Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Sep 1934, p. 60

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60 WILMETTE LIFE Sentember 27 lQM COMF'ORTABLE ROOM, ONE-HÂLFp block -to Eim St. station. Winnotka.. 720 Elm St. Phono Wlnnotka 2480. LARGE LIQGIT FMONT BOOM, ýCROSS . ientilation. In private ai. Very roe. Good. transp. Phono Wllmette .8152, 82LTN21-ltp LARGE, WELL FURNISHED B1OOM, suitable for 1 or 2 aduits employed. Throe blocks to ýail transportation. Phono Wlnnetka 1894. 82L21-ltp 1, 2- OR 3 PLEASANT BOOMS, PUR- nishod. Gentlemen. preferred. Cook- Ing privileges if desired. Phono Winnet- ka 2337. 82L21-ltp #LARGE BOOM IN PRIVATE HOME, well furnished, single or double. De- sirablo locAtion n!ear transp. Phono Winnetka 3131. 82L21-1tc BOARD AND GOOD CARE TO ONE or twu children. Room for parents Jf desired. Near schools and transp. Cali Wilmette 4288. 82LTN21-ltp FOR RENT-ROOM: TEAÉCHER -OR business woman, walking distance New Trier. Cail Wilmette 846-M. _________________82LTN21-ltp 1 -OR 2 NICELY FURNISHED BOOMS in private home. Aiso garage for ent. Phone Wiimette 4254. 82LTN21-ltp COMFORTABLE ACCOMMODATIONS for a few pleasant peuple. Ph. Win- netka 1525. 82LTN21-ltp LARGE LIGHT IROOM FOR 1-2 GEN- 1tlemen, cail Wiimette 452. At 435 Ridge Road, Wilmette. 82LTN21-ltc LARGE LIGHT WARM ROOMS. HOT water always. Close to transp. and schooi. Winnetka 2889. 82LTN21-ltp BOARD ANO ROON KENJLWORTH INN offers you clean, homelike roorns, suites with bath. Excellent meals. Reason- able. 315 Cumnor Rd., Kenil..anrth 5491. 86LTN21-1tc LARGE CHEERFUL BOOM WITH board. Private home, between schoola and transportation. Middle aged person -professional - preferred. Winnetka 3013. 86L21-ltp1 WANTED-UBOARD AND ROON WANTED BOARD AND CARE FOR 7 yoar old girl, school ago. If Inter- ested cail Wilmette 3348. 88LTN21-ltc FOR RErNT -APARTMEzNTU ONE 0F THE LOVELTEST 4 BOOM apt., ln the Linden Crest Building. Available now. AIl large outside rooms. KROLL & SMITH AGENTS 424 Linden Ave. Wiimette 500 92LTN21-tfe. THE LINDEN MANOR. HUBBARD WOODS 4-6 Boom apartments; tile bath, re-1 f rig., rnil-a-way bed. Reas. prices. FRANK A. BEID 954 Linden, Hubbard Woods Winn. 1300 92LTN6-tfc VERY ATTRACTIVE UNFURNISHED apartments, 3 and 4 rooms. Humphreyj Bldg., Winnetka. Ai.so well locatedj office. Phone Winnetka 97 or Winnetka 3328. .92LTN4-tfc 2 AND, 3 RM. APT. CALL AT 1937 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette. Aiso 6 rms. sun porch.and bath,, hot water heat gar. at 1805 Chappel Ct., Northbrook.t ______________________92LTN21 -1l 3 ROOM APT. ON SECOND FLOOR,8 *living room, kîtchen with pantry,6 ciosed porch. 730 Central Ave. Phon.è Wiimette 299. 92LTN21-ltc VERY QUIET 4 BOOM FLAT ON 2ND fllor. 595 Vernon Ave. $45. Phone Glencoe 420. 92LT21-ltp ONE 6 ROOM PLAT; ONE -4 ROOM fiaât; 3 blocks to school and transi).a Ph. Winnetka 3673. 92LTN21-ltp Fou- UKNT--FURNIISHED AP Te. MODERN 1 TO 4 ROOM FURNISHED or unfurn. apartment, nowly dec- orated. -Central, location, Roaionale.g Phoné Wilnette 239 or 2427. 93LTNl1S-4tp3 FoRe RENT-HOUSES 6 1MS., SUN PORCH'AND, BATH, M-OT *ateir hoat, gar. at. 1805 Chappel Ct., .Nurthbrook. Also 2 and 3 rm. apt. Cali at 1937 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette. ______________ ________97LTk21:.ltp FurnIshed bungalow, oil burner . ... $65 7 oom house, unfurn. or fumnished ..