buy gbooks, bicycles esclothe s. o r.-acar. CALL UNIVERSITY 3220 FOR GOOD WHITE DOMESTIC IiELP, wlth excellent references. EAST SIDE EMP. AGCY. : ELLA J. DURGIN 624 Davis Street' Evanston. ________________68LTN22-îté WANTED-GEN. HSWI'. EXCELLENT cook , baker. Take full charge, caters veil. Perm. pos. wlth family. Neat and honeat. Phone Wilmette 1170. Bohannon Emp. Agency. 68LTN22-ltp RELIABLE CAPABLE WOMAN WISH- Prs! care of chlldren, day or evenlng or Po t ime work or sewlng. Can give refs. Prce reas. Phone Wllmette 4203. 68LTN22-ltp WOMAN WITH FIRST CLASS REFS. would like day work. Good cleaner and laundress. ]Reasonable. Phone Win- netka 1530. 68LTN22-îtp WANTED - LAUNDRY WORK HOME or out. Refer. Also young girlt tke care of chidren. Phone Wilniette 4808. 68L.TN22-1 te i'l.EANING- ANI) LALJN[>lMY Y TFiw day. N. S. refer. Also general i »t work, $10 to $12 a week. Phone Wi mette 3809. 68LTN22-ltc 2 RELiABLE COLORED WOMEN- good cooks wlth good refs., wish to cook and do hsewk. Stay nlghts or go. Ph. Oakland 2339. 68LTN22-ltp EXPERIENCED REGISTERED NURSE willing to take any case, willing to help with hswk. Reasonable price. Phone Berkshire 0825 68LTN22-ltp EXPERIENCED COOK WILL GET UP' dinners by day or week or hour, or help with housework. N. S. refs. Phone Wiimette 2345. 68LT22-ltp REFINED CAPABLE GIRLDESIRES position as nursemnaid or companion. Phone Wlnnetka 3596. 68LTN22-ltp SiITuATrION WANTirED-MAiLE Garden and Housework WANTED BY EXP. MAN BY DAY or hour. Phone Winnetka I$52. ' 69L22-ltp GERMAN CHAUFFEUR AND HOUSE- man. Expenienced. 30 years old. Single. X. S. references. Glencoe 734. 69LTN22-ltp SIT. WTrD.-MALE ANP FEMALE German, .35, gen. maid 4 yrs. N. S. refs. $wedish, 26, gen. maid, 3 yrs. N. S. refs. Amnerican, 35, gen. maid, 2 yrs. N. S. refs. German 38-30, Couple 6 yrs. N. S. refs. Ger. and Eng,. 38-28, Cple. 2 yrs. N. S. refs. 4'olored, 38-29, Couple 2% yrs. N. S. ref s. Pau line's Eniffi. Agency 4th & Linden Opp. -L" Ter~. 1 B1k. Linden Sta. N. S. Lino. 70LTN22-ltc ERED'S EMPI<. ÀGENCY Highland Park 'Over lValgreen'x .HAS NOW AVAILABLE 1 Danlsh couple, 1 English couple and 2 coiored couples. 2 Engllsh born, buters; 1 Norwegian maie cook, and 2 A-1 female couks. A. E. ALS[JP GLENCOE 160 70LTN22-1 tc German, 32-31, 2 years last place. Swedish, 30-28, 3 years exper. Norwegian, 34-35, 4 years exper. Bohemian, 35-34, 7 years exper. Ma.ny other couples, 1% to 5 years exp. Reinhart's, Empi. Agency 748 Elm st. Winnetka 3399 70LTN22-lte SWEDISH COUPLEC WISHS ÊOSI- tion. Husband, chauffeur and ail- around man. Wife, cook and general housework. ,N. S. ref. Phono Palisade '497. 70L22-ltp YOUNG, COUPLE. CHAUFFEUR AND general housework. Wife good, cook. Stay on place. N4. S. refs. Greenleaf 3174. 7OLTN22-ltp A-i COUPL'E-10 Y 1ERs EXP. Ex- cellent cook' and chaufeur. Exch. N. S. reterences. Cal arl, Drexel 0508. 7OLTN22-itp UN~ c...................... ONE GERMAN MIAID........... $15 TWO G»RMAN MAIDS ....$10 & $13 Others at $5 to $8 FRED'S EMPL. AGENCY Highland Park Glencoe 160 I 71LTN22-ltc I HELP WANTrED-FEamALE Pauline's-Wilmette Experienjod and compotont help. GOOD POSITIONS OPEN NOW. Corne in and regit-rno charge.for this service. .Pauliie.'s Empi. Agency 4th & Lînden Opp. Vp" 'rer. 1 Blk. Lînden Sta. N. S. LUne. 71LTN22-lte DOM ESTIC HELP EXP. AND WELL RCOMMENDED C.*ood Openîngs at Once Linidgren Empi. Agency Established 25 years 799 Elm St. Winp. 10 17 71LTN19-tfc EXPER. WHITE MAID UNDER 30. Good eook. Permanent place ln famn- 113' <f 2 adults. No washlng. Good wages. Own room and bath. Tt floor. Ref. req. Write A-191, Box 40, Wllmette, EX P. GIl L.,IlROTESTANT, BETWEEN 20 and 3.5 yrs. <>ld for gen. housework; inust lie good cook and fond of chlldren. No latindry. Own rooîn and bath. Phone Winnetka 1015. 