*... r £ ..L.1rt September 27,1934 I organization in the United States. I FOMEN VOTERS Thirty-nine other countries will send I N E W S j ~~~~~delegates.te n: .ti thS hid nY c tg The llio,~Leaue f Wmenallianice was founded by an Ainerican, TheIlinis eaueof onenMrs. Carnie Chapmnan a Sho h re' ew in the Congress of the Internation al firs titme in a number of years plans N w Alliance of >Women. for, Suffrage and to attend its congress. The alliance SHERIDA-N SHORE YACHT club race Mf th e "BI ie" seri~s was sie EulCitizenship even though t letioasffreeeting0 a in tra - Lat Saurday afternoon Sheridan over the club's triangîtiar course in. Equl io al sufra e eeing in Waling- Shore Yacht club's fleet of Star light east witd. AI. Binghami in congress will flot meet until next ton, and was launched fornîallv two April. Thle meeting place willlie years later in Berlin. Its work for sloops, instead of coînpeting iii the "Hernies" surprised the entire fleet Lake Michigan Yachting association's bv taking a long tack ont into the ize that the suffrage banner is to be economic- equality is carried ont by alrgt iiCcgosayda ak an fni-suiieIv tog hield aloft both in Europe and the east. international standing committees. home and sailed the fourth and last winds to bring imi home-.ini first Twentv-four wonîen will lie selected. race of the "C" series. Onlv four pilace. "Carol" wvas second *and "XVal- as delegates and alternates'by the Na- Miss Josephine Schaini, New Ytork club Stars wvent out to hattle the rus" third.' "Saniper" crossed the tina Lage f Voîe Vtes. City, is a miember of the interna- heavy. surf and strong. northeast J hue immediately behind "Carol," but Ths wmn îl oprs tetinlboard and chairinian of its peace in adfnsedn the follo in 5îot courite(l in the local series. UntedSaeswome weiconprisethe cmtioalorder: Order of finish, Sundav. Septein- C ni ed tate re res ntat o n t t e co m ît ee.lst, N o. 500, C arol- T i mie be 3 congress for the National League of The formai call issued bt Mrs. C~or- Harold Elliott, Tom Waage 1 -57-00,be 23 \omen 'Voters is thlic1113- member bett Ashby of London. international 2nd, No. 412, Twinkle Ditto- list, No. 377, 1]leie~s Tiju.. -president, states Max Hayford, Gordon .Ionex 1-57-15 Mrli and Mrs. Al Binglhaîn 1-519-35 Geneveve Mcçormik aetl 3rd, No. 354, Warus- Be 2nd, -No. âo0, (Carol- jokel associated itlîti Zifi XV"omen have to fc h challenge Walter T Stockton, B. E. Be and C. B. ('ocIîran of Lokitloii of their fundamental rights which has Jim Martin 2-1-9 arohld liott,-Ed Brandriff* 2-02-1: OPENS DANCING CLASSES clearly enierged from the unrest of the 4th, No. 556, Blue Mist- 3rd, No. 354, Wa'iî- Don Bergman, E Ra>ymond 2-03-15 T. Sto<*ktoni, .fin Mart i n lf-S) In Wlnnetka for Chlidren after-war wvorld and 'a new camrpaign Upton's "Sandpi'per," a visiting Star Classes Forming Now is before us. Different new expert- from Benton Harbor finislied in 20-5 4th, No. 681, Glider- $5 ments in form df goverunment concern The above resuits gave "TIwinkle Hal Reeve, Dick Barnes -6-4 10LESNS 5our alliance insofàr as thev affect.the Ditto" first place for the "C" .eries 5th, No 36 S-vrS2a- 071 Phone Gleneoe 491 1 relative position of men and %wometl." with 69 points, "Carol" second place Mr'. and AMrs. Robert Kendfig 2--1 with 58 points and "Walrus" third 6th, No. 461, Cora K- place with 54 points. As this was Harry Richter 2-09-04> also the last of the season's Saturday 7th, N. 5.r56, Blue Mrist- WARM.WEATHER races the total standing for the 1),1Dn2rgin .R Jenkins 2-14-50 will soon be goDe. njoy goodraces of the "A ", "B" and "C ", series t v'N.r802 PMace s. V. Gtus ~ 6 willsoo begone Enoy oodgives "Walrus' first place %vithi 153 19t'h, No. 107, Nereid- IceCrem wil yo~ cn.points, "Carol" second with 138 1Emmnerson Ryoi 2-30745 points and "Neo" third with 129 Next Sunday' the last race of the points. "Pliue" series, whichi is also the laet Pt.I~C QI.~COn Sundav afternoonth le fourth race of the seasoti, ill be hield. ~mette 3()7",), or Miss Stade'(Wilnîette jLOGAN-HOWARD 2838). 0VAneIO to1ea Jpn!!1 I 1 1~aimal 1district oIruR' 'y .N.Iîlicli is !o b1w held ini the Fir.5t, Prv, lie logani.-oýN-ard Parent-Teacli- bvterian clîuirch of, l'van.