$651 8 oom house, 4 blks to beach ...$75 Wilnîette Realty Co.-613 4th St., WII. 97LTN21-l tii 6 BM. HOUSP-H. W. HEAT. IN WIL-î motte, near sehools. $35 munth. Phono University 9212 or Wiîmette '4960. 97LTN20-4te 5-BOOM _BUNGALOW IN NORTH- Glazed front Wlnnetka 797. 97LTN21-tp FrOR RENT-HtouzeS NORTH -SHORE FINE HOMES For Rent and For Sale FOR mENT--STORES AND OFFICES. BARBER SHOP IN FINE HIGH CLAj'SS building ln.- business section« Near transp. 2 chairs and other modem equipm nent. Kroll & $mith, Agents, 424 Linden Ave. Phone Wllmette 600, 14LTN21-tfc, FOR 99ALE-HOUSES ALL SIZES AND PRICES'R E VA U LEADERSHIP SINCE 1855 R E VA U BAIRD & WA NIERInc.A beautiful 9 room French home Io- m . cated near the lake ln Highland Park. 5 bedrooma; 3 baths; space for 4 rooms OPEN EVENINGS on 3rd floor; sleeping porch; 2-car at- tached garage. Price radically reduced 522 Davis Street, Evanston to around $35,000 for quick sale. Want Greenleaf 1855 Hollycourt 1855 offer. 523 Park Drive, Xenilworth Kenilworth 4785 Rogers Park 6151 346 Park Avenue, Glencoe 2,W0 Glencoe 1554 Briargate 1855 Will buy une of the most modern brick 971,TN21-ltc homes iocated in a restricted section. Modern Brick Colonial o lt atchd aag;bats; latre I N WINNETKA, NEAR SCHLS. AND gons aae euiu ag shrs. i ht., 2 baths, one with McGUIRE & ORR laorg t. su anst ipgla., porichend Over 40 Years of Dependable Service. strg aîl; bunatndi.la., tilekitchen 316 Park Avenue, Giencoe. Ph. Glen. 13. lot, 2-car gar. Newiy dcrjem Inside î11îT21-1tc ado t Barza.n 115-____________________ R. M. Johnston &'Clo. 340 Linden Ave. Wilmette 444 97LTN21-1te 10 rm's., 3 bs., slpg. pch., (011> . ... $125ý 7 rms., 2 bs., H. W. H. (oi1>, 2-c, g. $100 6 rms., 1 b., sun pch., (oi1), 1-c, g. $75 7 rms., 2 bs., slpg. pch., 2-c, g. .$65 5 rîn. (Bung.), 1 b., 1-c, g ..........$4 3 rm. apt., 1 b., (heated)........... $30 Other good values, unfurnished and furnished; aillsizes. B. H. BARNETT 526 Center St. Winnetka 965 97LTN21-ltp BANNOCKBURN: Brick House, studio Iliving room; three bedrooms, three baths, oil heat..$100 per month. BANNOCKBURN: Brick House, five bedrooms, three baths, olI heat $100 per month DEEBFIELD: Two six room houses, choice locations, near school and stores, $50 per nionth. VANT & SELIG Deerfield, Illinois 97LTN21-ltp VERY DESIRABLE 7 BM. BRICK COLONIAL Il. W. gas heat, recreation room ln base- ment, 2-car gar., gas stove and Eiec- tolux included ln price of $75 per month. . Eddington & Allen, Ine. 410 Lînden Ave. Wilmette 407 97LTN21-1te BRICK COLONIAL ON AN ACRE 0F GROUND, 4 MASTER bdrms., 2 baths; 2 servants' rins., 1 bath; 3 screened porches, oil ht., refrlg. aind stove $135. ANN MORELAND 663 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 305 97LTN'ý21-1 te OUT 0F TOWVN OWNER MUST liENT ATTRACT. MOD. BR. hise. 3 bedrms., slp. pch., sun rm., gar., automatic heat, elect. refrig. Near grade schl. and ail transp. Walking distance New Trier. Believe $75 will take. Winnetka 3722. 97LTN21-1 te 6 rm. modern brick house..........8_ 40 8 rmi. house, garage, transp. .. $60 6 rin. heated apt., decorated .. $45 C. H. BRETHOLD IVil.. 65, 97LTN21-ltp GOOD MODERN 6 BOOM BËRICK house, sun and s1pg porche s.. H. W. lit., elec. refrig., gar., close to transp. and schls. $75. Kroll & Smith, 424 Lin- denî Ave. Phono Whlmette 500. 