7ILTN22-lte- RELIA BLE WHITE WOMAN TO STAY witli high school age children oc- <caioialIy wh eiparents are out of town. Give' age, refs., write A-190, Box 40, Wilntte.III.71LTN22-ltp SETTLEi> WOMAN FOR COOKING andi hsu'ework, fanifly of two. Room and î,rivate bath. Good home to one with kindly dixposition. Glencoe 1415. 71LTN22-ltp Exil. WHITE GIRL. 25-30 YRS. ONE child t; yrs. Gen. hswk. and laundry. Must 1be gipod eooxk. References. Stay. $8 per ,%-*-ek. l'hi me'Wilmette 3868.. 71LTN22-lti, work ztnd latundry by day;-,sniall apt. Partial eare of infant. Cail Fni. or Sat. morning. Winnetka 2642. 71LTN22-ltc EXPERIENCED WHITE GIRL FOR general housework. Good cook. 3 adults. Ref. Phone Kenilworth 1009. 71LrN22-ltp CHANCE FOR PUBLIC STENOG- rapher-Space on ground foor and some business guaranteed. Phone Win- netka 564. 71LTN22-lté WANTED: WHITE, GIRL FOR GEN. hswk and cooklng. Good home. Phone Kenilworth 4766. 71LTN22-ltp HELP WANTED>-MALE MAN WANTED FOR RAWLEIGH Route of 800 familles. Write lmmedi- ateiy. Rawleigh, Dept. ILJ-138-SA, Freeport, 111. 72LTN22-ltp I HELP WANTED-MALE AND FEMME WA NTED: REPRESENTATIVE TO look after our, magazine sub$crlption Interests lu Wilmette and yicinity, Our plan enablos you te secure a good part cf the hundreds, of. dollars spent ln, this viciniity each faîl and winter for maga- zines. Oldeat agency in U. S. Guaran- teed lowest rates on aIl periodicals, domestlc and foreign. Instructions and equlpment free. Start a growing and permanent business lu whole or spare tm. Address MOORE-COTTRELL, Ine., Wayland. Road, North Cohoc- ton, N. Y -73L22-ltp Wanted Swedlsh Couple.......... $100 ,Wanted German mald............. $12 Other openings for white help. Johnson'a. Emp. Agency, 1428 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wllmette 4144. 73LTN22-Itp) WANTED- C O U P LE, WHITE, AT least. 5 years' experience. References necessary. Good wages. Tel. Glencoe 686. 73LT22-ltp - ~ FOR SALE-AUTOS 1932 -passenger LINCOLN SEDAN Blaok with side niouflts.- Like new. Immediate male-$1,500. Wilmette 4548. 77LZ2-ltp 1929 Buick Conv. Coupe A-1 cond. Trade-in value $172. Sacrifice $150. Wtnnietka 2855. .77LTN22-ltp DODGE SPORT PHAETON, FENDER wells, Lorraine spot lite, many extras. Must sacrifice. $165. Glencoe 376. 77LTNL22-ltp FORD DELUXE COUPE, RUMBLE seat, Dec. '32. Fine condition. Phone Wllmette 3231. 77LàTN22-Itp FOR ftENT--ROONS9 LARGE. WELLà FURNISHED ROOM, suitable for 1 or 2 aduits employed. Three blocks to aIl transportation. Phone Winnetka 1894. 82L22-ltp COMFORTABLE ROOM, ONE-H-ALF; block to Elm- St. station, Winnetka. 720 Elmn St. Phone Winnetka 2480. 82L22-ltp NICELY FURNISHED TWIN BED room. South East Exposure. Choice nelghborhood. Phone Wilmette 4338. 82L22-ltp L2 ROOMS, ONE LARGE. WITH DOU- ble bed; other single. 13usiness people preferred. 529 EIder lane. Wlnnetka 258. 82LTN21-2tp ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED ROOM including fireplace and lav. Central location. Phone Wllmette 2399 or.2427. 82LTN22-4tP NICELY FURN. ROOM. EAST SIDE home. Close to transp;. Also gar. Young mnan prefered. Refs. exchanged. Phone Wilimette 1848. 82L.TN22-ltp Il There 's a world of savings in a 4 TIME WANT-AD!l TO PLACE WANT-ADS *AND RESULTS, tool It ià a fsct thet- consistent sdvertisînt pays grestor> dividends than random, one-time $bots. To make, k wort h whiIe to advertise for four WeekS in WILMEMRITBLis WINNIiTKA TALK and GLIINoOII Nnws, we are sdding. to our regular 20%v discount au additional 1061 on four timo Wmnt-Ads. Thst men sa.rosi savingt WILMEITE-Lips, WINNmTKA TALk and GLENOR NBws are resd in nosrly overy home on tho north shore and resch every logical prospect for your Want-Ad. PHONE WILMETTE 4300 I .