Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Oct 1934, p. 21

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October 4, 1934 WILMETTE LIFE New,- Trier Faces Proviso Eleven in Suburban League,-Grid Opener Both T ea ms Eager to Keep Their Record Clear Victorious ini its first two games this season, New Trier High school's foot- ball teain will be put to a stiffer test Saturday afternoon of this week at Phelps field, Winnetka. wheni it opens the Suhurban league schedule against Proviso High school of Maywood. .Proviso, like New Trier, will be striving to keep its record for the sea- son dlean. The west suhurban sehool lias already w o ri hree gamnes, two f them by close rargins. The first 'ictorv w a s over ~I. York, 7 to 6, the .econd over Down- rs Grove, 8 to 7, mid the third over I~gin, 19 to 7. New t'rier won f ro m 3100m, 6 to 0, two *~esago and last Saturday defeated Morgan Park, Capt. Art White Chicago city cham- pion ini 1932 and runner-up last season, 20 to 0. Proviso is reported to have a heavy line, and New Trier, -which scored, al -Of its three touchdowns against Morgan Park onl running plays, will have an opportunity Saturday to see what' it cari do iii this respect against league competition. In the battle with «Morgan Park, New Trier scored once in thie first quarter and twiçe in the fourthqar ter. Two of the-_________ touchdowns were made by -Bill Mc- Fadzean, , r ig ht uiafbakand the other by George Laing, left haîf- back. The entire New Trier hack- f i el1d functioned well. George Gree, quarterback, w o n praise for his work in calling the plays, and Bill Snyder, Bill Suyder f ullback,' vas giv- en credit for his good punting. In fact. gains made as a result of an exchange of kicks contributed much towards Newv Tv.ier's two touchdowvt.s in the final quarter. The team showed marked im- provement in hlocking, Coach Aschen- bach re ports. The line play of Captain Art White, M. and Mrs. Wilson H. DeCamp of. Akron, Ohio, were week-end guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David R. DeCamp, 615 Abbotsford. road,' Kenilworth. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson DeCamp's marriage took place last August. right guard, Phil, Dostal, right tackle. and Kennetb Cowan, Ieft end, was outstanding for this early in the sea- son. Cowanâ.w* a s used at left end in the starting linev:Li in place of Apple- yard. Aschenbach also put Bob Mey- er at the right end position in place of AI Schuman. Jack O'Leary pl1a ye d left tackle, D i c L Campbell left guard J and Vernon Brown The New Trier Bob Meyer boys w ill play their first out-of-town gaine of the season at Waukegan Saturday of next week. The following week they return to the home field to meet Morton. MARRIED TWENTY-FIVE'YEARS -Mr. and Mrs. Anton G. Ferrarini, 135 Maple avenue, were entertained at an evening party by their son and (Iaughter, Bill and Mary, Sunday, September 30, in cele'raion of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. The, anniversary date was Septem- ber 25, but the party had to be post- poned because of the death of the couple's granddaughter. In the after- noon fifty guests arrived at 3 o'clock and interrupted an "arranged" card party. Guests, wvho included family, relatives, and friends,' were served <inner at 7 o'clock. RESUME CONTRACT BRIDGE M,\rs. Roy Marquardt, chairman of the contract bridge lessons conducted under auspices of the ways and means committee of the Woman's Club of Wilmette, announces that the lessons will be resumed at a date to be set later. Mrs. Waldo Mauritz of Evanston was luncheon hostess to her North Shore Bridge club. last Tuesday. Among the members from Wilmette are Mrs. E. A. Robson, Mrs. Judson Large, Mrs. Donald Elrod, Mrs. Willis Littell, and Mrs. Herbert Mc- Kiii.ney. SU PERFLUOUS HAIR REMOVED PERMANENTLY Aiso Moles, and Warts Elizabeth De Boùrge Room 3 16, Hahn BIdg. Ph. Uni. 2444 1618 Orrington Ave. Evanston, sArm i W y DET ROIT S9hour. 84.50 DIJSNLY 2 fluasl Les AnohWJ sas SL s Toedo 7hl». SIOPtlobuquh M.18 or North Shore Travel Soviceo-Evansion Wear This Season's VASSARETTE in ail the new styles and prices 952N.A. HANNA, Imc. 92Spanish Court Phone Wilmett. 467 STANLEY SMITH, TO WED Miss Jane Landee, of .Moline, *111 , and Stanlçy, Warren Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Royal D. Smith, 7Ô6 Elmwood avenue, will be mâarried Saturday, October 6, at Moline. They will be at home after* Noveinher 1, at 706 Elmwood avenue. The bridé- groom's parents entertained at a bachelor dinner Wedensday for old friends and fraternity brothers of their son. The Thursday Bridge club of Iýen- ilworth is having luncheon at the Dunham Woods club today. ENTERS KENYON Miles A., Geringer, who is the soq, of Mr. and Mrs. Miles B. GeCxringer' of 1000 Michigan avenue'has entered at Kenyon, college, ýGambier,' Ohio, and has. bee lde Aph Det Phi. e lde lh et Creole, Mints Choco«lats Ihronghent wlthý munt gaver .....l... b. 0 744 EIm St., Winuetka Wilun. 679 346 Central Ave., Hilghland Pk. H. P. 1717 5/uldlaidkw SPORTS DRESSES' IN SHEER WOOL ONE AND TWO-PIECE MODELS The two-piece r.odels feature gay, colorful plaids. The jumper has the f ree-swing action back, and i% fastened with a beit of the same material. You'l live in this, f rom morniflE tii night, and love every minute -f it! The beit is fastened with a buckle and there are clips on the dress to match. Specially periced at 'Plaids are in! And tFere's nothing .smarter for Fait than these shadlow plaids of sheer. soif wool. They're perfect for, town and. country! You'lI wear themn with, an,,air on the campus,! And wherever yu owhatever you do you'lI have. the happy conviction that you're ahead of the mode and Iooking your Ioôveliest in "The S porting Thing to Wear." N. A. HÀHN INC. 952 Spanish Court' Phone WiImel'te 467 me--- 1 Oct'ober 4, 1934 WILMETTE LIPE

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