Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Sep 1934, p. 58

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Lt's quick-it 'S es-ldthe.servce ineded here! CLASSIFIRD ADVERTISRMENTS, General Notice- C s:iled advertisements wilbe charged'only Glencoe. Inclusive, whoae names Xppear ln the telephone directory, or who are regular subscrîbers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEW&. Rates- 25 cents a line. Advertlsements run ln ail three papere. .XNIMCM CHARGE ONU DOLLAR. Average of f ewordi tthe lins. No black face type used. '20% dîseoant on ail cash advertine- mente wben brought to our offieat 1232 Central Ave., Wihnette, or 561 Lincoln Ave., Winnotka.. 10% disenut on ail advertisements run four consecutive tenues. Deadline for Insertions-"n ' advertisements wvOl be se- cePtd upto Tesda 9 P M.for WILMETTE LIFE or ail three papers; Wednesday 9 P. M. for WINNETKA TALK and Thursday à P. M. for GLENCOE NEWUJ. TelephonesA Wlnttte 4100. Winneltka 2000 (Winnetka 600 after 6 P. M.),- Greenleaf 4300 or Sheldrake 118-1217. ---- LOST AND FOUND LOST 1- ROUND DIAMOND SET IN a small square platinum mounting, possibly with a few looss red stones, on Sept. 131h in Winnetka. Generous re- ward.- Ph. Winnetka -2375. 3L21-ltp LOST -PAIR 0F HORN RIMMED ladies' glasses. Dropped froin car either in Winnetka or Glencoe. Reward. Phone Glencoe 1011. 3LTN21-1tc LOST - F E 2M A 1, E, BLACK AD white mire haired fox terrier. Had red h arness and license. Rewa .d. Phone Glencoe 138. 31,21-ltp LOSTCAKNADIAN ELK CHR.INI- tiais J. A. D. Phone Glencoe. 499,. _____ 3LT21-ltp LOôST--TWI 1N, MALTESE AND WHITE cati- from Bryant Ave. Pleatse phone Winnetka 394. 3LTN21-Ilp BUILDING ^ND CONTRACTING CEMENT, CONT RACTOR ALL KINDS 0F, CEMENT AND brick work. Leaky basements re- paired. Masonry and plasterwork. JOSEPH KNEIP 1714 Washington Ave. Wllmette 2618 ____ ______15LTN20-4tp MOD)ERNIZAT1ION General Contracting and Alterations. Chicago Construction Company Estimates gîven on Request. 160 N. LaSalie Wilmette 2705 15LTN21-4tp BUSINESS SERVICE FOR SALE: HARDWOOD FIRE- place logs-spiit and eut in 2 f t. lengths, other lengths by order. Sainples to be seen at 514 Birch St. $8.00 ton, $15.00 a cord, delivered. A-i Black soil-$5.00 3 yards-samples at' same address. Compost manure $8.00 4 yards. Rotten cow manure $10.00 4 yds. EB. G. HAGLUND' PHONE WINN. 2108 16LTN21-1tp I WISH TO ANNOUNCE TO MY North Shore friends my new telephone number is Wllmette 1131, and my shop directiy across the alley from Wolff- GrIM 9s Hardware store in Wiimette. Arn now well equlpped to make ailing furni- ture well, lncluding re-finishing and upholstering. Charles Miller, 1124 Green- leaf Ave., Wilmette, 111. 