*September 27, 19341 Rehéarsals Begin. for New Service Club Play Mrs. John Dern of Winixetka, as president oûf the Service club,: is the generai chairman for the ciub's an-, nual revue, to'be given Saturday, Oc-, tober 20. The show xent into e- hearsai Thursday of last wveek uapon the arrivai of the director,. John T. Hall, fromn New York. Rehearsals: xiii be held in the balIroom of the' Lake Shore Atliletic clubi. At least four of Winnetka's current crop of, debutantes, who are tiot returning to college this fall, iviii appear in th,: production. They are the Misses Nancy Knode, 'Muriel Picher, Fana: MePherson, and Deborahi Butler. Miss Honore White, former WVin- ietkan, has the important task of handling the ticket sale, and bas ai- ready established a ticket office in ilhe Drake hotel. roon% M-16. She lisome o(- ne Od<ut%, eerv d(aNy in ,he office. Marie Louise Gardner of Winnet- ka is selling advertising for the pro- gram. Mrs. Herbert Kenîîcdv. xvho accupied the Harry Lord \Vell s louse :n Hubbard Woods tIîis stummer, and MIrs. Albert 'MadIener are mianaging -lie sale of boxes, and NIrs. Lawrence Nelson ha, chargé oirtliearsab--. Winnetk.an President of Southern Alliance The Southiemn Wo men's Educational alliance began a ncxv year Monday' o)*f this week whien meeting at the Or-, riîgton lhotel ini i!vanston. At that tinie, new officers %verel t'lected for the seasoii. Mrs. J. 1-au!j Cla ytoîi of \\Viinnet'ka is pre.sident: MVrs. 0. V. Xaiigre, irst vice-pres- >dent and prograin chairmian;- Mrs., N.* C.. Poindexter of Wilinette, second,ý Vice-president and hiospitality chair- mnan; Mrs. Samuel Topliff of Evans-, ton, third vice-presidenit and mnembe r- isiip chaîrman ; Mrs. \Villiam Riacni of Evanston, rectrmding secretary Mors. W. H. Wark of lLvanston, cor- responiding ýsecretary Mrs. \ilar L. Echols of Evanston., treasurer. Directors of the alliance are Mrs. \Villiam F. Benoist of \\innietka,' Mrs. Roy \Walker, xvho xiii be rcvi- sions chairman; Mrs. Johin G. Norri, of Evanston, publicity chairman;- Mrs. H-enry Fitts, Mrs. Lionel Bel Moses,ý Jr., of Evanston, councillor; Mrs. John E. Hallowell, and Mrs. Florence Snowden Capron. Mrs., William H. McCoy served as chairman of the nominating commit tee. For Mary Cran. Chapter Mrs. W. 0. Oison, 525 Keniiworth avenue, Kenilworthý, and Mrs. N. E. PhilPot weme hostesses at the formem's home at a dessert luncheon Friday of iast week for the Kenilworth chapter of the Mary Crane league, which helps with.work of the Mary Crane Nýursery school. at Hill House. -Mrs. Alfred McDougai of 325, Ab- botsfomd road, Kenilworth, returned M\onday from Peoria, where she had been visitmng hem brothers. Mrs. Mc- Dougal brought hier father, ,Frank j3ack, home with her. Robet MNeiiI3unsIr, o: <>1 WILMETTE LIFE 4 LATE, >GEORG IAN by GORHAM THE. NEWEST in our s.elec .tion of - 71. STERLING.PATTERNS 1 d ozen Teaspoons $1700 1 Place-Setting,$1358 36-piece Set $8150 1636 Orrington Avenue EVANSTON CHICAGO OAK PARK