Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Oct 1934, p. 8

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IJ.LQJUVA 4,* YJt Thîe Triu'mphant T rio0 Turban ...toque -..Tricorne *..three, of the most becorming, styles ever designed for fair lady. Andneed we add, tbree of the most comfortable types to wear with our fur c5lJars. Here's va rety in fabric: velvet, feit, velour, metaclc, woolen . . . and an even greater -galaxy of desgns and trimmings. .4e E/at ÇIox Derofhy Kiander Wilmette I 160 is thme Jal /1 Eeynote Unlimited chic for lImited incomes. IBLOOM-HALL DRESS SHOP 1 147 Wilmeft. Avenue- Phone WsiIm.tte 340 FIRST CHURCH 0F CHRIST, SCIENTIST WILMETTE, ILLINOIS ANNOUNCES A FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PROFESSOR HERMANN S. HERING, OF BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS C. S.B. Member of fteBoard of L.cturshlip of ft. Mother Churcit. The First Ckurch of Christ. Scienfif. in Boston, Massachusetts Subject - "Christian Science: Some Rudimental Applications" FRIDAY EVENIN G, OCTOBER -5, 1934 AT 8 O'CLOCK IN THE CHURCH EDIFICE CENTRAL AVENUE AND TENTH STREET Thoii. unfamiliar wit$i'hristian Science may reserve seats by appling a* th. Reading Room. 1148 Central Avenue. Reserved seats WiII b. held until 7:.50 on . h. evening of the lecture. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND ~A. A ~ A -A, AL .A A .A A .~ AA .A Il ..- CHAIRA Hattstirom and Sanders Opens Shop.in Wilmette Hattstroni and Sanders, opticians, opened tbeir' newest shop Monday, October 1, at 1119 Central avenue, Wilniette, it is annouinced by H. A. Hattstromn who points out that parking facilities near there will be convenient for. Wilmette and îiorth shore patrons. The new shop is the firm's third. ht is modernly decorated inu a color schemeý of black, silver and red. Ir addition to its optical goods afl(lserv- ice,.the shop handies photographic Sup- plies and cameras. .William G. Moore, who bas been associated with the Hattstrom and Sanders shop in Evanston-the maini branch-during the last eight years. is manager of the Wilmette shop. INFANT WELFARE CLINIC The next'Infant Welfare cliniic at the Wilmette Health tenter will be held on Wednesday, Octiber 10, f roi 2 to, 4 p. m. The Health center an- nounces also that the next chesi clinic will be on Monday afternion, October 15, from 1 to 4 o'clock. Drý. Julius Novak of tbe Chicago Tuber- culosis institute, is in charge. Berniice Viole of 114 third street, bad as ber--guests ail last week ber mother, Mrs. Alfred E. Viole, ber sis- ter, Mrs. James L. Catteli,. and Mrs. Thomas E. Duncan, ail of Lafayette. Ind. Miss Viole will give a group of piano nlumbers for the Northridge club next Monday eveîing. .Fiqer Powder wavi n2Blendin, Beauty Culture in ail ifs Branches 117CENTRAL AVE -~ 1'~ m*..rONE wuu>I~'~~~d Good News For Taxpay er;- It's Tax Collector Sanborn Hale hac! the most'cheerlingnews Wednesday that has emainated 'from the taxing, department for the. past two or three years, when he, expressed the opinion that the taxpayers would be agreeably surprised upon receipt of their 1933 general tax buis. These bills will be issued on the basis of the new property. valuations- and Mr. Hale said the indications are that they will be comparatively mnod- erate for the first time in seeeral years. There will be a, very short period of time between the issuance of th,- buis and the beginning of the penalty date on the first instalîment. he said Tlic first of the buis, he bas beeit. advised, will be out about the middle- q-f November, with a complete isque by December 1. The penalty date on the first instaliment will be January 1. 1935. and May 1. on the second instaîlment. The collector is still urging those who have not already done s0 to gço to the county building and secu>-e the amount of the ir 1932 revised tax bill and to pav it as early as possible. Or, he advised, if the property nwner will mail his tax bill in a self- addressed envelope to him, le ietth ascertain.the revised amount. 16 Wilmette Students .on Roster at N. C. E. Wilmette Young women are ivel! represented ini the student body at National College of Education. Those who have enrolled this faîl are: jeanne B. Brashears, 1241 Ashlan(l avenue; Hope Carroll, 214 Ninth street; MIrs. Jane Casterline, 811 Forest avenue: Delpîtine _FoIey, 811 Ashland avenue; Margaret Gorham 251 La.urel avenue: Helen loties, 10-45 Forest avenue: Muriel Meyer,, 1422 Gregory avenue;- Mary Ifickey. 1523 Walnut avenue:» Dorothiv Anmi Neal, 610 Greenileaf avenue: Svea D. Nord. 419 Gregory avenue: Heleni Reagait. 117 Ninth street: Eleanor Ricks, 1236 Forest avenue: Rosemarie Russo,,52(6 Sixth street; Alice 'Salerno, 501 Lake avenue; Catherine I;chmniIt, 710 Washington avenue;- and Esther ELECT SCOUT LEADER Troop No. 1 of the Kenilworth Girl Scouts held its first meeting of the faîl season Wednesday, Septem- ber 26. Patrol- leaders were elected as, follows: Virginia Sowers, Eagle patroi; Ruth Streed, Cardinal patrol,; Shirley Scarratt, Anchor patrol, and Phyllis Trump,. Coyote patrol. After the election the troop made out, its program for the coming month. Then a song was sung and taps were sounded to finish the meeting. Betty Bonnett is scribe for the troop. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Siegel,: 2032 WMinette avenue, bad as ber guestç over the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weyenberg and, Mr. and Mrs.. joseph Brookman of Appleton, Wis. --o- Mrs. Emma Fox and Andrew An- derson of El Segundo, Cal., were Week-end -visitors at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. Willaim Ash,73 Twelfth Street. SHEET METAL WORK 0 GUrFERS 0 FLA SHINGS *DOWNSPOUTS 0 DECKS Coppea. or Galvaiumd 'von Mille. Hardware Co. 1219 Wilmette Ave. w,,. 80* Gladys DoIang 1163 WiImette Avenue (S egn ce F!,derick A. Kahler, dean of boys at New Trier High schooi, last week was reelected chairman of the board of cont roi of the Sub- urban league of higi: schools which supervises intericholastic athietie activities. Mr. Kahler has held, the position of, chairman coniiuouslyý since 1928. Q__. 1 ý 1 - - Li LIFÉ WILMETTE lIrfg%16dst. à lou F

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