Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Sep 1934, p. 46

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WILMETTE LIFE September 27, 1934 ,Wa nt Local Tax .Collectors To *Reoeve Taxes, ThroughoutYa County T w ns A socitionto the necessary advertising, and make a return.to the County collector of ___________________________________ 011 ers Suggesion tbe properties to be sold for non- payment of taxes. The latter officiai By Thoma. A. Matthews ivould then apply for j. dgment. of inySiglPis * S ao ' igs (Ir-1ecuith'c sccetary S.Çil)trba.)z.-Îrea sale, as he does now. -New Stinson. at Curtiss Aier Show WilI Be and ounrv own asoci~tin ~ If this power were given to town- Sde Spiegel of the Essaness Coo .k couw v) si olcos h eutwudb Theater corporation, 540 N. Michi- J-eld at C'urtiss an increase in the taxes collected and gan avenue. Chicago, has been doing Chicago's first and only large scale, The S uburban Area 'and Country l a decrease. in the amount of delinquent considerable flying lately at Curtiss; air show of the 1934 season will be Towns A-*ssociation iof Cook countyj taxes each year. The tax payer could airport. Spiegel recently purchased' held at Curtiss airport on Thursday, advocates giving tnwn-tslipl collectorsj pay lis taxes to a convenient office, one of the new 1934 Stinson Reliants. F'riday, Saturdav and Sunday, Octo- the owe toreceve .~eera taxe al year round. The local collector' The plane was brought here early ber 4, 5, 6 and -7. It is to be called thepoer o rceie gnerl txescould do more than just receive the this montlî from the Stinson factory, the Chicago Carnival of the Air and ail cear round. iin order to faciltate rnoney as it'came mn-be could serve by on e of the Chicago Aviation cor- will be staged by the Chicago Avia- tax collection, reduce the amnounts of actively as a real collector of taxes1 poration's Station salesmen. Tlhc tion corporation, operators of Curtiss unpaid taxes. and secure m ore prompt by inserting notices in the local papers, corporation operates Curtiss airport. field. distribution of the ta x îonev to local from time to time, giving people in-! Manv of tlhe country's outstanding municipalities with a resultant saving formation as to penalty dates ýet c.;ArC roainHed'j ios~iltk ati h in interest to them. and through cooperation with the of- ýsedplt iltk ati h taxficials of local governments he could. aesT ptoD toi hw. Alreadv signed up as entrants At the present timie, township condut an ctiveandicotinuacar-i h vrouspe'eOns hc collectors are authorized to receive . h * a.ctv adcntnalcm H. S. Darr, president of the Ch' i- l eain the air carniee valen Artic general taxes for onlv twenty-one pa~ign troughout the entire year for!cago Aviation corporation, operators Ch et.e fthe icawh w4 ly hîAr daysof achyea. Atertheexpra-the payhient of taxes to support local of Curtiss airport, and E. «M. "Ace"CetrSeil.Er rmno tion of that ftime they must return goverînmeiit. 0 ooechif canc anteoir the tax books to the counitv collector I diin oti ratrcnei port, made a trip to the Stinson fac- od.Cif. hoercgple h î ~-. enceto the taxpayer, this method tr~ atwe is a, Mena sco poivered Bumble Bee. and fron then on the taxpayN..r mustwul aveeccmniialttto ry at Wayne, 'Mich., atwe-o, Harold Neumann of Cleveland, w-li go to the, Counity- collector's office iiin ud soflar each yencia niteeth-business. They left W.Nedniesday' and xii fly a Benny Howard special, the loop and pay his taxes there. The o a ait eundtefloigdy Roger Don Ray of Lansing, Mich., coun.tyolcollectornl)ecause of thetrex- who has entered Miss San Francisco mendous amount of business hie must ship