SKOKIE HEIGHTrS owx1mE OPFRBA VERY DESIR- able 100-foot lot ini tutu high clanseregi- dential developmnent purchased a few, years ago to build his permanent: home. Qwing to finaticiailIonises hie le forced to abandon hie dream and offers this lot at a sacrifice. for quick sale.. Ail Improve- mente are In and paid for. NO SPECIAL ASSESSMNTS. We aiso offer a beau- tiful home that canlbe, bought at ai) attractive price. McGUIRE & ORR Over 40 Yeare of Dependable Service 530 Davis St., Evanston Gre. 10801 316 Park Ave., Glencoe (iiencoe 1 i14LTN22-1 t ACREAQE AND ESTATES BARRINGTON ESTATE This la the kind of country home about which you have dreamed. Located on a high hill between two lakes, you lo<>'k over the hiily andI wooded country 10. miles around. The houFe is the type best adapted for country living-white frame, Early American. It contains ail the essentials or a modern home-large living imom, panelled library, 4 family bedroonis with 2 bathis, servants' room andI bath,iiil lit Guest cottage. OWNER WILL SELL OR N'A( FOR WINNETKA OR KENILWORTII HOME QUINI4AN & TYSON, mnc. 157 Shrma Av.,Elvailstoil (ni. 2605 124LTN22-1tc- BE SURE AND) ASIC US ABOUT THESE BARGAINS IN BARRINOTON. 10 acres wlth Bldgs. ......... .... $8,000 17 acres with Bidgs... ý........... $8.000 20 acres. Very high point over-looktng 2 lakes and golf course. OTIIERS AS LOW AS $2,500. Benj. E. Gage & Associates 564 Center St. WInnetka 1977 124L22-ltp fleautiful Country Estate SITUATED ON 28 ACRES BEAUTI- fully landscaped. Consisting of a 9 rm. Georgian brick Colonial, with 3 baths, 2-car att. gar., oul ht., recreation rmr. in basement, stable for 16 horses. WaS $70,000. ('an now be bought for haîf this tigure. The 11,i1h;Realty Imc. ' 718 'Ver- non Ave. Phone Gi.enceoe 7717, ask for Mr. udquist. 1 241,TN22-1 te COUNTRY HOME .1U VEST OF WNEK,7 U-M., inodem homne vitli 1(t îccfi'14g îeî ,,(il. 'l'o le soid ut vy i W ice. Ad- joins bridlle path. LEWVIS T. _I )ODDIS 12 4 LTlN22- 1 REAL ESTATE__ j'jlSALE-2'iWOODÏED- LOTS IN 1' sirable neighborhood. One' with pal- tially finished residence. 16th and 1-1 bella, Wilmette. Winnetka Building andI Loan, Winnetka 1387. 127LTN22-2tlî REAL ESTATELOANS __ \e Desire Apfflication For1t FIRST OTA S IN AMOITNT $2,500 to $10,000 on 'North Shore resi- dences, Evanston to Lake Foteest. We have funds availabie fori- nmediate coin~- mitmeflts. McGUIRE & ORR, Over 40 Years of Dependabie Service 530 Davis St. Greenleaf 1080 1I 27A-LTN22-1 te ýFirst Mortgage Loans 1 $2, 500-$20OO AMORTIZED OVER A PERIOD 0F years with easy paymeflts. Prompt .service at a 10w cost. fiuil information given by caliing our boan department. SMART & GOLEE, Inc., 1564 Sherman Ave. University 0283 127A-LTN22-lte FOSALE-HOUiEHiOLuD 00O0 For sale ELECTRIC ¶TENTILýATOR for sash wndow. Perfect condition. Reasoniable. Phone Winnetka 1313. 129LTN22-ltP CHOICE. BEA UTI FUL PIECES FROM fine home. Amazingiy low prices. On dieplay In gar. of hoMe. S. W. Corner Cary Ave.-Sheridan Rd., Highland Park. 129L22-Itp BAB3y FURjNITURE. ALL IN. EX- cellent condition. Imported Engiish carniage, large crib, tnlmmed bassinet, hlgb chair, Fairbanks scalps., Wicker 1FOR «Ug ---H"OustnIOLD 050 SOIAI> MAti. TWIN BEDS, DRESSBR, complete, $75; single bed, coui spring, hair mattrees, $10; Electrolux, like fiew,1 coet $86 seil $35; 8t Chinese rugs, $125, (9x12) 1175, $45;. Schaaf wal., piano and1 bench, cost $750, oi $16; 5-pc. breakc-1 fast set, coat $50, sIl $15; 28-pc. wedding ring, tea set; Pmlscellaneous articles. Wlnnetka 2067. 