~ ask for Ad-TakerI I. 'FOR RENT-Atoome. 1 OR 2 IPUR141SHBD ROOMB WITII kitchenette. Ail couveniences. WeU beated. 2 bika. fromn C.,. & N. W. and N. S. Sta. 629 Park Ave. Phone Wil- mette M45. 82LTNIS-ltb ATTRACTIVE LARGE FRONT ROOMIý suitabIe for one or two. Private home. Meals optional 2. Biks. to '46U" Phone Wilmette 2624. . 82LTN22-ltc LOVELY CLEAN AND WELL HEAT- ed single room in private home near Community House and, transp. Reason- able rent. Winnetka 3135. S2LTN22-tp BRIGHT, PLEASANT, FURNISHED room, three blocks to Elm St., Win- netka station. Phone Wlnnetka 415. 82LTN22-eltp 4 BLKS. TO 64L.1 2 PROM N. SHORE lune. Choice of room. Private family. Reas. 606 Washington St. Phone Wil- mette 4661. 82LTN22-4tc LARGE WELL FURN. ROOM AND gar. for 1 employed $5 week. Break- fast optional. Near Greenbay station. Phone Gncoe 1606. 82LTN22-ltip HOUSETCEEPING RMS. FOR SMAILL faml>. Near schools, desirable East Wiliniette location. Phone Wil. 965-R between 1-7 ). M.___ 82LTN22-Itc F'ORRENTý-LRNIS HED ROOM NR. transportation. 893 Elni St., Wlnnetka. Phone Winnetka 1719. 82LTN22-Itp FURàNISHED ROOM,. CONVENIENT to trans>. Kitchen priviieges. Garage. Phone Wilmiette 2764. 82LTN22-ltp PÏLEASANT ROOM WITH PRIVATE famiiy. N.ear transp. 835 Park Ave. Phone Wilinestte 233. 82LTN22-ltp 3 HOUSEKEEPING RMS. FOR RENT partly turn. Garage. Reasonable. 929 CentralAve., Wilmette. 82LTN22-ltl* NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY ROOM, close to transp. Phone Winnetka 156. 82LTN22-lte VERY REASONABLE $1NGLEROOM01; clean, comfortable and convenlent. Phone Winnetka 2844. 82LTN22-ltp BOARD ANDfROON____ KEILýWORTH -INN offers you clean, homeillke rooma3, suites with bath., Excellent meals. Beason- able. 315 Cumnor Rd., Kenilworth 5491. OOLTN3-ltc ATTRACTIVE RM. FOR TWO. EX- cellent meals. Private family. Near transportation. Reanonable. Phone Wil- mette 2117. 86LTN22-ltp PLEASANT ROOM AND BOARD, 2 ladies or gentlemen. Convenient te Indian Hill and Winnetka stations. Phone Winnetka 2767. 86L22-ltp FOR RENT-APARTMENTUe 'rHE LINDEN MANOR HKUBBARD WOODS 145 BLoom apartm.nts; tlle bath, re- f rig., roll-a-way b.d. Iteam, pries. FRA&NI A. REILD 954 Linden, Hubbard Woode Winn. 13M 9SLTNS-t.f. ONE 0F THE LOVE.LIEST 4 P.0011 apt.,inuthe. Lînden Crest Building. Avallable uow. All large outside room. KROLL & SMITH AGENT III424 Linden Ave Wilmettu 5 4%~ room apt. 2 bedroome ........ArÀ-e TOWER COURT BLDG. 894 Linden avenue, Hubbard Woods Phone Winnetka 15»17 DZLTN22-ltp LARGE SUNNY APT.' riRus AsD .sunporch, large Yard ; or 3 or 4 rr. hekp9. suite, furn. or unfuru. Steama lit. Nr. schlis and transp. Ph Wilmette 23 li. .98LR-ltp 3 EOOM APT. HEAT AND LIQUT furnlsed. AIislrom apt. Oct. lot. $51 -spruees t., Winn.tka. Phone Win- netka 2976. 23-t 4 ROOM APARTMNT OVICR GA- rage. Mot water où ht. Ail modern conveniences. Traasp. Phone Minmette 19. 9SLTNSS-ltc FOR RENT-56 ROON PLAT, 1BT FLU., 1715 Elmwood Ave., WU. Bot water ht. $85. Phone Wilmetts 331. 92LTN22-ltip 6 ROOM PLAT WITH BATka. Ji<- nace ht. $25 per month. Phone WII- mette 5227, Frank Kun%, 132 Park Ave., Wilmette. 1. 11 92LTN22-ltp ATTRACTIVE PARTLY FURNISHE apt. 3 roomesuad bath. Heated. Garage. Adults only. Phone Wilmette us33. 2LTN22-tp 5 oR 6 ROOMS - GAO RANGE AND heating stoves £uruished. Gar. -Nemi transp. Reasonable. Ph. Wilmtt. 1#»T. *3LTNU-ltp COMPETENT WHITE HELP WANTED wlth good referenes. Apply ln peraon. ALL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 663 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 251 1-1-- - 1.?. -1. ýjý 1 Ocieber 4, 1934 -WILMETTE LIFE