(~.r~hr 4103 UV! U TTP tYPw.,1 J - . M, cv= A a in- 9-v yolang artists of Chicago an~d its sur- roundings. whose talents are pro- nountced. Mrs. A. E. Klunder, ,the president, will be in' the receiving line after the' program, as will be the other officers: Mrs. David J. Davis., first' vice-president; Mrs. George E. West, second vice-president; Mrs. A. Lloyd Grinneli, -third vice-president;, Mrs. George H. Reddipg, recording secre- tary; Mrs. Edward C. Hildreth, cor- responding secretary; Mrs. Paul C. Lang, treasurer. Department chairmen, Mrs. George B. Williams, literature: Mrs. Gordon Hannah, art;. Mrs. Gale M. Brooks, child and home; Mrs. Percy Idler, civics; Mrs. Raymond A. Wheelock, music, Mrs. Earl G. Low, philan- thropy. Chairmen of standing committees- Mrs. Harvey A. Bush, program; Mrs. Arthur G. Stanten. social-, Mrs. J. Clark Gapen, rentais; Mrs. Sam Den- nis, bulletin; Mrs. C. L.. Darling, ways and means; Mrs. Charles W. Robb. Jr., house and, grounds; Mrs. Rollo Gullickson, junior advisor. Oriental Rugs Themne of Program for Juniors Tuesday, October 9, is the day set for the next meeting, the flrst busi- ness session of the Junior auxiliary of the Woman's Catholic club. It will be held at 7 :45 o'clock at the Woman.'s club. A combined displav and lecture, the "Story of Oriental Rugs," is to, be the main feature of the program, but there will alsor bc a ten-minute lesson in bettert English. . fteeeigi The speakerofte veig s Charles Kashian of Hubbard Woods, a native of Armenia, who has made intensive study of the origin, the2 coloring, and the patterns of.Oriental rugs f rom their first weaving, and the story of their patterns, which are the stories of families in many instances, and which are to the descendants of their makers what coats of arms and Scotch plaids are to familie.s of other lands. Pouring at the coff ee table will be Mrs-. Harry L. Barker, president of the senior club, and Mrs. George' Ortseifen of Kenilworth, junior sponsor. 1-ostesses for this meeting are the Misses Eulalia *Barker, Cecilia Benz, Dorothy Bichi, and Margaret Bar- rett. Miss Dorothy Pettinger, president, asks any girls interested ini attend- ing this meeting or in becoming a member of the juniors to caîl the membership chairman, Miss Lorraine Moore at 518 Fifteenth street. Skokie Valley D. A. R. Plans Illustrated TaIk Mrs. Mark W. Cresap and Mrs. Israel.C. Cope, Woodley road, Win- netka, will' be hostesses to the Sko- kie Valley chapter of the Daughters Of the Amer*can Revolution for 12 :30 luncheon o11 Monday, October 15. There will be a prga n illustrated talk on southern schools which is to be in charge of Mrs. Harry P. Harrison. Tea for New Memnbers .The Mothers club of Delta Tau Delta will entertain at 'tea Monday, October 8, at the fraternity bouse, iný honor of new members. Mrs. Percy DeTamble of Wilmette is Fine Arts Chairman Mathew F'rancis Photo Mrs. George H. Beaudin, who laist spripig com.pleted her tzco-year terni as president of the Wornai's Catholic Club of Wilmiette, is its fieic arts chairman for a new vyear. She uill preside at the first mneet- hng on the aftcriroon of October 12. Northridge Notfes The regular meeting of the North- ridge Woman's club of Wilmette will take place on Monday, October 8, at 8 o'clock in the evening. The meet- ing will be held at the home of Mrs. M. A. Borresen, 2010 Thornwood avenue,' and those wishing to bring guests may do so, but are asked to notify Mrs. William Hughes, social chairman. The guest speaker is L. E. Dunbar of Marshall Fields, who will talk on "Antique, Silver.'" The guest artist will be Miss Berenice Viole, pianist. Miss Viole is a member of the fac- ulty of the American Conservatory of music. She took a good part of her training with Henoit Levy in Chi- cago. During a two years' stay abroad in Paris and Berlin, she was a pupil of Arthur Schnabel, in the latter city, and of Cartot in the former. The first meeting of the literature group under the direction of Mrs. Robert Marley, ivas held'at ber home on Monday, October 1., A large and enthusiastic gathering spoke well for the advance work done by Mrs. Mar- ley and bercommittee. and points to a year of interesting and successful programs. Mrs. Kenneth Lone, read, "The *Dover Road" very delightfully and brought out aIl the charm and light- ness, the comedy and tears of A. A. Milne's clever play. A book review will be, given at the next meeting by Mrs. Freeland Stecker. Reads "Wild December" Mrs. Paul Gathercoal, 2411. Thorn.:- woodavenue, who is in charge of a Drama Study group held under auspices of the Evanston Woman's club, read, "Wild December" by Clemence Dane on Monday of last week. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. W. K. Wanner, 221 Lockerbie lane, Wilmette. The group meets on the fourth Monday of each month, and is open to anyone who is interested in drama, Mrs. Gathercoal announces. BERNIE,9 Evanmstoui's Ment Fanieus Baby Phetegraphe]r m undeërstands, c h i 1 d ren and how to. photograph them. Botter than any- - one else,. lie captures the elusive charm of childhood. A BERNIE photograph assures you the highest ýaHainment of the photographic art,: no' matterhow liow the price you are chorged. A il childres smile for Berns# BERNIE STUDIlO 1623 SHERMAN AVE., EVANSTON UNI. 8998 tittaber 4. 1 ý 1 ý qk WILMETTE LIPE'