Pu Lae wekl byý LLY HLi TuaIC,13-26CnrlAeuWlee iias uurpispie5 m LIFE - ~Ftered.as second clasu matter Maib13, xj924, at the poit office at Wilnwtte, Illinois, under the aut of M" h ,1879. VOL. XXIII, NO. 22 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, OCTOBER 4, 1934 PRIÇE ,FIVE CENTS AIR CARNI VAL OFFERS THRILL TIUS WEEK-END World Renowned Flyers to Perform Daring Exhibitions at Curtiss-Reynolds Field Daily sprint races will feature the Chicago- CarnivalI of the Air to be held at Curtiss àirport October 4, 5, 6. and 7. it was announced this week by L. J. Sauerborn, general manager of the show. Sprint pilots fromn the 33rd division of -the Illinois National Guard will furnish the competition for amateur flyers (romi the Mid West. These races sandwicbed in between the dog flghis. the power diving ex- hibitions and the exhibition flying of Art Goebbel and Capt. Dick Granere will furnisb thrills galore although such other stars as Art Chester. Northbrook speedster who bas al- ready rolled up a total' of nearly $OOO prize money this year. will ~oepresent to lend color and dis- tinction to the assemblage. .War Ace Performa. Capt. Dick Granere. wvbo wil up- ply many of the thrills and elhills of the meet with his crazy flying. is one of the last of the great war pilots to stay in the stunt business.. Captain Granere bas a record of nineteen officiai victories over (,ernian and Austrian planes during the late un- pleasantness in France. Fourteen other victories' were also credited to this ace of the sky by Gernian dis- patches although he neyer received offidcal acknowledgenient from the allied forces because the wmns were miade over the Germaîx lines and were flot %en by British observers. Many Fanions Stars Other stars wvho will be present are -Major James H. Doolittie, Jimmy Mattern, LieuteÜant Roy Hunt, Harold. Neuman, Art Chester and others. .Other information concerning thie meet will be found ini the Aviation section of this issue. Annou'ncConference on Bahti'i Teaching On October 6 and 7 the Wisconsin- Illinois Inter-Assembly Baha'i Teach- ing conference will convene at Foundation, hall. Baha'i House of Worship. ýLinden avenue and. Sher- idan road, Wilmette, for fvo days of discussion- and consultation on miethi- ods, of teaching for the coiingyear. This conference will be preceded eaàclh morning by a brief devotional service in the maini auditorium.. On Satur- day there will bc two sessions, morn- ing and afternoon, with a reception given by the Chicago Spiritual As- sembly in the evening. On Sunday morning, October 7, there will be one session.of consultation and iii the afternoon will be the regular public lecture at 3:30 to 4:30) with Madame Barry-Orlova -of New York City as the speaker. Her subject will be "Whither Mankind?" Polit.ical Trickery in Registraion Law; You Must Register,! About t hree years ago the l)oliticians had a law passe(1 re- quiring~ such communities as those of the north shore tço register for ail county, state and national elections. The purpose of the politicians ini adopting the lawv. which was flot asked for by these suburbs, was to REDUCE THE NUMBER 0F VOTERS IN THIS COMMUNITY, where they cannot be easily controlled 1w' political bosses. These registrations have had the effect of redu*cing- the number of eligible voters. just as expected by the tricksters, and it may have that effect on November 6, when one of the nost important elections of our historv vi1I be held.1 You can block this. trick of thýe political gang by registering next Tuesday, October 9. and it is the.only %Vay in' ivhich it cari be blocked. Go to your regular polling Place next Tuesday and REC- ISTER! Open 6 a. m. tg 9 p. ni. Highcrest P. T. A. Will !Candidates WilI Hold Session Tuesday BefHeard Monda y The Parent-Teacher association of' the Highcrest school will begin its falla i .Metn activities next Tuesday evening at the The regular meeting of Wilmette school auditorium. Mrs. Josephi Chamber of Commerce will be held Reagan, president, will open thie in the council room of thie Village meeting at 8 o'clock. hall next Monday evening, October 8. After a short business session Pauil This meeting was postponed from Sheehan, .Who is to bie the speaker! October 1. for the e vening, will discuss "This! The feature of the session wvilllbe Changing Education." The entertain- 'short talks by candidates for the. liii- ment program will bie given by Lois nois bouse of representatives. While Hammett and some of bier advanced the event bas no political significance, pupils in. piano, vocal,. and gvim- the Chamber desires te know the po- nastics. sition of the candidates on certain The officers of the Parent-Teachei legislationaffecting the