IT! LIV1r-Y ctbe , 93 T~VBS APIR Don't Wait for. the First Blizzard . and REPAIR Your Fur Cool' at reasonable cost. Free estimates on repairs or on trade- In value on a new coat. Large selection of Fur-Trlmmed Coats. Your own furs may be used for trimming. M.B. OKEAN FURRIERS INC. 648 Lineoin Ave. WInnetka 27&2 THE PEMBRIDGE Evanstos.s Fis est Moderato Priced Hotel A Permanent Home in the Rest Zone ?NOR HousE Di.NG Room CLAUDE A. WARD Managing Director 1406 Chicago Ave., Evanston Gre. 3500 Traditionally correct in quality, our 'Qucen Quality shoos this season ore finer thon ever. So wide is the. range of sizes and widths, so comploe theii selection of styles for every occasion that youIl S6 to S 5 find it a real pleôsure ta choose froM s050 our new models. ~9aapItIgÀ 629 Davis ýf.l Evanston NewTrier Boys Pass College Extninations Ail -of the five New Trier High school boys who took the college board examinations last June were successful inpassing them, Frederick A. Kahler, New Trier dean of boys,' reported this, week.* William Bowen, Sanford Gifford and John Mathison took examinations to enter Harvard, John Conrad to enter Yale and John Pbillips to enter Princeton. The five boys, with the exception of Mathison, are attending the respective schools. Mathison is a student at Northwest- ern uÏniversity. Phillip Petersen, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Petersen, 222 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, is leaving Saturday for Tucson, Ariz., to resume bis studies at the Arizona Desert schooi. Select Teame for the Tilden Debate Teamfs that will represent New Trier High scbool in the opening de- bate of the ' season against Tilden Tech o f Chicago already. have been selected. The debate is not to be held until December 14, so the teams will bave ample time to prepare their cases. Frank Randail, a junior wbo bas been a member of tbe New Trier de- bate squad since be was a fresh- man,--and Bob Goodwin and Clarence Lineberger, sophomores, will com- prise New Trier's negative team wbicb wiIl travel to Cbicago to meet the Tilden affirmative. jean Spanutb, a sophomore, and Dick Babcock and Sidney Craig, juniors, wil1 be on New Trier's affirmative team for the opening debate. Other members of the New Trier squad will. have an opportunity to show tbeir ability in later debates, as New Trier is competing tbis year in a twelve-team league. Coacb Cbester E. MacLean is using only a few of his experienced debaters in the opening ma tch. It is bis policy to give ail members of the squad as mucb experience as possible. Girls' Octet Is Newest SMusic Group at School New Trier High school this year is to bave a girls' octet as well as a boys' octet. In recent years the boys' octet bas made many public appearances and bas won tbe praise of nortb shore, music loyers. The newly organized girls' group hopes to carry on the bigh standard of tbe higb scbool music department in a similar way. Members of the octet are Jeanette Farwell, Jayne Hender- son, Marion Taylor, Marcia Ennis, Dorothy Edwards, Betty Rosen, Peggy Parker and Eleanore Burpee. The. group is working under Adelaide Jones Bradburn of the music depart-, ment. Cameron Beck Speaker for Student Assembly Cameron Beck of the personnel division of the New York stock ex- change spoke to New Trier' students at a general.assembly Tuesday morn- ing. Tbe theme of bis taik was that wbat you are.tomorrow depends on wbat you are today. Mr. Beck was introduced, by Francis L. Bacon, principal of tbe Evanston Township Higb school and a personal friend of the speaker. Supt. M. P. Gaffney of New Trier introduced Mr. Ba con. WINS WELLESLEY HONORS Eileen Burke, a New Trier grad- uate wbo is attending' Weliesiey col- lege, won a place among the higher group.of the honorable mention