Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Sep 1934, p. 47

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Septeber 2,1194aWA.FTàRir r_ AD VISOR Dr. George D. .-llison, pastor of, the W-ilmuetù' Iaptist church, is l'ziqa unique î".perience tizese zu1t11»n1 da ys in coz'ering tlhcer'is- *onsin arca of tIhe Baptist denom- mation, as a menmber of a deputa- i;i îclitdiii. i duin R. Broiin, iisissoarV; 'rs. R. R. Deemis, zooman 's leader: R.' H.. Ezving, Yowh eipert;- Dr. A . Le1 Grand, executive, and W. J Appel, mnan- ir.Dr. .4lliso,î goes in the .'apacity of a pastoral adzisor and 1.iuspir,..tionial preacher, and the il l;ittechu r-cit as rclcase'd him prm Tucsdav SaturdaY for je7eral u'eeks. his juani is t% picah of the new :11110, a doptcdii religious work to .:îit the tirnes, it is exphained. At a doz- z hosen centers, the ministers, key lay- mnen and most interested women of the ii *irches meet for tW-o days of con- ereîice and planning of the year's work. M4issiOnary needs, new prograins for :oîl.dcîon'inational objectives for rhe ear and thepolicies of organized jrotestantismr corne Up for discussion. . hIere is plenty of time for question imd answer, for group thinking on pertinent issues. The theme, "'For Such a Time as Thk," suggests the pracical approach to the Christian -ask today. Last week, the 1,a Crosse, Madison inîd Janesville Associations of Baptist Churches were f ully- canvassed. To- inorrow the delegation will be in Mil- waukee. Dr. Allison reports a keen alertness to the *changing social out- look of our country, a readiness to .idapt church methods to the needs of muen, and a spirit of consecration in ±-cing- the. issues of world peace, of éroflornic justice and od personal re- GOLF PARTY Rudolph Osterîniattn, 234 Warwick, r-Oad, Kenihworth, entertained a group (3f business friends'for luncheon and golf at Westmorelat.d Country club last Tuesday,..while MNrs,. Ostermann entertained their wives at a 'cocktail tea at home. Later the women mo- tored to the club for tlîeir husbands and they ail returned to the Oster- tnann's for an evening of bridge. Miss. Caroline Roberts, 328 War- wick. avenue, Kenilworth, left last Sunday for Northampton, Mass. to -study at Smith college. Miss Rob- erts is transferring f rom Northwest- ern. Her sister, 'Martha, left on Tuesday of ast week. for Godfrey, Ill., to attend Monticelho. - ..E lu ne gapte straight sets in- h i'l of the àieet Will 'iam.Wbe f13 'Announces Dinner MeN[et The s:ne, day, McConnell and Rod- been. erployed.. Statements that the The North Shore chapter of, theé , jnos ard4 anteds wo girls attended school together or Alumnae of the Natiional College of trict doubles,.championship by defeat- were. associated socially, -are abso- Education will'open ifs falmeig n Evanston. ultely'untrue, accorcling to Mrs. Tur- with a. dinner- to be 'given at the These victories gave the, three stars geon., The inferences, published i. collee Thursday, October 4. Ela- -members of the New Trier tennis 'the Chicago papers were undoubtedly borate plans have been made to pro- team last spring--the right to repre- drawn from the fact that Miss Mullen *vide untisual entertajnment for the sent their school in the state meet this wàis called upon in in effort to iden- guests. Miss Martha Fink and miss week-end. 'Bill Condy, another Neuw tifv the girl fotmnd ini Ravinia. Dorothy Xeller, both members ofI Trier tennis star, came through in the the college, facultv, will speak f rom frst day of the'district met at Evans- IN NEW LOCATION their experiences -abroad on tlhe un. ton Monday. but was eliminated in1 Coffey's automobile repair shop is rest in Austria, and the cathedrals. the. finals at River Forest. moving to 732 Twelfth street at the of France and Etnglanid. The open- G. H. Flanlingami is the Newv Trier'rear of Herbon's garage and will be ing meeting will. be a most *important tennis coach. ready to do business in the new one, it is explained,* and a large at- location on October 5, it was an- tendance is expected. Mrs. AlfredNMary Mullen Not Chum nounced this week. The shop bas Bates' of 1E'vans.ton is chairman oof bfen insits Okon Girllocationtfor a the .dinner. .o beegOsn ilid!rnAin hits resntAloation for N. T. Wins District Net Meet; Will Play in State Art Nielsen will represent New Trier High school in singles, and John McConnehl and Tom Rodnian %vill be the New Trier doubles combi- nîation at the high sclîool state tennis mieet at Champaign Fridav and Sat- urday of this week. Nielsen, a sopho- more.,xwon the district singles titie ini Nîcetroplitan papers ini recent days i ing made as a result of, increased hiave associated the ixame of Mar%- patronage and a desire on the part Mfullen with that of a girl named oi.- jOf the management to offer the best son, missing for some time, and wh.o1 possible service, it is explained. it was thought may have been theSUEFOS girl found dead in Ravinia last week. UEFOS The facts i. the case are that Miss , HAIR REMOVED Mfullen, iwho has been residing with PERMANENTLY' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turgeon of 1709 Also Moles and Warts Lake avenue, who are helping her Eli..eth De Bourg. secure an education, spent a brief ReOM 316, Hahn BIdg. Ph. Uni. 2444 period at the home of Mr. and Mrs. // 18 Offington Ave. Evansto PICTURE 0F MAN ON WINTERS MORNING Those "-40 winks," just before, the alarnm clock goes off in the morning, that helps you start the day right are yours all win- ter long! No breaking into those pleasant few m-in- utes to go down in a cold house to tend the furnace. No siree! Not with oil heat .. . and a tank full of Murphy-Miles Depend- able Fuel Oil! You can say "Scram" to furnace worries witb a Murphy-Miles Fuel Oil contract. Your tank will always be full and even in the cotdest weather you'll rise with -a sniile in a delightfully, warm bouse. Why flot investigate ail the advantages Murphy-Miles Service has to offer. And while you're about it order your fuel tank filled with Murphy-Miles, Fuel Oul to be ready for the first cold snap. RING FUEL, OIL PRICES have been reduced.. SAVE NOW ... A contract signed nowf assures cur;- rent low prices. The' sensible thing to do is to have your tank illed before cold weather, and enfoy the . saving these low prices pro vide. MURPH Y- .Ml LES OIL 'COMýPANY Willow Roud, West of Skokie, lvd.. Wiumeika (Plan# No. 6) Wilmette 900 PHONES Winnetka -85 5 Executive Offices, 1801 Fullerton Avenue, Phone Diversey 2700 SIX PLANTS CONVENIENTLY LOCA TED'SERVING THE CHICAGO AREA Septe mber. 27, 1 934 WILM'ETTE LIPE

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