business in- association-will bave charge of the terests of the village and of the social hour and refreshments. state. There are two candidates on the rep ublican ticket and two on the TO CONFER DEGREES democratic ticket. OnIy three, how- A. T. Sherman Lodge 'No. 892 ever, are to be elected. The can- 1. O.'O F., will go to Barrington îxe.t didates are: Thursday eveninig, October Il. for the Republican-Mrs. Berniice Van der purpose of conferring the first degree Vries of Winnetka, and Frank Foster upon a group of candidates for the of Harvey. Barrington lodge. There will lie a Democratic-Frank T. Ring of brief early 'meeting at the lodge Harvey, and Oscar S. Johnson of Mt. rooms, and the party will go by auto- Prospect. mobile in a group. On the following The republican candidates will ap- Thursday, October 18, A. T. Sher- era8o'lcndteemrti man lodge will observe "Roll Cali" pardiates 8 o'clock h dmcai night, when every member is expected cniae t9ocok to bie present. Further information The Chamber will inform the can- of this special program wili be givenl didates of its desires in the matter later.' of certain legislation and endeavor to secure the cooperation of those elected in its passage. In ThsIsu The meeting is open 1to the public, lis ,,gs ssueand an earnest invitation is extended Amsement Dfeto~ ...53 to citizens to attend. Aivation.... .............£W Book Comment.....4 Boy Scouts ......... «... Oiurch News ....*....... 14 Classified Ads.........5u-57 Club Page ........... 38-39 EditorWa-News-Commnent 32 Home and.Garden.. Home Modernizing Junior Life....... music... .. Nwir News3 N. S. Persoualities society Pages.. 48 46-47 .5<> 34 26 .18 36-43 REPUBLICAN MEETING, Throughý its president, H. C. Kinne. and secretary-treasurer, Nicholas P. Miller, the New Trier Township Re- publican club announces a, public meet- ing to be held in the Village hall. Wihnette, Thursday evening, October- 11, at 8 o'clock. Fully informed speak-- ers will discuss the present tax situa- tion and other problems confronting ail property nwners. ENTERTAINS LEAGUE BOARD Mrs. E. F. Snydacker, 1340 Chest- nlut avenue, entertained the board of the- Kenilworth League of Women voters at luncheon today. BUSINESS MEN DEPUTIZED TO ASSIST POLICE Threats 'of Labor Strife in Vil- lage Bring Action- to Prèvent Violence Here At a conference held Monday af- ternoon between the membership of Wilmette Chamber of Commerce and President ÇDubbs, a citizens' po- lice squ 4 0 me n was formed for the pw of protecting life and property against any forces that might resort to violence in seek- ing to compel unionization of truck drivers and inside workers ini various plants of thé village. Village Clerk Nicholas. 'P. Miller administered the oath of deputy po-. lice to, some forty men present at the conference, and the number is being increased daily. Those taking, the oath were supplied with police badges, and will be equipped with .firearms. The squad will operate under-direc- tion of Superintendent of Police Hen- ry Brautigam, and will meet for in- struction and drill at his cail. In case of trouble the squad will be called to'dulty by a prearranged sig- nal sounded by the fire siren. Form Three Divisiona The 'force of special police has been divided into three divisions, with captains heading each division. They are: "L" terminal business section, T. A. Cizek. Central business .section, E. C. Cazel, A. S. Vanl Deusen Jr., B. L. Keeler. Ridge avenue section, A. C. Pear- son, Jr. Attempts andi activities extending over several weeks to organize truck drivers and other workers and force them into membership in the Laundry and Dyebouse Drivers and Chauffeurs' union, local No. 712, a'Chicago labor union, have created much concern amông florists, dry cleaning plants and other local business places oper-- ating trucks. The alleged purpose of the union is to first organize the drivers, th .us giving a leverage with which to force inside workers to ai- filiate with another union, both of which 'are controlled and directed by a gang of. racketeers who live by levying tribute upon the workers. AppiosclaCriais As. the, efforts have progressed bhr as been an increasing pres- sure placed upon proprietors- and workers alike, and- the détermination of union officiais to compel unioniza- tion of' the north shore has become more pronounced. In recenit weeks unionists,. directed by higher-ups, have invaded north shore villages for the purpose of making a show of strength and intimidating employers and employees to a point where they would surrender to the demands made upon them. So critical did the situation become that it was deemed advisable that somé action be taken looking.toward (Continued on Page 58)