iist of the sopbomore class: at the cof- lege for the year 1933-1934, it was learned at the bigb school this week. The honor was announced by Presi- dent Ellen F. Pendieton of Wellesley at. the college'sý first formai cbapei. of the Yeâr. JOIN MUSIC STAFF Miss Susannabi Armstrong of the New Trier music department is spending.this year'doing professional work in New York City. Miss Frances Anderson of Wininetka bas taken over ber work in barmony and ac- 1companying at New Trier, wbile George Swigart of Minmette bas charge of the junior orchestra .and tbe instrumental ensemble. Girls' Club Ready f0 Inaugurate New. Year's A ctivities The new offcers of the New Trier High scbool Girls'. club made their first public appearance at an assem- biy held Monday afternoon in the New Trier auditorium. Annamarie Booz, the new president of the club, presided. The other new oficers- Nancy Gordon,. secretary, Mary Waidner, vice-president, and Cynthia Walsh, treasurer-were introduced. The club's committees for the first semester of the 1934-1935 termi are : Financial-Betty Solomon, chairman; Lucy Jane Keeler, Julia Booz, Jane Olds, Beth Bryson, Jeanne Geither, Florence Hagenaugh, Marcla Ennis, Jeanette Hoagland, Natalie MacDonald, Lois Wolfe. Charlty-Lois Cocley, chairman; Anne Burnham, Mary Barrett, Ann Maistro- vich,1 Betty Burllngham, Mary Jane Far- ley, MÀary Lee Neeves, Mary Huck, Carol Tugaw, Florence Walsh, -Eleanor Wil- liams. Friendly-Helen Born, chairman; sue Hillas, Virginia Marsh,. Jane Ward, Bar- bara Harvey, Pat Florshelm, Betty Mc- Nulty, Sue Goodnaugh. Carol Linn, Kay Sizer, Jeanne McGraw. Socal-Judith Cunningham, chair- man; Kay Weston, Joan Halliwell, Graoe Bull, Sue Spinney, Rosemary Doyle, Mary Maistrovich, Jane Weiss, Priscilla Hawley. Publicity-Jo Baihatchet, chairman; Priscilla Korridy, Celeste Happ, Jane Henderson, Ceceilia- MacKinnon, Kay Hillinger.. Employment-Jane Horsting, chair- man.; Sally Pratt, Eleanor Steen, Jean Cutier. Wins High Seholastic Rating at Mass. Tech Harry Mohr Weese of Keniiworth, who wvas graduated from New Trier High school in 1933, won a place on tbe dean's iist of undergraduate stu- dents of high schoiastic standing at the 'Massachussetts Institute of Tech- nology for tbe second terni of the 1933- 1934 school year. Xeese wvas included, among the first year stu- (lents who won second honor rank with termi ratings ranging from 4.00 to 4.49. Approximately 11.3 per cent of the members of the class won this distinction. (inly 4.4 per cent won the first honor r ank, for which the terni ratinig must be betwveen 4.50 and 5.00. Proceeds Prom Hot Dog Sales to Enhance Fund The Girls' club of New Trier Higbh school again is selling bot dogs at New Trier's.bome football games to. raise money for its scbolarsbip fund. The club also wiil seil magazines this year, as it bas done in tbe past, and later in the faîl wililhold a bazaar. Tbursday afternoon of tbis week, as one of tbe- club activities, tbe senior ,girls are giving a party for the fresh- 1man girls. Next week ail of tbe new 1upper classmen will be entertained 1by tbe club. In tbe near future the, 1sophomore advisor room will begin a series of teas for the freshmap ad- 1visor rooms whicb they 'sponsor. NEW OCTET MEMBERS Julius Kohn, William MacMorran, Hugli McCalmon'and Ed Snyder are the new mhembers of tbe boys' ýoctet' at New Trier High school. Bill Casseli, -Bill Jenkins, Bill McFadzean and B ertil Humler, who have bad previous 1experience as members of the octet, ;are included in the group again this iyear. Kahn and MacMorran are first -tenors and Jenkins and Snyder are 1second tenors. McFadzean and Hill- ;ner sing baritone and McCalmon and 1Cassell ,bass. The octet is under the direction. of Miss Emily Roberts. 26 Niew Trier %h Schý001 News October 4,.1934