October 4, 1934 WILMRTTR LIFE .W.lththe AmÀeenLekri ItMM ALL WILMETTE. FILMS 'CLICK' Every Picture Ha. Appeal; "Of Hu-; mon Bondage" an Outstanding Attrac- tdon on Week's Schedule "Midnight Alibi," the First National picture based on the story of Damon Runyon, author of "Lady for a Day,"' will be the feature attraction at the. Wilmette theater Thursday and Fni- day of this .wveek. The story is one of the most un- usual romances that the famous writer bas yet conceived, t h e principal cbarac- ters being an elderly and aris- tocratic spinster and a New York ............ racketeer. Helen Anma Dvora& Lowell, the noted Broadway star, bas the former role, and is said to give an outstanding characterization, while Richard Bar- thelmess bas the stellar role of the gangster. Ann Dvorak plays.the part of bis sweetheart. Charie Cha" Solves Mystery *Charlie Chan, portrayed by Warner Oland, solves another blood-chilling mystery in the Fox picture, "Charlie Chan's Courage," coming to the WiI- mette theater Saturday. Who tbrew the deadly knife that killed a faithful Chinese servant? Why did a pet parrot scream, "Help! Mur- der!"? Who killed the bird, silencing. that scream forever? Who bad been murdered at a millionaire's lonely desert mansion ... and wbere was the body? These are the questions bristling forth from the story of Earl Uerr Biggers that bave to be solved by the enigmatic Oriental detective created on the screen by Warner Oland. It is one of bis most baffling mysteries. That Ruggles Mau. Again Aithough tbe title would lead movie fans. to believe otberwise, "Murder in the Private Car," sbowing. this Sun- day at tbe Wilmette theater, is a riot of laughs and nonsense-and Charles Ruggles.. Plenty of thrills, too. Things bappen rapidly when Mary Carlisle discovers she is a missing beir ess and, with Una Merkel, sets ont ini a private car to nieet ber f ather. Charles Ruggles, a "crime, deflecctor," and Russell Hardie add to the com- plications. Leslie Howard Stars The combination of one of the great- est stars of the stage and screen, Les- lie Howard, and one of the greatesi stories in modemn literature, makes RKO-Radio's "0f Human Bondage,' which shows Monday to TIhursday, October 8 to 11, one of the Most Càn tertaining dramat ic pictures to enierge from Hollywood this year. Leslie Hioward desired to star in "Of Human Bondage," :and W. Somersel Maugham wanted a player of Howard'Is fine bistnionic caliber to play in hiE story. These favorable production as. pects combined with John Cromwell'E intelligent- direction, Lester Cohen',. brilliant scenario and a flawless& casI resuit 'in a colorful, enjoyable pro- duction destinedl for boundless succes: with loyers of the Maugham classic Howard f ans and the new host 01 movie-goers wbich tbe picture wil' attract. GQary Cooper and Shirley Temple in Dramaat Varsity Anent the movi e situation, tlhs previewer- (alwkays the Incurable punster) is presenting the long and the shortofý it . .. Gary Cooper and Shirley Temple turn in their finest screen performances in "Now and Forever" at the Varsity theater, Fni- day.to Monday, October 5 to 8. Gary Cooper's most sincerely con- vincing screen job tnay bave been ins pired by bis presence in the same movie with littie Shirley Temple, bundie of curis, dimples, bright eyes and smles. Anyway, the tot is better with every picture - some cal er the greatest of ail past and present cbild stars. Under Henry Hathaway's dcft di- rection, "Now and Forever,' the story of Cooper's regeneration, moves along flawlessly. Shirley Temple and Carole Lombard help bim fight bis way up where he belongs. Others who turn in believable characterizations are Sir Guy Standing and Charlotte Gran- ville. The picture is well worth the time of any patron who knows bis movies. Tuesday, Wednesday and Tbursday, October 9 to 11, the Varsity presents Warner Baxter in "Grand Canary,"t the tale of a doctor who was "igos- sipped" ont of bis profession. How be tried to recapture bis past stand- ing, provides the wallop of this drama.. Madge Evans, Marjorie Rambean, Barry Norton, Zita Jobann and Roger imhof are other members of the cast. ENSLAVED BY LOVE Love's strange domination over a sensitive spirit is the the theme of Leslie Howard's "Of Human Bond- age," RKO-Radio Pictures' filmniza- tion of the famnous W. Somerset Maughaml nove1. Howard stars as the poor medical student wbomn love places in enthralment to a beantifuli but unworthy girl. LONGS FOR CAMERAS Leslie Howard, who stars in '«0f Human Bondage" witb Bette Davis and 'Frances Dee, is an ardent cam- era entbusiast. His zeal for pbotog- rapby bas reacbed the stage wbere lie tbreat ,ens eventually to desert the movies and millions of fans to ex- plore bis hobby. HIS FIRST FILM DISGUISE For the first time in bis illus- trions career as a motion picture detective, Charlie Chan is wearing a disguise. Warner Qland, creator of tbe screen, counterpart of Earl Demr Biggers' fanions fictional slenth,, masquerades as a Chinese Cook tbrongbout on of "Charlie Cban'sCourage.", __mas __.__t COMMUNITY, FrL and Sat., Tu«s. & WeJ. oct.5- John Wayne, ln -OMAN PROM MONTEREY0 mike ono. Winnetka pramna Clu.b "SKIDDING" At 8:15..cM #'Mau, From, Montere 9', ai Commurnty T he aier John Wayneý dons the unifortn of an American cavalry officer for the stirrig~g adventuresthat lie before bum as "The Man Proml Monterey," a lromantic drama of old California whicb cornes to the Winnetka Coin- munity theater Friday and Saturday, October 5 and 6. SLaid in the days when the military colunins of Fremont, Stockton and Kearny took the province for the United States following the war witb Mexico, "The Man Froni Monterey". offers a vivid and colorful lii e on tbe vast ranchos of the Californians. Tuesday and Wednesday, October 9 and 10, the Community theater will present tbe Winnetka Drama club in the first play of the season, "Skidding." There will be one performance of this production each night beginning at 8 :15 o'clock. Todmy (,rhums) OPsM . Lt DayI 1:301 DuanaWynya dDiffy Fr., Sat., Sun., Mon., 7FORE-VEA LAUREL & HARDY in "GOING BYE BYE" 1 231p. M. I Tues., Wed., Thu-s., Oct. 9-10-il WARME AXE &Grand Canaw WIth Madge E»»n M M ~I. E El a I la Rihrdsa. rthelmsin - 'MINIHTALIDI Also Ruth Efting in "TORCH TANGO" Werer Olend in Also Cherlie Chaplin Comedy Set. Met. OnI-Çhepter 2 Sun. Only. Oct. 7 Charlie Ruggles ln PUE VAtE CAR" Mon toThua.,Oct. S-11 LESLIE JOWARD "The Merry Frinks" eoWiIdGoId" "Porsonellty Ked" "Dragon kMurder Cern" m Fr1.. Oct. 12 Myrna Loy-Georgje Irnt in Set., Oct. 13 R.turn by Populer Request m il october 4, 1934 1 WILMETTE LIPE Boës open, nBu.EliIy t 1:30 pff.mnshow at 1:00 p.m. (Continuons) Dloos Open week ]Dur$ nt 446p. m, slow etas lSe Box oEcee does Itou om.te ai. nt est& p.ut. ad aSums et 1000 ft . Admits, 25c-Childm, 10e