97LTN21-lte ?NQEARLY AN' ACRE BEAUTIFULLY landscaped. 5 bedrooms, 3 bathis. Oil. Library. Recreation room., Beduced to $30,000. Rentai $125. Tel. Winnetka 156. 97LTN21 -lItp 3 M. -COTTfAGEFRLIGH1T HSKP. aduits only, 1211 23ird Wilmette. $16.00 month;' Ph. Glenview 106-M. 97LTN21-ltpý MODERN 7 RM., 2, BA'rHS, SUN porcli. Newport boller, 2 car gar. Conv. schools & tmap. Ph. Wi.,xnetka 3513tter 6 P. M. 97L21-ltp. BRICK COLONIAL, 4 BDRMS., 2 BTHS. and ex. lai'., oul heat, 2-car gar. Near school. Ph. Winnetka 2980._97LTN21-ltc STU('CO, 4 IZOOMS, H. W. HEATER. 2307 Lake Ave., Wilmette. Phono Wii- nette 1219. ____ 97LTN21-ltp FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES SUBLEASE % A LGE. ,STORE IîN best loe. on Eim St., Winn. Attract. decorated; heat furn. Secretary service If desired. Rentai $37.50 Greenleaf 7220. - 1O4LTN21-ltc .FrOR SALE-HouSES AGAIN WE BRING THE NORTH SHORE HOMIE -SEEKER A fine selection of moderately priced hornes. - all of the sanie sîze. The place described here is typical of 3 bed- room houses we are showing this weeok. Lovely English stucco and shingle cottage near famed Indian HIlI Coun- try Club. Hot water ohl heat - 2-car detached heated garage - Going at $12,500. There are 40 homes, aIl in the same price range and in Wlnnetka. You can view them al ln our Photo-Tour of Homes Studio and save unnecessary runnmng about. IAMONG THE TREES 4 This beautif ul home of English design R. B. WHITAKER CO. c at 200 Vernon Avenue, Glencue is an 841 Eîm St. Phone 3250 -outstanding purchase. 10 rooms, 3 baths,,WNE A 5library, powder-room, master bedroom OenWINETka9 . 23 ft. long and coiored-tiie bath w'ith Opn ee1Dys9t 9. 1t separate shower staîl. Ship's cabin IXT2-t bedroom with built-in bunk for boy's bedroom Artistically decorated and . ~ ~ (1c1J *ready for occupancy. Open for inspec- C5 A 5 )kS~-Žr)LII o *tion SundaY 3 to 6, or by appointmeent. M B OWNER WILL RENT.1 ATTRACTIVE S 1 X - R O O M CLAP- QUINL N & YSON me. board colonial house on 50-foot WiI- QUIN AN TYS N, nc.mette lot. Needs paint and minor re- 1571 Sherman Avenue Univ. 2600 pairs, but is modern, and an unusuallv- 111LTrN21-ltc attractive opportunity at only $7,500, > with $1.500 cash. Hot water heat; 2-car BELOWgarage. Near school and transportation. REPRODUCTION, COST NORTH WESTERN Best brick and stone, tile roof. 9 large REALTY & BUILDING CO. rooms, 3 baths, large studio liv. 528 Davis Street University 9500 rmi., tule kitchen, recreation rm. 11ILTN2-1tc Most complote home in every ' A~r way. Quaity construction. Must 4 >LB .11XVLS.-2 ÂLTHS have action at once. Mm. Bink. LOCATED IN NORTH EVANSTON, BAIRD & \VARNER, Inc. betreing te fine homes, on one of the 523 PARK DRIVE, I(ENILWORTH siate roof, attached garage, oil heat, Kenilworth 4785 Rogers Park 6151 large landscaped grounds. Priee is rnost 11îLTN21-ltc îreas<nsble and flot a great am-ouint of ANXIOUS O\VNER 'a.sh reçjuired. Caîl Mr.'Bon WANTS US. TO DISPOSE 0F THIS THE BILLS REJ4Yc. attractive whitewashed brick home. 529 DAVIS STREET, EVANSTON Seven large, comfortable rooms, with 3 Crenleaf 1166 Wilmette 3740 baths and extra lavatory. 011 heat, 2- l IlLTN21-1tc car garage. Large, welI-located Giencoeê lot. Priced under $20,000.' 1RICK COLONIAL NORTH WESTERN Weil built on large lot lni desirable BEALT & BILDIN CO.Ijdian Hill section. 