16LTN2O-2tp F URN A CE AND SHEET METAL work. 26 years, experience.. We dlean, and repair ail niakes of furnaces. Agents for Waterman and Waterbuary f urnaces. S IMCOX BROS. 6021 NORTHWEST HIGHWAY Chicago Newcastle 1290 16LTN2O-1 tp CARPENTER WORK NEW WORK, ALTERATIONS AND .repair. Fred. C. Schur. Wilmetts 1587. lÇLTN2O-tfc HARDWOOD,' $8 TON, DEL IVERED; black dirt, 3 yards, $5; sod, 4c a sq. foot. GUST ANDERSON 435 RIDGE RD. Wiimetts 452 __________ I6LTN18-4tp Rats, Roaches, etc. P. J. UEDELHOFFEN, EXTERMINAT- lng engineer. Ph. Wilmette 3867. _______________________16LTN15-tfc UPHOLSTERING IN YOUR HOME. Davenpiort retvebbed, $6. Chair $2.50. Best references. Write A-169, Box 40, Wilmette. 111.. ___ 16LTNI9-5ti PIRE PLACE WOOD-1ST CLASS DRY, hard wood. Greatly below retail price. Ph. Wlnnetka 1128. 16LTN21-ltp BUSINESS SERVICE FOSTER NISTLE oil humner servic. .-Il l)umners at ail hours. WILMETTE 278. 16I.TN20-4t1p CHI INEY- R E P A IR E). TU( - .pointing. Cernent and brick work First ciass work and low price. .10 yea rs exper. Winnetka 2976. 16L21-ltp DRESSMAKING - COLLETTE SOEURS DESIGNERS AND MAKERS Gowns--WraPs-Sufs..Coats Oiginal--Copied-Restyled..Altered 333 Elu St. Winnetka 1011 22LTNI 9-4tp M ISS BOJ<AND i)EiGSMAKES, COFIIES ;A.,Çj alters, gowns, wraps, suit>z, coats iii hnh,,e, Phone WiImette 867., ___________ 22LTN21-ltp DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS at Your own or mine. $3 per day. Phone Wiliiette 1545. 22LTN21-l'tp FARM PRODUCE Order your Michigan APPLES AND GRAPES now. Phone Winnetka 32'8 24L21-ltp GAR DEN ING PETER VOLE WELL ROTTED COW MANURE, SOI), black dirt, and garden work dons very reasonably. Phone Highland Park 3233. 27LTN19-4tp INsTrRUCTION REMEDIAL TUTORING BY EXPERI- enced teacher. Elemnentary and high school pupils brought up to grade and taught how to study. Miss Mas Schriber. telephone Winnetka 3303. 3OLTN19-4tp music&%&.INSTrRUCTION ANNA W. CHINLUND TEACHER 0FP'PIANO In studio Mon. and Wed. 2-6.; Sat. 9-1. 627-lIth St. Phone Wilmette 3612 31LTÈN19-4tp EDITH RAY YOUNG Teacher of Piano. Private and Curtis Class Instruction. Children accepted as young as.5 years. Studio 1133 Cen- tral Avenue. Phone Wllmette 3651. 31LTN2O-4tp PIANO LESSONS WITH DAILY PRACTICE SUPERVISION Ineluding Children's Symphony Concerts. once a' month. For further Informa- tion. Ph. .lane Moist. Wilmetts 2223. 31LTN21-Itp PIANO TEACHER. AMERICAN CON- ssrvatory graduate. $1 per lesson. Miss Eisendrath. Winnetka 479. >31LTN19-4tc * MASSAGE CABINET BATHS SWEDISH MASSAGE Treatments in parlors or your home. TECKLA HEALTH & REDUCE BATHS 833 Elm St. Winn. 356 38LTN20-4tp 3 TREATMENTS $5. Cabinet bath, massage, needie shower, Ultra-violet and infra-rsd lamps. 627 Grove St. Phone Gre. 1642. 38LTN20-tfp MUSICALINSTRUMENTS___ FOR SALE - CLARINET., SILVER Bettony, fins condition, $45. Original cost $135. Phone Greenleaf 1500, Steph- ens. 40LTN21-ltp PMAINTINO AND DECORATINO Paint, Paper 5 Rr-ns., $31.50 CEILINGS CALC., $1 UP SANITAS AND CANVASING WORK. Rm. wallpaper cleaned, $1; bathroom enameled, $5 Up: kitchen painted, $6 Up. 5 rm. tirs. washed,-varnished, $8. Stucco finish, outside painting, porches $15. Windows, 50c. Refs. Free estimates. Materials furnlshed.. MELVIN Wilmette 3413 1 42LTN21-ltp Ceiling Calcimined, $1 Up RM. PAPERED, $3 ; KIT. PAINTED, $6 ýuP; wall paper clnd., 75c; bath rm. enam., $5 up; glazed wal' ls wshd., stehd., $2.50; ext. paint with pure lead and oul. P.f's firn. Louis Skolnik., Wil. 501.1 Winn. 2511. 