Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Sep 1934, p. 48

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11111 .A~r-~ w A 8.~ -irE eptember 27, io HAOME MODEIRNIZA TION SETIONV __________________________________________________________________ j WATERPROOF CELLAR Cellars are dainp and musty pi mari k hecause materials used for thei wall construction- stone, cernent ail bhrick-are aIl more or less porous an absorptive. Danip-proofing can be don 2inexpenisivell by applying sheet coppe or other materials to the walls ai floor of the cellar by means of asphal or pitch. The house~ is thus made moi healthful and its value increased. Lare-orc;CtiHere Are Provision irj Provide Needed, of That Housing Act id Extra Room SPace The, National Housing act, which id In this day and age of automobiles contemplates widespread bomne re- ne and outdoor recreation of various sorts, modeling and repair, empowers the er the large open porch is virtualîy passe. Federal Housing administration to insure banks, trust companies, build- id What to do with it? Convert it into an ing and boan associations, acceptance it additional room. sun parlor, or remove companies anxd other discount agen- re it altogether. .$ cies. approved by the governinent, Years ago, before -the advent ofthte against. losses incurred in the dis- automobile made it so easy and pleasant counting of notes of approved prop- to spend a great deal of time on the erty owners, for. money borrowed highways or at points of interest, people 'for the purpose of iinproving tr'eir were far more iiclincd tu stav at home. property. The act provides as fol - A big shady porch, on which'one could lows: sit on warm summer afternoons and 1-Insurance of lending institu- evenings andl take advatitage of cooling tions against ail loss up . to an 4 breezes, wvas a valuable and appreciated amount . equivalent to 20 per cent 1 feature of bouses. of its total qualified boan, (ten turnes 1 Toda.ý he ize ndtyp of orc to the normal bad debt oss) ;1 ? dy h u ndtp fprht 2-Loans by property owners up be built usually is determined by differ- to $2,000 to remodel, repair and re- ent considerations. It is more likcly to bidpoet,(ltmr hnfv be a sinail porch. serving as an archi- sc ast n we) tectural adorni-nent to break an area of 3-Loans to be repaid in regular jwal*, and just large enough to shelter instabîments extending over periods the entrance way. from I to 3 years, with provision for jOwners of old homes with large un- exceptional cases running to 5 used* porches and witb other features years. Carrying charges not to ex- c common to houses built years ago can ceed $5 per $100 of original face easily have alterations made that will Imutol 1 qa onhypy make their bouses thoroughl), modern ment note, tobe dcducted in advance, and attractive in appearance. There is Further information may be oh- ti hardly any limit to the changes which tained froin any bank or lendingC may readilvy be made with a house of institution. in the community or Wvood construction. It may be that ail through a, request for BoQklet p an old house nleeds to beautify and F.'H.A.-10, addressed to the Fed- f modernize t appearance is a new roof, ea Housing administration, Wash- il of its lines and other architectural f ea-v tures. Large open porches can be con- verted into additional rooms,.or glassed Governmenùt E cuae in to serve as sun roomS. E cuae Own-your-home Exhibits Use of Linoleum Not Real Estate boards in a numberi MOTORS SERVICE FvPerything for A utomnobiles The financing of a, HART Ol BUIRNER may now be done at Practically No Cost through the National Housing Act Buy Now! 721 MAIN STREET. Phone Wilmette 2600-2601 LACQUER WALL PAPER A coat of good lacquer on walI paper. even if it is washable, will heîp pro- tect seains and render the wall coin- pletely waterproof. This 'treatinent is. especially recommended for batbmoomns and kitchens. U. S. Sets Pace. by Fixing Up White House Uncle Sain.: who, with the aid o4 the National Housing act, is seeking to induce property owners ail over the country to modernize and improve, is setting the example to. the rest of Americans by undertaking an alteration operation on the President's home ini Washington-the White House. With the aid of the annual appro- priation provided by the Congress for maintenance of the Chief Executive' s house, workmen are now engaged in converting a portion of the building to conform to the growing needs oi the Presidential family. The under- taking includes an addition, interiur alteration, painting and routine main- tenance work. To finance this project,' it was n-'jt necessary for Uncle Samn to go to a bank to borrow* (although his credit probably would have been very good. indeed), but there are countless home owners in the country who are expect- ed to begin improving their properties n the saine way-with cash. If the Federal Housing administra- tion insures loans up to the maximunm of its capacity to do so, $1,000,000,000 in modernization and repairs will tak-e place under its prograin. B 'ut this figure fails' to take into consideration the voi- ume of work that will go fôrward with funds available to property ownerý vithout the necessity of. borrowing. Inner Grain. Pine Best for Flooring Purposes - - - - - - %-«li ii olç . a .i t atve dawi' Limied o Foornglof principal cities have been quer-àed idistinctive Bloori;;g with the appear- Linoleumù, now procurable in many by tlic Federal Housing Administra- aceof More expensive wood if thc Iime is obtained froin ihe heart oi' different colors, 'patterns and effects., tion looking toward their leadershîp therg hr h ri svria n is no longer limited to floors. The in,. n 1projected building eNhIihîits lhliîglî dcoser and harder than the outer grain. genious housewife willý discover that 'which the public may bc made graph- Lt is Iessbett hag nsz n odd pieces of plain or patterned lino d es s u e c ochngetinsizendun- leui mae atracive nd racica cally acquainted with the advan-desvme ostrcniinadth leummak attactve nd pactcaltages and processes conccmned w th tough, wear-resisting fibers provide a covrs or abnet clse an oterhome ownemship, home building and supemior wearing surface. There is ais,) shelves; kitchen,, breakfast rooin or home remodeling or reconditioning. a greater uni formity of coloring in thi" gaine tables; childmen's tables, trays. Use of governmentalîy -owned audi-) grade. where durability is combined etc Scapslef ovr froma foorngtoiums is conte mpated. J. P. Young 1 with a pleasing. varied figure. Wîth job may be cemented onto -the desired is special epresentative for FilA in the. saine came ini finishing that is ap- surface. Sm-aIl pieces may be obtained charge of expositions. Lt is recog- :plied to more expensive flooring, heart froin a local dealer for the purpose. nized that Own-Your-H-ome showvs as vertical pine should give the best serv- conducted by the, Milwaukeec Real ice that cati be expected (->f any mod- Estate- board, the Indianapolis Real erate-priced flooring. Estate board, the -Detroit Real Es-____ tate board, and the Baltimore Real 3E L ON S Etate oard, for example, have been Plm ig itrsfr pracicalv dpression-proof, -show- Ho eiVa edC or etfr osevtieing an accumulating public interest, e o r' .et forconserative ready to go as conditions warrant. B ,oth bathroom and kitchen fixture-, ms, n. rsidecescani now be bought easonably in a ns o reidenesvamiety of colors ranging from pastel doffice, buildings. pinks, iores and yeîîows to distinctive reds, blues and bîacks, as well as in a S vamietv of mamblcized effects. Innumer- able combinations and sûbtle blendings can bc evolved that reflect the persorî Càbhmet Work ality ofý the home ownem and impart ~~ rare charin to the bathrom or kitcht n. wi i m ip -r-r P r ir ip'im

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