Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Sep 1934, p. 63

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Sept embr 27, 194 1 1 t Invite Children to ý,Enjoy -Movies at Field Museu The James Nelson and Anna Lu.4uise Raymond Foundationi for public school and children's lecture an- n ounces it s annual autumn series of free motion picture programs for cbiidren, to be given at Field Museum of Naturai History. These entertain- ments, nine in number, will be pre- sented on Saturday mornings, begin- îing October 6 and ending December 1. They wili be given in the James Simupson theater of the museum., .Twenty-nine films, in aIl, will be shourn, with a wide variety of subject matter ranging from wild animais to events in American history, and travel in far places to interesting facts a bout great industries. The theater of the museum pro- vides accommodations for several thousand children each Saturday, as aIl programns will be given twice, one showing beginninig at 10 o'clock, and another at Il. Children f rom al parts of Chicago and suburbs are in- vite(l to attend. They may come alone. ini groups from schools and other, çenters, or with their parents, teachers or other aduits. Admission is free, and no tickets are needed. Foliowing are the dates of the pro- gramns, and the titles of the filins to be sliown on eag.- .October 6-"Ili the- Lanid of Yaks3," "Two ('ities of Old Cathayý,"ý "The Jour'- neys of the Seeds," "Views of OUI' -New Zoo." October 13-",Snake£%Iths," «Colunibts Sails West." Oetober 20-"-In Sunny Guateumala,- "A Bet'ùve Pet," "The Story of Coffee." October 27-"Feeding, Timie for the ippo," ", Roilin' Down to 1<1," "Undt'r the 'Southern Cross," ".Me and My Dog." Noveinber 3-"1y Dog-train and Snlow- -in " lucanada's Fiord.s," l"The Be'lla ('oola irudia nis," 'The IBomnan'e of IluIbber." Nýoveninhe(r 10-'Froni Trails tn itails," "The Octoînîts and Its Cousins," "Ini Caveiafl'5 hoime." Noveniner 17--Our Animal Neigli- botrs," '"The' Ceinent Gnomnes," "Wo<itii \Vorkers <of 'eYlon."ý Novenmber '24--An Arctic Visitoî,*" ,*The Story of the' Pilgimys." Deceniber 1--The Fail Winds BI1ovl "The WVo<dhtîuk Sleel s," "A Friend i' ail the World,- and "XXinter Fun." IAPTERNOON TEA Little t'wo-year-old Joani Spod- nyak of .1316 Gregory aven ue is hoping that vort'Ill walk right iiP and have tea zîith lier, thou.-gh front the'appearance of things site al- ready lias quite a coinpany of nîot- ables to slîare the re/'ast. P>hoto subnîitted by a friend who oflen ecnjovs tea ivith Joa-n. ,North Western to Cut Running Time IligItN-two minutes xiIi be cut froin the suburbati schedules on the Milwaukee division \ýof the Chicago anId North Western railway, effective with the ending of daylight saving »timxe, September 30, as a> part of a p)rogrami cutting near Iv 400 minutes ironi passenger train schedules which wîli be carrîed out by the Chicago and'North Vvestern onl that day, R. 'l'homsoi,> passenger traffic manager of the road, states.- This is another M ortgage Financing ùUp pàasý-Jn ger slervicepon the raiiway, for County Doubles hcutpais. ~ i1b aeo O ver Sum for June îorthboulid trains and on southbotind Mortgage financing in Cook coun- ty during July doubled in amnounti compared with the total for the pre- 1 ceding month, according to the monthiy survey by Quinlan and Tyson, Inc., Real estate transfers and foreclosures decreased during the month. There were 1,064 trust deeds and rnortgages amounting. to $10,239,077 in July; during the preceding month there were 1,065 amounting to $4,404,- 597. The year to date shows a slight increase in both number and amount over the same period. of 1933. The volume of HOLC mortgages record- ed also increased over the precéding xnonth. Real estate 'trans fers in Cook coun- ty during july decreased under june, 104. There were 3,893 in july and 4,W5 in June. . The year ta date is about 13 percent under the same. pe- riod last year. Foreclosures in July decreased con- siderably this year in both number and amount, compared both wîth totals of lune this year and july Iast year.,. There were *964 fore- closures totaling $9,938,332 in July. In june, this year there were 1,124 for 13,108,742; and in. july, 1933,' there were 1,328 totaling $24>27,86W. Mrs.- Tom Dix, 236, Oxford road, Keniiworth, is hos tess at a bridge luncheon today to a small group of friends. trains on the Miliwaukee, division, whiie cuts ranging trom one minute to three minutîtes wiii be made on 28 other trains. Tlhe samie day that these suburbani changes go inito etiect the Chicago and .