129LTN22-ltp BLOCKED LINEN DRAPES, CUR- tains. love-seat, wrought iron bench, tîphol. chair, Almeo standing bird cage,à eedar chest, clock, work benèh, accord-4 Ion, electrie heater, Mah-jongg tableý, ée.1 Winnetka 1783.. 129LTN22-tpý7 MAH. LIV.* RM. TABLE $5, WALNUT dressing table with triple mirrorj $7.50, mah. bookcase wlth glass.doors $5, sprlng and tuftlees mattress for doublebed $15, draperie, bcd epreads, ail excellent condition. Glencoe 362. .129LTN22-ltp COMPLETE FURNISHINGS 0F HOME including A. B.- Chase piano. Leavtng state and must seil. Prices radically re- duced. 1121 Ashland Ave., Phone Wii- mette 413. 129LTN22-ltc 8-PIECE DININc; ROOM %lSET, $50. Painted Brunswick Consul'- Victrola. Odd chairs, lamps, living ooni table. Phone Wilmette 4115. 931 Vhe'tnut St., FINE BABY (GRANI) PIANO>. WILL transfer for balance due. ('ontinne, payments of previons custoiner. Write1 for ful l iarticulars tb Credit Mgr., P.O.Bo 17,Chco.129L.TN22- ltc UPRIGHT PIANO able. also walnut sêcretary. Ph. Winnetka 63q. 124ITN22-ltc DINING ROOM TABLE, CHINA. CAB- inet and chairs, in excellent condition. ('heap. ('ut glass l)pitcher, bowls, ftowem vase, glasses. Phone Winnetka 348. 129LTN22-ltp 4-BENER ' I, A H K-JEWEL GAS ange. ILorraine. heat control. Perfect work ing e indit ii. $ 10. Phone Wllmette 3828. 129LýTN22-ltin tur"- chairs, table, sîdeboard, serv- ing table. Reasonable.. P h one Win- netka 1243. 129LT22-ltp 2 LIV-iN< RM. RUIS il. ,EXCEL- l]Mt condition; i. bdrm. rug BX10; 2 single beds. Ph. Winnetka 1715. 129L22-ltp L.ME CBO.OODCODTIN porcelain linetI, tile floor. $10. 606 Earlston RoatI, Kenilworth. I 29L22-ltp LGEI. THOR W-ASHER ANU IRONER, also Aimway vacuum cleaner. Cheaî. for cash.' Phone Greenleaf 4646. 129LTN22-1 tp SOLID OAK DINING RM. TABLE. 6 chairs to match. Good cond. No reas. offer refuecd. Ph. Winnetka 2273. 129LTN22-1tc- BEDRM. SUITE, DIN RM. SET, LIV. rm. chair, davenport andI desk. Rea. Ph. Winnetka 156. 129LTN22-ltcý FORSALE-MISCELLANOUS RUMM\i\AGE SALE TH' HMEPHIIAýNTHRO-PY DEPARiT- muent of ithe Xoînan'.s<'athî.lie (Club of Wiliettt! ill holtI a sale ()(-t. Il. 12, I 3th at 1811 Central St., Evansto!tl. C'ITHING SHOES FURNITtI1: 131LTN2- lîp;i Thoroughbred descrt strain ARABIAN STALLION 3 yrs. oltI. Tel. Wilmettc 4548. 131L22-ltp H -ALF-SEï,ASON TICKE,-T FO(RAL- temnate Fridays, (Chicago Synphonyl concerts. 4th row baleony. $18. Writé, ,%L_19 3. .1311.TN22-ltc BARGAINS $65 Glover -bear skin coat, size 40, fine cond. $35; typewriter, golf clubs; tea wagon, lampe, misc. Wlnn. 2067. l31LTN22-1itp BAND SAW, WACO'RED JACKET 12-lnch. Hammond Multiplex Foldlng Typewriter. Good condition. Bargains Tel. Win. 462. 13TNL29-ltp GÎIRL'S PATHFINDER B'I C Y C L Ei ,with basket. Fine condition. Phone Kenllworth 4792. 13LTN22-1t&' WT6. iTO mUY-MOSCELLA;N'OUS $ $ $OLD CLOTHES $$ $ Will buy men's used, suite, shoes, overcoats: also fur coats. Best plm* 'es. Prmnpt service. A. MRTIN UNI. 0347 132LTN22-tfp Goldman-Junk Dealer Highest prices pald for junk. Wilmette 6417 Wlnnetlta 3720 132LTN21-tfp .WANTED TO BUY-BABY CARRilAGE.