Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Oct 1934, p. 46

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A - Q -. ar. October 't, 1934 "Home.MODENSNIZA TO SECTIOIL4 Demonstration House' Find Leaky Roof Explains Repair Idea Chie f Concern of The demonstration bouse idea, de- 7 signed to. show step-by-step progress in M any iiomeowners modernizing an old dwelling, is ex- Leaky roofs are the chief concerri of pected to figure in community repair citv home owners, according to an and renovation campaigns ail over tlh, analsis of the requests for information country, under the Better Housing be ing received by the Federal Housing program of the Federal Housing ad- administration. ministration. Painting cornes next and frequently .Already several sucb movernents are is coupled with roofs in the inquiries. under way in connection witb local Home owners are byno means the drives. The plan f ollowed customarily only ones seeking modernization infor- is to take a small, old shack or bouse, mation from the F.H.A. Owners of move it to a prominent location wbere apartment houses are deeply interested, it may be viewed by the public, and according to the mail analysis, as well thoroughly modernize and repair it. as owners of small stores and shops. In Long Beach, Calif., and Sacra- Builders, lumber men and manufac- mento, Calif., this week, two such. turers of special building supplies al so projects got under way. In Long Beach,' are keeping in close touch with the the Press-Telegramn and Morning Sun modernization program of'the F.H.A. moved an old, dilapidated dwelling ta Nearly every phase of modernization a vacant lot adjoining the newspaper is mentioned in the mail coming in on plant, and commenced renovating it in the F.' H. A. Even termites, or "white connection with a modernization cam- anits," figure in the inquiries since pro- paign it is sponsoring. tection against this pest is a problem iin The Sacramento Bank of America some sections of the country. 15 reconstructing an old house on on: Bath rooms, heating systems îand of the main business streets of that plumbing generally are the subjects' of city. Newspapers are cooperating in some inquiries, wbile large numbers the movement, and material dealers, of home owners plan to build addit ion- equipment dealers, furniture stores, etc.. al rooms to. their bouses to provide bave pledged their aid. permanent quarters for those taken in A' similar movement is under wa.v during the "doubling up" process of re- in Seattle, Wasb. cent iyears. "Father and mother are liv- ing with us now,"' several writers state, I J E RT Y and we need an extra room for them." LOAN _Auto J CURTAINS COVER PLUMBING IconpoRAtÀioNr Personal window and shower curtains in theL Tes ~. ure~.emri iu IUMIru nure I15« SheramnAvenue, Evanston e a r itemr flrst mortgage loa] apartentsan< Quinlan&I l N. ua sal. Street Chicago Central 0227 Datflroom, if draped- around the bot- In assuring the Federal Housing ad- tome to handng aateadd a decora-ng Utili ty CompanyJon ministration of the support of the Asso- tivetouh an cocea ugl plmbin Jons iated General Contractors, Mfr. Hel- and unsightly bottles, scouring powder. in Modernization MoVC mers said : bruses, tc.The Public Service Company of "I believe tliat our entire memhership CHTE Northern Illinois is cooperating iin realizes fully that when vour programn INSTALL METALCHT every community it serves with the is in full swing, it will do more ta re- A metal coal chute is better than federal national housing campaign vitalize gencraI construction nd na- the old-fasbioned window. It is break- in its programn to rehabilitate, repair tional g ovr ta avoteamv proof, weather-proof, thief-proof and and modernize the homes of the which could bé made." attractive, nation. .u m m n m~~~~m~~ According to government figures,cizesadtbunssndiusr -Home Loan a 16 million out of. 29 million homes in generally. It is- a sound national -Feera Fam1 he ounryarein eedof epar.movement of real wealth producing 18 -OSUM : c'ZZ l It is 0 sblated thtbree 'million valu: en. e rseiyi vr m rbbyar o ot rehabilitating1 S :am- Ey tV» Canîp,& FeU, Inc:Federal authorities say .that the "icetesccs fthspa I Bom-ed.TaWaana modernizingan repair work wi plls eee rseiyi vr M S. La Sali. ANDover Z«4. require the expenditure of about one community served by the Public andon-haf illondolar an tatService company, the management ___________________________ expenditure. of sucli a sum for labor whole-erdl edoss i an -and materials would point thewa urges the cooperatio.n of ail company out of our depiession. way employe5."t Britton 1. Budd, president of the In scores of communities in. the E L Public Service company, in an an- area served byv the Public Service E LO ÀA N Snouncement to ail employes, urged conlpany, local officiais, bankers and the tocooerae i eeryvva wih bsinssmen of aIl classes are co- etfor conservative thernhomoe .raiatinvey ay itb' operating with their chambers o ri ns residences, "The 'plan of the Federai' Housing to further this new1 campaign 1i flAdministration to repair and, mod- order to find new, work for the office buildins tehme,9iesi uepoyed and revive business and III EATNO EItVICE CO. j Tyson,: mc. 011 IBu erB i. 1571 Sherman Avenu. Evanston University 2Ml ALL MAKES WinnotIka 375 DayorNXig t OLIVER HANSEN Here Are ý Provi sions of That Housing Acet The National Housing act, which contemplates widespread home re- inodeling and repair, empowers the Federal Housing administration to insure banks, trust companies, build- ing and Iban associations, acceptance companies and other discount agen- cies approved by the government, against bosses, incurred in the dis- counting of notes 'of approved prop- erty owners, for money borrowved for the purpose of improving their property. The act. provides as, fol- lows: l-Insuirance of iending institu-' tions against al Ioss Up to an. amount equivalent to 20 per cent of its total qualified boan, (ten times the normal bad debt loss) ; 2-Loans by property owners up ta $2,000 to remodel, repair and re- build property, (not more than five sucb blans ta on: owner) ;1 3-Loans ta b: repaid in' regular instalîments extending over periods from 1 ta 3 years, with provision for exceptional cases running ta 5 years. Carrying charges not ta ex- ceed $5 per $100 or original face amount of a 12 equal monithly pay- ment note, to b: deducted in advance. Furtber information mày b: ob- tained from any bank or iending a institution in the community or p through a request for Bookiet r F.H.A.-101, addressed ta the Fed- C eral Housing administration, Wash- ington, D. C. Modern izing Forward Step Sini Recovery The general public must. cooperate with the governnient if the Bt&er Housing program is ta stimulate b~~ ness to the extent of national reCov~' according tW N. F. Helmers, presidl of the Asociated Genieral Contractors of America. "There must be a revival in the capital goods industries," Mr. Helmers said in a statement commending the modernizati 'on movement, "in order ta successfully promote real recovery. To this end, the entire public must become 'iodernization-minded.'. Jo times of r- trenchment, tbe average householder immediately cuts off expenditures, sucli as upkeep, renovization, and above aIl, modernization of his propediy. The minute he 'does this, he automatically forces others out of employment. "WVhen the average man can be sold on the idea that it will be to bis own good ta spend a real amount of nioney on bis home, we are indeed on the upgrade." The public shouid be made to realize, Mr. Helmers pointed out, that materi- Ris can now be purchased at reasonable prices, that labor is obtainable on a reasonable wage scale, and that the certainty of better times ahead make 't safe for most- people ta assume oh- igations in the form of easy moderniza- WILMETTE I.IIPlP A ln*à 4 Ede

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