Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Oct 1934, p. 47

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October 4, 1934 WILMBTTE LIFE r T Kentilworth Makes Revisionsi .Garbage and Rubbish Regulations Ettablish,,Unit B agis. Rte fér Collections Regulations and rates for rubbish collection service in Kenilworth came to the attention of the Kenilworth Village board at, its regular meeting Monday night and a number of -changes were voted by the board. Under the amended ordinance the charge for rubbish collection is madej -on a flat rate or unit basis instead of on the basis of the number of rooms in a residence. Another change provides for a new combustible rubbish collection service. 'This service heretofore bas flot been available in Kenilwortb, collections liaving. been made only on non-com- b)ustible rubbisb. .May Wrap Garbage One change was made in the regula- tions for garbage collection service, which is free. In the past wrapping of garbage was not permitted. The reason for this was that the garbageý was fed to hogs on a farm about ten miles from the village and if wrapped, it would have to be unwrapped before it could be disposed of in this way. The new regulations permit the wrap- ping of garl)age in newspapers. A charge of $6 per residence for a six-month period is to be made for the new combustible rubbish service. The côst per residence for a single month's collection will be $1. The residence rates for non-combustible rubbish col- lection service are $3 per residence for six months and $1 per residence for a single month. Define "Rubbish" Non-combustible rubbisb is defined as including ashes, tin cans, bottles, ashes from rubbish burners, lawn rak- *ings, grass cuttings, weeds and other ordinary accumulations of rubbisb which cannot be burned. Combustible ruhbisb includes waste paper, packing boxes, sbru b trim- Peter D. Knight, 80, Is Killed by Train Peter D. Knight, 80 years old, 1509 Spencer avenue, was instantly killed a few minutes after 4 o'clock Thurs- day afternoon, September 27. wben he was struck by a aorth bound fast througb passenger train on the Chi- cago and North Western railroad. Mr. Knigbt was very deaf and evi- dently absorbed in bis own thougbts, as he approacbed the railroad, walking west on, the south side, of Central avenue. The engineer. of the train., perceiving the danger as the aged man walked around the lowered gates, sounded piercing warnings whicb ?he victim did not or could not hecar, for he proceeded directly 'into the path of tbe oncoming train. The impact threw the body across Central avenue and against the fence dividing the north bound f rom the south bound * t r a c k s., Police Officers Wbiteside, Schmidt and Poppel reached the -vic- tim almost immediately, but fouind life extinct. Tbe body was at 'once re- moved to, Scott's undertaking parlors. A coroner' s inquest held Friday morninig resulted, in a verdict of 'acci- dental deatb. Mr. Knight was the, busband of tbe late Margaret. Knigbt. He lived witbl bis daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald N. Wade, at 1509 Spen-. cer avenue. Surviving, besides Mrs. Wade, are two other daughters, Mrs. Erik Ward and Mrs. Randaîl Pease. Funeral services were held Saturday morning at Scott's Funeral Home, 1118 Greenleaf avenue. Interment was in Graceland cemetery. mings, tree trimminîgs, leaves and oth- er ordin4ry accumulations of rubbish wbicb can be burne'd. The. new regulations provide that quantities of combustible rubbisb too large or bulky to place in containers will be classed as a special pick-up for wbich an extra charge will'be made. Give Winter * Schedule The winter scbedule for rubbisb and garbage collection went into effect Monday of tbis week and will continue until May 1, 1935. Tbe scbedule fol- lows: Monday-Garbage, entire village. Tuesday-Non-combustible rubbisb, Abbotsford road and tbe section of the village west of this street. Wednesday-Non-combustible rub- bish, Essex road and tbe section of the village east of this street. Thursday-Garbage, entire village. Friday - Combustible rubbish, Abbostford road and west. Saturday-Combustible rubbisb, Es- sex road and east. -1, Skoki«eLagoons proéject, Will, Be Shown in Movises On Tuesday evening,- October 16, Winnetka Masonic' lodge. Will have an open meeting that will be given over entirely to 'a presentation of the Skokie, Lagoons, project. Speakers fromn the U. S. Armny ywo are i charge of the Civilian Conservation corps,. from the Department of the Interior, National Parks service; and f rom the Cook County Forest Pre- serve, will present different phases of the biggest park 'construction job the north shore bas ever had. Supplementing tbhese speakers will be a two-reel movie, entitled, "Build- ing Men and Parks,". which was talcea in the last six weeks. Tis, movne pic- tures the camnp life -of the CCQ.boys. the work on the project, and. includes aerial views of tbe. district, immedi- ately surrouinding. The meeting will be bheld ini the Winnetka Masonic temple, 708 Elm street. 2 WHOOPING COUG H CASES Two new cases of wbooping cough were reported in Wilmette in the week ending September 30, the local Health department records show. Miss Caroline Calloway, 921 Linden, avenue, wbo recently entered the University of Illinois, bas been pledged to Alpha Phi sorority. COMPARE NASH-LAFAYETTE $6 8.5 ev with amy other Iow-pric.d car EeVANSTON NASH COU 1735 Benson Ave, 1% Bika. N. of Dais L" Station costs Of You can't fool the wonnen on values. They know what they Yyould have to psy for a regular massage, a cabinet bath, an ultra- violet ray treaiment, infra-ted ray treat- ment, alcohol or oil tub, swimming and most of ail undergo the torture generally experienced in the many and various pro- cesses of so-called reducing. Consider then these fine facilities and the pleasure they afford as listcd below: e 30 MASSAGE BOOTHS. e 7 EXPERIENCED MASSUESES e 12 ELECTRIC CABINETS 0 4 VIOLET RAY LIGHTS 0 6 INFRA-RED RAY LIGHTS 0 2 VIBROTONE MACHINES 0 EXIERCiSE ROOMS " GAME COURTS (inest in the orea for badminton, volley bail and squash> " PRIVATE DRESSING ROOMS " NEEDLE SHOWERS *PRIVATE LOCKERS e COMPLETE LAUNDRY FACI LITI ES. 0 MARINE LIGHTED SWIMMING POOL («Swim, in a pool parer thon thse n'oer yon drink") You enjoy ail of these superb facilities under the personal direction of conîpetent instructors and thse price averages Iess #han $1They off ord pIesure ... not the ,asual body discomfort and hard work. VALUE!l FUN..!RESULTS! Reducing Body Beauty, Permanent Health YOU GET ALL THIS AND MORE HERE FOR LESSTHAN $1. WHEN COMMERCIAL INSTITUTIONS CHARGE OVER $.0 GeO Full' Details of This Woaderf ail 0*er! N'ORTH SHOESCHOOL et Physical Developnïent. 1700 Central Street. Eivanston GREenleaf 3700-PHONES-WINuetka 418 ociober 4, 1934 WILMETTIE, LIFE

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