ý Good condition. Phone Wlnnetka 1609. W#TD. TO Bu-mIScELLANEOua $ $ HilG HEST PRICES $ $ WILL BUY MENIS OLD CLOTHES.. shoe. Aloo fur coate. Reliable. Many >ears ln Evanston.. Prompt serv- te; M. siegel Greenleaf,9495 _______ 132LTN22-t WILL BYL-ADIES' H10H CLASS siightly used clothing. Must be rea- sontable and in good condition. M. Fish- er, 1526 Blrchwood Ave., Chiicago. Ph. Rogers Park 2761. 132LTN22-ltp PAIR U SE D OPERA GLASSES, mu st be of the best make and in1 good condition. State price. Write 132LTN22-ltp1 STATEXENT OF THE OWNXEILSJIII, MAN4AGEMENT, CIRCULATION, ETC., REQUESTED BY THE ACT 0F CON.- GRESS 0F AUGUST 24, 1912. 0f Wilmette Life published weekly at 'Wilmette, Il., for October 1, 1934. 1 COUNTY 0F COOK 1 SS. STATE 0F ILLINOIS j Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and county aforesa id. per- sonaily appeared Lloyd Hoilister, who having been duly sworn avcording to law, deposes and says that he is tht Business Manager of Wllmette Life and that the following is i. the bes-t o. his knowiedge and belief, it true state- ment of the ow~nership, management (and if a daily paper, the circulation>, et( ., of the aforesaid publication for tht date- shown. in the ahove caption, re- quired by the Act of August 24, 1912, embcdied in section 411 Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on the reverse of this form, to wit: 1. That the names, and «iddress.-es (if the publisher. editor.rnlanaging editor« and business manager are: Publisher, Lloyd Hollister Ime. (A Corporation), 1232 ('entrai a venue, WVil- mette, Ill.; Editor, Erwin W. Weber, 1133 Central ave nue, Wilmette. Ill.; Business Manager, Lloyd Hollister, 24 Cherry street, Winnetka, 111. 2. , That the owners are: (Give naines and addresses of individual owners, or If a corporation, give it, name and the names and addresses of stockholder.s. owning or holding 1 percent or more of the total -amount of stock). Lloyd Hollister Inc. (A Corporation), 1232-36 Central Ave., Wilmette, Ill.; Lloyd Hollister, 1245 Cherry St., Win- netka, Ill.; Robt. D. Rndenberg, 1158 TIowem Rd., Winnetka, Ill.; H. N. Bowen, 1096 Ash St., Winnetka, Ill., H. D. Hill, 1161 Laurel Ave., Wtinnetka, Ill.; Arthur C. F. Gedge, 1106 Elm St., Winnetka, Ill.; A. M. Levy, 6 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill.; E. C. Rodenberg, 1158 Tower Rd., Winnetka. Ill.; C. H. Scherer, Glenv-iew Rd., Wil- mette, Ill. 3. That the known bondholders, mort- gagee.q, and other security boîtIers own- ing or holding 1 per. cent or more of total amount of bonds, ..iortgageS ot other securities are: (if theme are none, sn state)-None. 4. That the two paragraphs nexi above, giving the names o! the owners, stockholders, and securit.-, holders, if any, contain not only the list of stock-i holders and sccurity holders as they appear upon the books o! the conipanY but also in cases where the stockholder or security holder appears upon the hooks of the company as trustee and lit any- other fiduciary relation, the name, of the person or corporation for whom 'uch trustee is acting, is given;* also that the said two paragraphe contain statements embracing affiant's full knowledge and belief as to the circum- stances and conditions under whieh stockholders'and security holelers Who do not appear upon the books of the c,)mpany as trustees, holtI stocks and secul ities in a capacitY other thail that Wilmette's Only Fireproof StOrage Warehouse.Offers Security Efllciency