Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Oct 1934, p. 31

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w,, u.n'rrv I I~P IJLLIJUeA q, £V.W W AL M r.. 1£1A a . A Jr Impore Tapayrsto Apre $30.9000.9000 Relief. Bond Issue Real Estate A ut hority Soundst ApIeal te Voter: Warning to, ail home owners and4 ail reai estate and personal property1 taxpayers in Illinois to be sure thisi month that they are registered s0 they can vote in favor of the $30,000,- 000 emergency relief bond issue Nov- ember 6, and thus protect. tbemselves from iaving to pay a heavy, addi- tionai property tax next year, was issued this week by Cary E. DeButts, 1011 Lake street, Oak Park, presi- dent of the Illinois Association of Real Estate boards-. Tax Burden Remedy "Voting November 6, is supremely important to ail taxpayers this faIt," said Mr. DeButts, because of the tax of almost $38,000,000 which aiready bas been levied against real and per- sonal property of .every description tbrougbout the state to finance the state's share of emergency relief dur- ing 1934. This tax will be coliected in full next year f rom everybody who owns a home, real estate or personal property, unless the pending $30,000,- 000 emergency relief bond issue is approved by a majority of ail those voting November 6. "If the bonds are approved, the proceeds wiil be use4'to pay off the, $28,500,000 State tax notes which have been sold in anticipation of the col- lection of the $38,000,000 tax, and to pay the interest on these notes. The bonds themselves Àrill be paid out within a period of twenty years, an- nual principal and interest require- nients being met haif from the coun- ties' share and haif from the munici- palities' share of the gas tax, in pro- portion as counties and municipalities have received relief, from the .$28,- 500,000 fund. vote "Y«s,' Appeal "Practically ail property owners to- day are bearing a crushing tax, and they must rally to prevent this threatened heavy addition, which it is estimated will add $0.63 to the, tax rate, per $100 assessed valuation throughout the State. This, it is es- Invite to Pageant of Wedding CGwns Oct. 12 Romance and history are cioseiy in- termingled in the Panorama, of wed- ding gowns to be worn by "blushing brides" at the pageant te be held at the First: Methodist Church of Ev- anston on the evening of October 12. Under the guidance of a professionai producer every detail bas been care- f uily worked out and nothing ieft undone to make the affair a beauti- fui and interesting entertainment. Mrs. Herbert S. Phiibrick has loaned a wedding gown worn in 1854. A gown worn by a member of the wýeii-known Bragdon famiiy in 1865 bas been loaned by -Mrs. Evie V. Daggy. Her daugbter Annette wihl model this gown. Mrs. W. E. Watt's granddaughter, Patricia Lewis, will wear ber wedding, gown, dating back -to 1888. The pageant will begin at 8 o'clock. C. Frank Willigrms H as, a New Stinson Reliant C. Frank Williams, traveling buycr for the Sears Roebuck company, bas purchased a new, Stinson Reliant through the Chicago Aviation cor- poration,' operators of Curtiss airport and Stinson distributors in this area. Mr. Williams formeriy flew a Wace' cabin plane. timated, would mean an addition raniging f rom 8 per cent over the last tax bill in city territory, where the rates are high, to 15 per cent in- crease or more in the rural localities, where the rates are low, and where the state rate is a larger proportion- ate factor. "No tax increase of, any kind wil follow if the bonds are approved, but a very heavy increase in property taxes will follow if they are not approved. "This bond issue is non-partisan and bas the support of the State conventions of both democratic and republican parties." ON yEAJRBOOK STAFF Emma Bickham, of Wilmette, "has been appointed as a memnber of the 1936 Grinneil College Cyclone, accord- ing to Betty, Chevannes, editor-in- chief of the yearbook. M 1iss Bickham will havýe charge of'the section ai- lotted to pictures, stories, and facte concerning classes at GxinneILi ,Mrs. Albert Reichmaflsl of BarTing- ton;, formerly of Kenitwôrth, eOter- tained at a -bridge luncheon today At Barrington' Gountry clb. gNkjA OUEni.akÉF 3 I_________________________________ Tropical ish, Brds, Pet SppliesI the SECEJITV.f SIR. ~1 ,TI M Murphy-Miles Oit Company bas long been associated with the largest and strongesi reining ceeupany in the United States .. yes, even in the toorld!. Murphy-Miles' own supply of thon- sands of gallons-n-f fuel-ou1 right in the heat of the north shore and the stor- age facilities of this refining company, less than 20 miles away, makes doubly certain the reliability of Murphy- Miles' service. In allying itself with this refiming coin- pany the Murphy-Miles Oul Company is in a position of unquestioned leader- ship. One of great importance to north shore fuel-oil users. COOLER WEATHER US ON UTS WAY *It woi pay yen Io cail Murphy-Miles and erder your fuel tanký illied TODA Y! Ample savings roi resuit by prompt action., A Murphy-;Miles'Contract relieves your mind ef fuel roorries ail rinter long. Why net investigateP ¶The integrity of this refining çom- pany protecta Murphy-Miles' eus- toment! ffThe, uuvarying quality of its pro- ducts over many years is further assurance of satisfaction! ¶This refiner demnande of its assoei- ates a strict adherence to the poli- cies of service and fair dealUgg upo. which it has grown to world.wide fame. Murphy-Miles service re- flecta these policies. 'IlYou jet the security of the strengti of this relining Company whem dealing with Murphy-Miles. ¶TYou get what ethers suiave fer' what others talk *bout the too often theoretical principles of satisfaction aud serv- ice, actually in praptice 1 AUl important points for you to cou- sider. They demand that you choose Murphy-Miles as the one logical, saneý source of fuel-oil on the. north shore 1 MUPHY-M LES. O-L COMAN WiIIow Roud. West of Skokie IIvd.. Wimoetka. (Pleut No. 4) Wilmiette 900 PHONES Winnetka 855 Executive Offices, 1801 Fullerton Avenue, Phone Divermey 2700 SIX PLANTS CONVENIENTLY! LOCATED SERVING THE CHICAGO AREA à le-là.A Ot Among users of qualify printing there have been quitters.. The only one who sbould quit using quality printing is the one Who is indifFerent toéfthe impression he wants tb make or wko has nofhing l'o seii. Quality prinfing keeps sales UP. LLOYD HOLLUSTER INC. PHONE WILMETTE 4300 1 ýNi

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