reguiars, averagel Wildcat eleven that faced the Hawk- 260 pounds. Their immediate sup- eyes at Soldier Field last flu. The porters, Park Wray and Jim Green, Purpie was stili tbinking in terins average 230 pounds. Then there is of tbe sweeping 44 to 6 victory over another pair of 200 pounders in Abe Coach Ossie Solem's boys the pre- Epstein and DeWitt Gibson. These vious year. But they had not taken latter four are ail sophomores and into considération that smashing, ail got a chance to perforin in the plunging sophomore fuliback, Dick Marquette game. Crayne, who ripped through the The, guards are more experienced Wiidcat line and prepared the wav thian the ýtackles. Three veterans, for Joe Laws' touchdown sprint-frorn Capt. AI Kawal, Ed Whalen and the 20 yard line. Paul Tangora, are available, while Diffeen Thi ~<stocky Frank Riley, brother of Jack This ffaétsifrent. h e Wi nd iidBill Riley, former Wiidcat stars cats know they have a reai battie 1 îigtelttre ih o on their hands and are preparing for1 their jobs. it acorinly.Infac, ase uon .There is no cause for complaint it acrdtingirecordnfc, ased upon at center, where AI Lind passcd the Hawkeyes will enter the gant allsl nthcpnn aea. favorites to ring up their second turned in some fine défensive work, victory ina row over the Purpie. esPecially when hie intercepted one ButthePurle ave't urrndeedof Marquette's passes 'and ran it But th eaurpie he' turdere.dback 40 yards before being dropped. by ay mens. hileSatudays Ray Artabasy, 190 pound sophomore opener with Marquette displayeda eivdLnadply cmént number of weaknesses which muast i e in ndpaydcoptet be remedied, there were unmistak- Y able signs that the 1934 Wildcat is!, PRI A A of a hardier species than thé docile I PR I A A feline of '33. Permission to hold a tag day in Emboldened Attack Kenilworth on Monday, October 22, New bllo(>d ijected by a- brace of dasbing sophomores bas added boidness te the Wildcat attack. For the first time since the days of Rent- ner, the Purpie can boast a danger- f>us aer:al attack. This was demon- trate(l in the Marquette game when the Wildcats completed 7 out of 10 passes for a total of *156 yards. The accurate throwing of George, Potter and the brilliant leaping catches of Bll Henderson, Verne Anderson, Harry Leeper and Bob' Swisher indicated that the forwarcl pass will be a vital attacking weapon in the bands of the Wildcats this faîl. Northwestern scored its first touchdown against Marquette on successive passes from Potter to the rangy sophomore, Henderson. The first advanced the bail 31 yards and the second was 25 yards, Henderson stepping over the goal after snaring the bail f rom out of a bevy -of Marquette players. In. the tbird qugrter Swisber took Potter's 20 yard toss and ran to, the tbree yard Uine from wbere Cruise carried .the, bail over. There is also reason to believç that the running gaine wiii be similarly improved tbis ycar. Bob Swisber, speedy sophomore halfback, proved in bis few- sorties against the Hill- toppers tbat lie is a dangerous bal carrier, especially. in sweeps around end. Waliy Cruice sliced tbrougb tackle witb more abandon than bie sbowed in bis sophomore days last fali. Several sophomore, backs in- cluding Bill Mole, Steve Totb, Don Gcyer and iEino Hayskar, looked im- pressive in their bni- appearances against Marquette. Much work needs te be donc this, was granted to 'the Disabled Amer- ican Veterans of the World War by the Keniiworth Village board at its regular montbly meeting Monday night. In case of rain on October 22, the tagging will be done the follow- ing day. The Disabled American 1 Veterans of the World War conduct Forget-Me-Not tag days each year. They had asked permission to tag in Kenilworth on October 1, but were refuseci because permission had already been given to another or-, ganization to tag in the village on that day. RETURN FROM ST. PAUL Mrs. L. R. Shanahan, 1637 Forest avenue, her niece, Mrs. H. K. Bollan of Cumberland, 111. and the former's daughter, Betty Shanahan, returned recentiy byr motor from St. Paul, Minn., where they attended the mar- niage -of Miss Margaret Ferguson. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James F. Ferguson. On their return, they stop- ped in Green Bay, Wis. to visit the D. A.. Shanahans. LEASES RE SIDENCE Frank W. Cherry, 704 Rogers ave- nue, Keniiworth bas- leased his bouse to the Harry Whittiers of Evaraston! and has gone to Parkin, Ark., where he wilI visit his son and daughter- in-law. On bis return, be will make bis home with bis daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Branch, wbo moved September 1, from 791 Walden road, to 905 Eldorado street, Winiuetka. Garner Guy of Buffalo, N.Y., is tbe guest of Sheldon Klock, I109 Green-1 leaf avenue. LOOIE.. at the, BARGAINS Yes, thrifty shoppers have corne to look for bargains galore ,advertised in each issue of Your Home Paper. And well they may, because mer- chants make it possible for shoppers to Save money, it has become the advertising directory. of the com- munity. Again we present that long and important listing of OUR ADVERTISERS ADV'ERTISER PAGE tri Furniture ('o. lil FIireflee Bearlh, Candie% 19 Berimie Studio .............. .S3 Blt4narek Motel .... .. ... .4 Blann Pharmu4ry ....... nloorn-maiIl bress Sbfbi Book Mark -, .. . . . 44 Blook Nook ... .... . . 44 Brady Motor Corporation 1S Brauli Bros. 011 Co.. 60, Cî,i er 1 V lnurns Toggery ('aîr.Leen Beauly Salon . . Chandler's .. .. . 44 (lrago Dally New~s . ý27 CIavey, F. D., Ravinia Iurserles ........ A Coffey Auto Itepair ... . 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