42L21-Itp PETS Irish \Vrater Spaniels Beautiful litter from Ch. Hob Nail Hal- loran and Ch. Irish' girl of Avandale. The Family Pal, hunter for father and .life saver forj the swimnier. Ch. Hob appeared in The Evanston Review ' Sept. l3th. MI1. E. W. MAECHTLE The (rrington Uni. S700 44LTN21 -1 ti For sale- ENGLTSH BULL TERRIER. 7 nionths old. A.K.C. registration. Winnetka 1832. 44LTN21-1 iji For sa le-pedigreed Cocker Spaniel Puppies (hampion blood lunes. Wlnnetka 1218. 441,TN21 -Iip I'EI). SPRINGEI- SPANIEL 1PIS Outstanding litter, beaut. mnarked. Show, parents. Champ. blood lines. Ideal for hfeme or field. 2315 Thornwood, Wilnmette. ----- - -44LTN21-2tp DOG FOR SALE-CH-AMPION-SIRED Irish setter maie pup, 6 months old. Reasonable to the right home. Call .Highlandl Park 4z73. 44LTN21-1tc PIANO TUNING Pianos Tuned & Regulated WORK GUARANTEED Mactory, Dealer, Acoustlc Laboratory experience; good references. E. 1. VAN HARLINGEN 7.Wllmette 1323 Wllmette Ave. Wilmette 2744 Chicago-4218 Loweli Ave. Kildare 8642 45LTN3 1-tfr EXPERT PIANO TUNING $3. RE- pair work guaranteed. 22 years, Chick- Aringr, Roctnn. H. (. Thoma. 517 Pair- view, Park Ridge 699-R., 45LTN21-4tp 5-sWI' MCIIE WPIRN SEWJNG MACHINES AND VACUUM CEANERS, ALI. kinds repaired. Established more thari flfty years ago. Now located in Wil- mette. L. E. Blunt, Tel. Wiimette 754 or 4368, 53LTN29-tfc WEARING APPAREL FUR COATS LEFT WITH US FOR storage and repaire, but uncalied for; Black pony coat,.$18; brown caracul, $24; gray caracul, $28; leopard cat, $32; American broadtail, $26; black caracul. $34; raccoon, $34; Hudson Seai, $58; genuine mlnk,, $150; and miany otherm worth four times their price. Also 20 jacquettes et $13 and 38 fur scarfs, at $4. Economy Section, Miller Fur Co., 166 North Michigan Ave.,, Chicago. open evenings. 59LTN21-3tc WILL SELL FOR FRACTION 0F VAL- ue, Russian ermhine scarf which cost. $1,200 when puréhased a few years ago from Sth Ave.,.New York furrier. Con- dition perfect. A'rare oppôrtunity to secure a Ioveiy fur at a. very low prIce. A-187, Box, 40, Wilmette. 59LTN21-ltp GIRL'S- CLOTHES-COATS, SWEAT- er-s, etc., 10-16. School, sport, aft., evg. Praetically new. Attrac. and reas. Boy's. coat. Elec. vibrator. Winnetka 2934. .591,TN21-1te ÉFOP, _SALE-LADYS BLUEWOOL suit black fur collar, size 20. Wil sell reasonable. Ph. Wilmette 234. 59LTN21-1 tp BUSINESS OPPO RTUNITIES GA SO0L IN E SERVICE STATION brick, hot-water 'heat Waukegan Rd. In Nules for sale or relit by owner other- wise en'ployed. Des Stoker, Winnetka 2869 or Centrai 6370. 