o ectoyrs can istrt theseH arold Pcacock Takes VI. and S. J. Whitman of Oshkosh, handle, cannot distrihute this tax oe hyrciet hs munici- Isrcin:i< WS money to the cities, school boards anci palities promptly, and thus the war- Isrcinin uiying ob h vi s i lifOh other goventîments, entitie oi o at oldb adofa h arliest! Harold Peacock of Peacock Auto DoiteCmn three months or more after hie re- posbe!oet Sales Inc., 562 Lincoln avenue, Win- oltleCmn ceives it. Consequentlv tax anticipa-,See p ametnt-ka, lias been flying, an Aeronca iryDoite fastest of the tion Warrants calinot be redeemed as Thswiouan adtialx- at Curtiss airport. He is taking lr sedpits aîdJmv aten promptly as might otherwise be p eneaoilsh ayeto gnrling lessons from Dwight, Morrow. who wvas forced doiwn ini Siberia on, siladtir sadtoa neettae ould be speeded up, and the i natmtdrti'-h-wrdsl silan lee sadtinline t txswvetenan instructor at Cuntiss fiel(. a tepe oidtewrdsl to lie ado hm amouit s actually collected each yean fliit, have pnomised to be on liand paidon .em.would be materially increased. Fur- to ententain the air show crowds. Want Salaried Collector thermone, by reason f- or pompt L. EiCookvVlnnetka, Iiadto otercn vn Trhe plan of the association is to distribution to the tax ing bodies, these on Flight to St. L-ouis the pnognam xv-ili incitîde 'stunt flying have each township collecton put on a municipalities would be able to save L.t.Co 0f iiekamd a by Dick -Granene and othen pilots. salay-te amuntto b se îw he houandsof ollas ech yan i ritp to St. Louis last week hy plane. 1 equally wvell known, sky writiîig 1i towTi board of auditos-and to-have terest because they cotild retire- their Cook o,.nis a Stinson Reliant which, Art Gochel, winner of the $25,000 the expenses of his-office met by the, obligations more quickly. lhe keeps in the hangar at Curtiss Dole trophv as the first to fly froin township. Since the percentage for: The Suburban Anea* and Counitrv. field near Glenivie-w%. Jus Pilot is California -to sHa%%aii, gliden fliits collection which now goes to tlieCouni-1 Towns Association of, Cook counitY. Clarence Clabaugh. b%. Charles Abel, former holder of ty collecton would then go to the 1will sponson legislation at -the next___ the wonl(ls glider loopinîg record, towvnship. this sum would be more 1 session of the legislature to give thean evdsoadgru pr- thian sufficieîît to meet these costs.ý towvnship collectons of Cook county ARRIVES FROM AKRON >nd e jumpin,sptad ru pr- The townshîip collector would then ithe power to receive taxes al yean. . H. Conrtss of te Natonal or- jmpin be authorized to neceive tax payments; around, to secune these beiîefits for prto a a callen at Curtiss air- Wmnt aePr thÎughut he ntie yarandto is-ourcoutv.port last week. Fie arrived in his Xomen,. as xveii as meni, will take th~ougout th entie year and t dis-our contv. tinson S. from Akron on Wednes- pr ntearcnivl.Teewl tribute this money to the local taxing paetin te aisr aes ver a y, Ter i i bodies entitled to it as it wvas paid in Sprin ger Spaniel Club da adlet h folloxing day anne omnednd aeothen atempt to to him. Each yean hie couid make out dyad f bak ued, orad's tedr-ancempreco the list of delinquent 'property, see H.olds Field Trial Soon bektewrdsnuaceeod lhth..+;i .. ittlinlA t-r i.C Tn wn ~ rTnPAS- for feminine flvers uiie h rn. ite SArI WAY DETrROIT .Qh our@84.50 CLEVELAND 11 hrs.SO R I SONLY 2 1Hollit a56 *MMM Las Adnu.U "@Wun D $18.6S0 c a p 0GIr Phn ASA80 671 or North Shore Travel Service-Evanstoai WAlrCH OUR WEEKLY SPECIALS 1-gai. AQUARIUM $1 *Oo 2 pr. TROPICAL FISHe Plants and Gravel JComplete Tues., Thurs., and Sat. eve. until 9 Davis St. Aquarium & Pet Shop grand N~> - PO RTABLE TYPE WRITERS Full> Equlpped $37,650 Forimeri> hold for.