\ortn Westerni raiway wii make major changes artecting the Cnicago- Gjreen B$ay, Wis., service. '*The .Pacemaker," 90-mnute, tlyer running betweeii Uhicago and Milwaukee, wifi b)e pushed up lrom ia J3:45 p. m. leav- ing trne in Chicago to a 9 a. m. leav- îng tîme, arriving in Milwaukee at lu .30 a. m., and continuing to Green Bay for a Z :Zt p. mn. arrivai. This witi cut 45, minutes trotm the p resent runnîng time of the morning train to tureen Blay tromn Chicago. Thirty-minute- cuts wiil be made on Train îiýo. ZW. between Green Bay and Chicago and on Train 117, the late nîg htytain running betwëeen Chi- cago and upper Michigan. Train 206 wîni leave tireen, Bay at 7 a.. m. in- steau ci o:ào and witi arp've in L mIi- cagoat 12 :05 p. m., as at present. Changes from 5 to 15 minu tes will be made in other through trains, it is' stated. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Litteli, 2121 Beechwood avenue, returned Iast Fni- day from a fortnight's motor trip in the east. They stayed at the Lake Placid club for a week. advertisers ADVERTISER PAGE Ace Motor Sale-.........à Airth, Tommiy.......... ...... 46 Aibriglit Beaut.y arlor ...... 15 Art Furniture ('o............1l Atkins & )urbrow, lue .... 50 Beach, Floren.ce lpyrer Elpetrie Sliol .... Mlann Pharmace ...... liîibk'3Mark, The ........ Boo0k Nook liostini Store bll miniaDrug Store BoiremiLlewîellyn ......... Biraun lBro4. 011 Co ..... Biurns Togwce. ....... t'handler'N ....... Chicago, Bal> News.... ('iavey, F. 1). Nurseries ('offey Auto Repair... ('Onàitnunity Theatre .... CoImsu-'ners('o . .......... Co-Oîm, The ...... .. ('ullison 3lotor Co . ..... 1avls St. Aquarium De liotrge, Elizabet.h 9 54 5'e ài 16 . 1.:îaulstoiî Nash Co............ 25 Evasto Y.M. C. A.....' Filore, Chas. -Nurseries- Flrst clurch of Chirist. Scienit.st . . . . Sq 10, 52 (uordllîn Book Shlop ...... 4 Great Atlanitic & paclftt 'len. Co................... 12 leating Service Co...... 4 HIlil's Service Station..........1à Jloissehold FIfiajîce ('orpe...... 52 Rab, The................9 Indiana Saie-Way Linejs ý....... 46 Iredale Storage....... ....... .4l Jefferson Grill ...............13 Jewei Food Stores............ il; Joseph's.................j4 1(eîilworth Orocery Axiarket . Liberty Loama Corporation.2 Lindstrom's Lock Shop ....14 LIludwail, H. G. .;........t Lord's ...... ...... 32,33 Lyman Pharmary ...... 6, 9 -Iannerud, Ethel .......0, 10 Marks, J........ ............1e Marshall Field & Co. ..1,2,3 McCOrmlck, Genevleve.........2 This advertisers' di- rectory is a regular feature of Your Home Paper. It saves your tinte sud we urge -that YOD be- cone accustomed to using it each week. ADVERTISER PAGE Mercer Lumber CompanIes..........Corer IV Milieu Hardware . .. 5.0, 10.49, 50 Motors Service............ .48 Marine Co. ...... .... .... 28 M1urp)hy-liles 011 Co. .. 47 Nationafl College of Education. .37 Northbrook Golf Club.....«. ..44 North, Shore Art Leagne...21 North Shore 'Montessori School ......... .............31 Northî Shore Quality Launtdrles.39 North Shore Sehool of Physiral l>evelopment.......31 Northwestern 1University .1 ()Il Weil, -The ........ .........14 1agliriilo, 1)....... ... >.... 10 Peacock Ire creain............ à Pembri4ige Hotel .............. 23 Personal Finance ('onîlmbalY .-1-M Pocork, .lessie L .............. 21 Public Service Co.. . .1, Cover II Pitre 011 Products Co ....... 2 Quinlan & Tyson............. 48 Ray Schools ................... 18 Reumekar iorug Co ......O Rensel Wa.rehouse ..... ...... 81 Ridge Avenue Pharràiaey .. ... 9 Sehloesser"s................ Schur, Janet ý............ .....1 Sechler% .................... .26 Shanesy, L. W ................. 45 Sha.wnee Tallors............. 15 Snlder-Cazel Brug Store .......9 Spanflih Kandy Kaplioard .0 Spauling Gorharn............ 41 Stevens, Edgar A., lac. -22, 43 Tatman .. ...........49 Thomas, Decorating Co . ..... 10 Valencia Theatre....... .... bd Vagpb euseu s .................4 i Varslty Theatre..............5 viole. Berenice ............... 21 Weathered, .Murtha ... ...37 Whlta.ker, IL. B. & Co.......... 28 Whitney, Katherine ........... 2 Wieboldt's ....... ....1u, 17, si, &à wllmette Battery & Eleetrie Service . . .......... ;...Cover 1IV Wilmette Beauty ghop ........ 10 Wllmette Coufectionery ........ 62 Wlbimette State Banik.. over Il WJImette Theatre . ............ 67 Worthexi's.....................a September 27, 1934 1 icla

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