6 bedroome, 3 REALY &BUILINGCO. baths. Very convenient and ternis can 529 Davis Street University 9500 lie arrranged. Prlced low at $22,500. ______ 11LT21-tc McGUIRE & ORR E IQUIDATING Over 40 Years of Dependalble Service. This brick colonial 7 ri., 2 bath home Opîî. Kenilworth Station. Ph. Kenil. 228. ln best location. New oil humner 111LTN21-1tc and many other exceptional fea- ONLY $1.000 DOWN - BALANCE A tures. Out of town owner de- reît. Beautiful Spanish home with red sires immediate sale. Investigate tile roof on wooded vorner with attach- now. Mr. Harris.. ed garage. Extra large living room wlth ElAIRD &\VARNER, III. arched openlng to sun roum (tile fluor>. 346 PAK AVEUE, GENCOE Three bedrooms, 2tile battis, large en- 346 PARK15 AVENUE, GLENCOE55closed sleeping porcli. The prieof Glenoe 154 riarato 855$12,000 Is less than the former mortgago. -1l1LTN21-1tc The Bilîs Bealty, Inc., 718 Vernon Ave- RIPARIAN HOME * nue. Phono Glen. 777, ask for Mr. Peistor. r'HARMING SMALL ENGLISH BRICK, moder n ln à1 appointments. Five OWNER MOVED E.. SAYS "SE LL," and means ItL Mod. most attract. bedrms., 3 baths, oilliht., 2-car garage., charming hise. of 8 Ige. rms., slp. peli., Mlay also bo ented fumnished wlth op- 3 bs., oll ht., 2-c. gar. on Ige. lot wlth tion tu purchase. Priced to meet today's boa-ut. trees. Nr. lakte in excel. luc. narket. Caîl Mrs. Mead. 1'~mtg. flot due for many yrs. Chance. THE BILLS REALTY. Inc. of a lifetime. Winnetka 3722. .529 DAVIS STREET, 19VANSTON 11ILTN21-lte Greenleaf 16 Wilmette 3740 COMFORTABLE 6 ROOM HOUSE ON 111LTN21-ltc East Side. Wooded lot 100x200 with ARTISTIC ENGLISH BRICK HOME lovely rock garden. 2-ear garage, ser- on wooded lot, ln secluded section onîy vants! quarters above. Easy termis. Be- years' old and moder n eer wy duced to $10,000. The Buis Realty, 1nc., Has four bedrooms,* two baths. Was 718 Vernon Ave. Phone Glen. 777,. ask riced at $30.000.when It was bulît, now for Mr. Tucker. 111LTN2-ltc uoted at, $16,000 by out of town owner. rhis is a bargain and can bie shown at FOR SALE-VACANTý - ny time by calllng'Mr. McLaughlin at SK KI-HIG T 'lie BilsIs ealty, Inc., 718 Vernon Ave- K IE H G IS mue. Phono Olencoe 777. OWNER OFFERS A VERY DESIR- 111LTN21-ltc able 100-fout lot In this higli ciass resi- I O S E 0F UUSUA CHA1~~~ dential development purchased a fe.v be UtifuB gOuns xelelocHatio; years ago to build his permanient home. beauifu grunds exellnt lcatonOwlng to financial lusses he is forced to bdrms., 3 baths, htd. slpg. porch, 011 lit.,andnhsdemadoestisltt tect l. efig. Gar. Piedr allme- a sacrifice ,for quick sale. AIl improve- ndie sae.Wil nidr maerl- ments are in and paid for. NO SPECIAL îedite tade.ASSESSMENTS-. We also offer a beau- V[BS. LANG WINNETKA 1194 tiful home that can be bouglit at an 'TUCC _ _ 11ILTN21-ltp attractive prîce. TUC BUNGALOW - CORNER 50- M UR R foot lot, à bedrooms, sun porch, break- c U R & O R ast porch, 2 sleeping porches, garage. ýOver 40 Yearsof Dependable Service 'rice $6,500. The Bis Bealty, Inc., 718 530 Davis St.; Evanston Gre. 108W emnon Avenue, Glencue 777, %sk for' 316 Park Ave., Glencue Glencue 13 [r. Lundquist. 111LT N21-1te 114LTN21-lte ( I I I q '1 a I il 5 e Iu n SI Pl v 1m field.' urnace fleat. porch. Garage. Phono 4 S epteinber 27. 193\4 r 3 . 1 .ýviÉMET" i E LIFE

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