61LTN21-ltp LOANS- LOANS. ON. AUTOMOBILES Confidential service, legai rates MOTOR LOAIN CO. State Bank Bldg., Evanston. Gre. 3206 65LTN36-tfe SITUATION WANTrED--ý-FEMALE ANNOUNCEMENT: LADIES OF THE North Shore ho mes-when desiring our co-operation in securing Your help, for your convenience you mnay cail us at our new Glencoe number. FRED'S EMPL. .AGENCY GLENCOE 160 ______________________GLTN2itc COMPETENT HELP NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER Efflcient Service for North Shore Homes WE INVESTIGATE REFERENCES WE ARE THE ORIGINAL Pauline's Emp. Agency WILMETTE 2171 Fourth and Linden' Opposite "L" Ter. 68LTN47-ttc WJ, SPECTAIJZE IN Iil(H GRADE. domestie hellp. ail nationalities. No o.ihrge to employers. Reterences in- '-tigated. Under State supervision. r'1:rsFip.Aec 74,, Klm St. Wînnetka 339R> 68LTN25-tfc Carlson's Empi. Agency 804 ELM STREET WINNETKA 3328 RELIABLE HELP Ail domestlc Positions NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYERS 68LTN1S-tfc German-26, 3% yrs. exP. cook and Ist fi. Norwegian-35, 2 yrs. former employer. Swedish-30, 2 years former employer. (German-r, 21/ yrs. former place. Reinhart's ErnpI.. Agency 748 Elni St. Winnpek',.119!4 68L21-i tp NURSE - COMPANION. MASSEUSE. Take entire charge of ciothes; drive car if necessary, wilI care for elderly lady, gentleman or delicats child. Smnail salary consîdered In nice home. Best refs. Write A-186, Box 40, Wilmette, 111. 68LT21-lrp REFINED LADY-C OMPANION TO A lady. Types some, has driven car,. free to leav'e city or go South for winte-.. Best refs. Roorn and board, somne sillary. Write W. L. M. 3501 Kenilworth Ave. Berwvyn, 111. 16SLTN21 - t p SITUATION WANTED By COM ,l'E- tent nurse, cars of 1 or 2 small chul- dren. Neat sewer. Hour %vork, with part time for roorn. GQod ref. Phone Win- netka 590. 68L21-ltp COMPETENT MAID FOR GENERAL hswk. excellent cook-5 years ref s. Good with (children. Bohannon Emp. Agency, Ph. Wiimstte 1170. 1 - 68LT.N21-ltp -xperienced White womnan wishes Laundry or Cleaning, by day or hr. Good ref. Winnett,4 27q4. 68L21-Itp EXPERIENCEm W H I T E WOMAN wlshes generaI housework. N. S. ref. Also ynung girl to heîp wlth general work. Phone Wlnnetka 2356. 68L21-ltp LIGHT HSWK, CARE 0F CHILDREN to 12 yrs. 20c an hr., or 75e entîre eyening. Please caîl or write Miss Meta Hornig, 729 llth St., Wilmette. 6SLTN21-1 tp COLORED WOMAN, WANTS (IEN.' .hawk. or day work. Fond of child'en. Wîll stay or go home nights. Phone, University 8119. 68L21-ltp EX PERIENCE D REGISTEREID nurse will take any case. Wiliing to heip with hswk. ReasonablA' nri"'e. Phone- Berkshire 825, 6L21-ltp REL. WHT. WOMAN WANTS LAUN- dry, cleaning, or gen. work day, or hour. Good ref. Cali Wilmette 4288. 68LTN21-1tp COL.AVOMAN Aq A-I COOK ORGEN- eral niaid, wvith best of reftrences. Johnsîetes Empi. Agcy., 1428 Wilmette Ave.- Ph . Wilm-ette 4144. 6LTN21-1lp EXPERIENCED GIRL WISHES DAY' work. Laundry or cleaning, etc., by the day or hour. References. Univer- 1itY .6747_evenings. 68LTN21-ltp EXPER. SWEDISH- COOK WTSHES Position. Good North Short- ref. Ph. Winnetka 471. 68LTN21-ltp Senfember 27- 19.34- WILMETTF-,ý LIFE%

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