Respo nsibility, W 1th its Moving, Packing and Storage services Estimate s Furnisheti Without Obligation, Telephone SWumN Phenws 11132 UNmvIEflY7317 57! Of a. bons, ide owner; and this allant has no reason to believe, that any other person, association, or corporationi bas any Interest. direct or Indirect ln the sald stock,, bonds or other securities than as no stated by hlm, 5. That-the average number of copieà of each Issue of tisi, publication' sold or dlstributed, through the malse or other- wise, to paid subsenibers during the six monthe precedlng the date, lhown above Ios-(Thls'Information le required from dally publications only.) LLOYD HOLLAISTER. (Signature of editor, publisher, busines manager, or owner.> Sworn to and subscribed before me this 25th day of Septemiber, 1934.. (Seal> C. E. HOTZE (My commission expires Apnil 6. 1935.) NEW TRIER TOW] SJIIP SCETOOLS Cook Comty, Illinmois Wilmette, III., October 4, 1934. The followlng 1932 Tax Anticipation Warrants of the New Trier Township Schools have been called for payment and wlll be paid on presentation at the office of the Township Treasurer, 1200 Central Ave., Wilmette, 111. Sebool District «No. $9, Wilmette Educational Purposes frenm E707 to E!176 lnci. Sebool District No. 203, New Trier 111igh sebool Educatron-al Purposes from E126 to E527 i. Building Purposes from B394 to B685 incl. Intert-st wviil cease five days from this date. F. A. ANDREW, Township Treasurer. GIRL&SCOUT NEWS Troop 4I .Sarts Gadly Last T1uesday tbe Girl Scouts of Troop 4 gathered for their first meet- ing of the year. It was a very jolly one, you may be sure, because it was con- ducted by Miss Lillie Mae Humphries. our captain. and bier assistant. Miss Nora Palmer. There was a Iovely poem on thc door telling us what to do and wel- coming us back to the troop. Inside the door was aniother note telling us to whip the ends of a rope that was waiting for us. Next we took a sheet of paper and put our naine on it and went to the next note. On tbat it told us to tic four out of five different knots. Next ive were to recite our laws to Miss Palmer. After tbat we wvere to recite our, slogan wbich is: Do a good turn daily. Next we were to recite our motto which is: Be pre- pared. Then wc marked down the things which we did and banded tbem in to Miss Palmer and went around helping othe-s. After that we played several jolly gaines and closed tbe meeting with a f ew songs and "'Taps."-Maryjý ane McCue, scribe, Troop 4. First Meeting Thrills Troop 2 Thursday, September 27, wasour first meeting this f ail and everyone was thrilled. We 'vere ail so glad to have Mrs. Denoyer, our scout leader, back with us; but sorry that ."Firefly" (Miss Jones), assistant leader, caninot be with us this year. We were pleàsed to have four new, members. We divided into Patrols. elected leaders and are all readY to start the.ine* year. Namnes of patrols, are as follows: Rainbow-to look at for inspiration; Moonbeam-to shine; Endea- vor - to he lp us try. -Joyce Evans, scribe. Troop 2., OPENS EVANSTON STORE Warner Paint company, having branches in'Forest Park, La Grangle. and Glen Ellyn, and which was founded by' George W. Warner in 1896, is opening another store at 604 Davis street, Evanston. Elmner C Warner is now president and George E. Warner is secretary and treasurer 0O1ctober 4, 1934 WILMEYTE LIFE