fh t.. "It's only righ olt you know the tremendous (and I really mean 'tre- mendous') amount of praise ourpro- gram bas-been receiving. And boyl O boy Arn I ever tickled! "This is just a personal note in ap-1 preciation for the terrible lot of pains you took to give us more than our money's wortb. "Thanksa thousand times for the swell job.". *more- than our money's. worth"- THAT'S WHAT, CUSTOMERS GET WHIEN LLOYD HOLLISTER DOES THEIR PRINTING *0iThe excerpt above echoes the words of manv Pur desire and conscientious effort to serve better satîqtied customers whom- we serve regularly. than others.- Our practical suggestions out of a store 1If we figured printing only a s pape r, ink, mechan- of twenty years' experience. Our wish to satisfy. icalprodctin incol dolars our us- Fair prices. A rigid adherence té our promises. tornepr oucinnold dootltesi.us.such thins. These are some of the things which cause such, "More than, our money's worth"' cornes in- the letters to be written and some of the reasous why 1 .ntangible things flot figured on a cost sheet and we have served many customers for years. Learn for whc e r oinetitoeeyprinting, order. yoursef with your next printing problem! SHELDRAKE 1216 LOC GREENLEAF 4300 O L "T R I WIMTIS40Printeirs *Publisheirs Egavr WINNETKA 2000 122-6Central Avenue Wilmette, Illinois