$60.10 Limited Number-LlmIteid Ti nie T1ommy Airth, ic. 1l627 Shemn Av., Evanstos Davis 2400 i ne inire, aiai u i ~ iîueiîsedu £[AKJb IA VrLK KUI T sart............. i flLAiA Field Trial, unden the auspices of the M. C. Mleigs of the Chicago Eve- show eitlier shortly before the air JEnglish Spningen Spaniel clul) of the îîiing Aniericani flew from Curtiss air- shon or while it is iin progress.. jean Cenîtral States. wviil be held Saturdayj port to Detroit last week in a Stin-Laeeo Txsad 1-nrtt and Sunday, Octoben 13 and 14, at 'son Reliant. He left Wednesday 1 Sùmmers of California are the two Forst ave esatein akeForst, mrnig ad rtured hurdaveve- 1 ;women pilots hoping to set a new en- f Fres Hvenesttein akeFoestmonin an renred hurda ev-,durance record. Miss LaRene and J(two miles west of Waukegan noad)., ning. ayOes loo eaw The club bas secuned the services,. unsuiccessful ini five'.necent attempts of E. D. Kniglht of Charleston, ýN .Gam es WiIl Feature to break the old mark of 240 hours. Va., and Thos. C. Dennehy, Jr., of 1 ilSot NWMssOeshs eundt Lake Forest, as judges. Bothi are out- Girenecut Texas andw Miss Lee tilcni standing authorities, on, Springerj Keno, cat race, flower grab and dent, has a newv par tner in the yen- Spanicîs. ring the pig are just a few of the ture. jPheasants and rabbits will be shotl games which will fui the Highland Grandstaiîd seats to accommo dateý over the dogs iin the usual fashion- Park' Woman's club on Saturday',00 esn r en rce e and .ducks at the water trial. There ISeptember 29 from 1 until 6, att the ai00 prsow.Prn are as in ere thee will be cash and tnophy awands!, most hilarious five-tent carnivat ever immediate vicinity of Curtiss el The trials 'xill start each day at 10 plânned. bil o'ci ock, final judgiîîg to take place on High school crowds wl eaml otkcrefcà- of -the whole C ample d.,Tohe car o f is capa- Sunday afternoon. This is an A.K.C. north shore: will be there in large od.Tearoti oae iccnsed'trial. Points will be. awarded , numbers, as well as small children. atLk1veu n Shermer roari, toward. a chamrpionship, it being Different, types of entertainmeCnt ____ ___ _____ necessary for a dog to win first place have been dcsigned to attract every in two open-all-.age stakes to become eveey age. GUILD LUNCHEON a champion. Mrs. Erastus R. Phelps of Higli- Mrs. Reginald Dunhill, 103.Robsart and Park is in Charge of thc arrange-1 road, Kenilworth, wiil entertain the HAS SURPRISE PARTY ments, assisted by. a committee of Whitehouse, guild of the Church of MNaiiy Wilmette and out-of-town Girl Scouts and their mothers., Thé the Hoiy Comforter at its first meet- fniends attended a surprise bithday entire procceds., are for the benefit ing and luncheon on Monday, Oc- party . Sunday given for Henry Eber- of the Girl Scouts. itober 1. hardt 'of 538 Illinois noad at the home H. of Mr. and Mrs. William Awe at i HOSTESS TO GUILD1 Mrs. fussell Matthias (Helene Sei- 1030 Illinois road.« He neceived manyv Mrs. R. Hi Canruth of Winnetka j bold) and her baby son, Russell, Jr., beautiful gifts. The evening was will entertain thc McLaren guild of1 of Evansto.n, returned iast week from spent iin dancing to the, music of the Church of the Holy Comfortcr a three months' visit witb 1er parents, piano and violin, the latter played by at its first meeting, and luncheon on Ur. and Mrs. Arthur Seibold at their Herbent, Kusmertz of Illinois road. Monday. Summer home at Guli Lake, Mich. WILM ETýTE LIFE September 27, 1934

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