SÉR IVI1.CEFm "Those out-of-the.ordinary kind. nesses which make for under-, standing and mutual satisfaction between c usto mer and firm" *GREENLEAF *WILMETTE *SHELDRAKE * WINNETKA 4300 1216 From the first c ontact with our representatives.. .. and through every production process of your job . you will sense the truc meaningof that intangible some- thing called ..e'vie. yet few truly possess the power of interpreting 'lts -true meaning. In living. it day after day and intelligently injecting it into job after job it has crystallized from a word into the corner stone of this organization. We want to help you with your printing problems. Years of satisfactory service to many discriminating customers on the North Shore recommends us to assist you. A trained personnel anâd carefully functioning mechanical departments are at your service. The first step on your part is to caîl one of our sales representa- tives who will be glad to look into the solution of your printing problem with the saine. interest he would show were it bis own andwith a neyer failing sense of respon. sibility to your, satisfaction. L.LOYD HOLLISTER, INC. Printers and Publishers.' 1232-36 CENTRAL AVENUE, WTT MPTirTP Il- T Th -. ~ ~ JL A. p LdAO.OIL '4 WILMETTE LIFE M.Q