ýtoî: I.akc S er dsociation wvill hold the lrs ct- and Chicago aventue ) Eri(Iav Octobér O Ide 511]1 ofhes f arnt ]BI n rteva Tedvatrioi year'l'iesda aftrno.1. eI oe atocationtuber.districre21. Octoier 2, at 2:45 o'clock in the al(li- rhe~ prograni is similar to that of laý,t toritini of the Howard sclîool. TIisisvascofrce hcl .sllii ilIantie(i as a "get accînainte<r- g~tîîthelic ilinette NMethloiist churcli. Ili ering. and for tîîat reasonth îere %vil] hthbgn t9 3 .n.wt be onIv a brief ~business meei, bsns ceting, whicli is to be fol - be1 i~ >ifhsiestetnai îownde Ibv a speaker, and(lb)y rouind- after tnat a recel)tion to the teachers table conferences. The afternoori andl the -roomi mothers" ini the g3vnî'- sesio oens with singitîg b" the nastum. NM1r s. R. B. I)Vtiv utr iNotlîers' choruis. and a talk bv Dr. I"i%-w îresideîît, is calling the imeetinlgs' Ernest O. MelbY. dean of thte sclîooi i arlier thins vear in , or(ler to be able of edilcation of Northivesterti uni- to serve refresiîments. andl stilI (lis- versity. "Our Future Citizens" i.,. thc miss in tinie not to interfere Nvith titie of his talk. Luinclîcon wihlibc tlie (inner hour. XMrs. Lester Hesse served for those '%%hîo make reserva- will lie ini the kindergarten to care for tiotis not later than October 2 %with anY sia Il children 'vhose mothers are N frs. Robert Johuiston. 904 Peha atteti(ing the meeting. Tliere is, 1at1t0(Dvi 62) charge to tlhe nothers fo4r this service. l)ont miss tlîis first meceting. 3-0111->DATES TO REME31BER carliest opportutiit%, to show your inî- Sefflënbet' 27-Babies Friendiy, at thie terest ini and loyaltv to yotir clîild's home of Mt's-. -.J A. Carrathers, 13 ý'chVain-t avenue. Scho anîd tlîose vvho are %vorking for .0etober 2-Regiii.r October meeting it.iof t . Wil I acash Then consider the Household Loan Plan. Loans of $30 ta $-300 loan heIp are available ta, familles keeping refinance bouse, who have sufficjentincome ta make regula- monthly repay- your debts? ments over 20 montbs. Only sig- natures required are those of us- band ami wife. Quick, courteous, businesslike service. Reasonable cost., Visit, write, or 'phone the offices of IVilmette, iII. SUNDAY SERVICES-11 A. M. WE4DNESDAY-TESTIMONIAL MEETING-8 P. M. SUND)AY SCHOOL, EXERCISES-9:4S A. M. SEPTEMBER 309,1934 Subject: REAL-,ITY READING ROOM-1148 Central Avenue Open Daily (except Wednesday) 9 A. M.> to 6 P. M Wednesday 9 A. M. to 7:45 P. M. Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. The. Bible end Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and ail other authorized Christian Science Literaturema be read, borrowed or purchased at the Reading Rooni. THE PUBLIC IS COttDIALLY INVITED TO ATEND THE CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM 0 lm l o l l iirii l l i ttl l IIII i lf iI lim lI II l ii llltfifll" On Friday, October 5. the ballroomi dlancing classes, for boys and girls ini the. sixth, seventh and- eighth grades will commence This vear Miss Stade is hotpitlg, to have t-wo classes, one for children in the sixth and seventlî grades, and one for those in the eizhth. grade. The first class will meet from 7«to 8 o'sclock and'the eighth grade from 8 to 9 o'clock. Graduates of Howard s.chool whoare freshmen at New Trier. High school are eligible for membership in. the eighth grade class. The flrst party. of the seasoî will l)e a Hallowe'en masquerade Those who remember the fun and good "eats" ýat laçt Year's Hallowe'en Party are lookinz forward with keen antiipaionto tis ne.Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wilson Of 315 The classes meet on Friday eve- Essex road, Kenilworth, returned last nings ini the Logan school. Infor- Sunday from a week's fishing trip at niation regarding tuition mnay be had Rhinelander, Wis. The Wilsons gave lw calling Mrs. R. D. Qilar (Wil- a fish dinner last Wednesday. .1 01I I.drl-I1oward P. T. A. in th'e Howard school auditorium, at 2 :45 fol- 1OWecl by rec'(elîtion in the gymnasiuni. Oetoher 5-Annual district conferenci. !i Evanston. Octoher 9-Pre-Adoleseent Study group mleets wîtÉ the Adolescent Study group 1)t l:30 a., m. in the Howard school. LoweIll -odd wili talk on "The School'.s Contribution ta Charaeter Education." Octoter 9-The Pre-Sehiool.circle rneets ûÉiithe library of the Howvard sehool'at 1p. i. ENTERS ACADEMY Carl Buehler, son of' Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Buehier, 151. Abingdon avenue, Kenilworth, Ieft Thursday of last week to enter his freshman year at Lake F'orest academny. Hle was grad- uated fromi the lower school at Mor- Ia n ar k i i a y a a e 2nd Fl., 1737 Howard St. west of "L", Chicago Phone: Greenleaf 2550 51 14th FI., 105 W. Madison Chicago Phone: Franklin 088 . .... ..... First Churcli ofChi, Scientist Tentb Street, and'Central Avenue WILmPTlrp 9 ý