Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Sep 1934, p. 40

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IVeclings + .8nqaemets+notices By JEAN TEN BROECK Virginia Marshall, Jamnes G., Melville to Marry Oct. t The wedding of Miss Virgini Marshall of Kenilworth t James Graham Melville, son c Mur. and Mrs. Alexander G. Me] ville cof Wilmette, takes plac Saturday, October 13,, at tih home of the bride"'s prt.M and Mrs. Edward Marshall, 14 Kenilworth avenue. Dr. Herbert Willett. of the Kenil worth union church will officiate,a the service at 4 :30 o'clock. Mis Marshall attended National Park semi nary in Washington, D. C.. and th school of speech at Northwvesteri university. Mr. Melville is a gradu ate of the University of Illinoiçs They will bave no atte ndants. Miss Marsball was guest of honoi at a tea and pantry shelf shower oi Wednesday, September 26. at whici Mrs. L. T. Greist and Mrs. Ripley Kie ai Lake Forest anid Mrs. Julius Hl Kiel 'were hostesses at the latter'! residence, 911 Greenwood avenue. Or Saturday, September 29, Miss Bernice Bulley and Miss Marcelle Vennema of Winnetka, will be hostesses ata bridge luncheon at the home of Miss Bulley, 220 Sheridan road, Kenil- Worth. Saturday, October 6, Mrs. William White (jane Young) and Mrs. Boyd Anderson (Helen Fraser) of Win- netka will entertain at a kitcheri shower and tea at Mrs. White's home, 714 Cummings avenue, Kenil- worth. Currie Freeman of Racine, Wis., gave a small dinner at the Edgewater Beach hotel recently for the prospective bride and bridegroom, as did Mr. and Mrs. William White and Mr. and Mrs. BoydAnderson. The young couple will live in Ev- anston. Bm plist Friendship Links Meel' This Week The links in the Chain of Friend- ship of the Baptist Women's society start this week with the al-day sew- ing and luncheon meetings. Link Four, with Mrs. R. E. Weri- delI leader, is meeting today (Thurs- day) at the home of Mrs. G. D. Con- lee, 729 Greenwood avenue. Assisting hostesses are Mrs. E. O. Anderson, Mrs. J. Dingle, and 'Mrs. George Green. Link One, Mrs. Arthur' Scott leader, meets Friday at her home, 176 Fuller lane, Winnetka, with MrËs. A. Heerens assisting. Li nk Two meets Friday with Mrs. 'R. J. Lasce llts, leader, at 1639 Walnut avenue. Assisting ber are Mrs. R. E. Dalstrom, Mrs. Clarence Clarke, and Mrs. George Williams. Link Three .meets Friday with the leader, Mrs. J., C. Blaylock, at 1224 Forest avenue, with Mrs. E. Phelps, Mrs. Frank Gutbridge, and Mrs. Or- vis assisting. This year the society is sewing for the Baptist Cbildren's home, of wbicb Mrg. E. A.,Claar is its representative. Tro'h -Announce 1d Do rofhyPerry Weds Minisfer on Tuesday In a royal blue velvet gowNv and carry ing a bouquet of Johatina H11l roses and yellow gladiolus Miss I)orothv Katherine Perry of Wil- mette was married last Tuesd.ay after- nt)oti to the Rev. Charles R. Johnison of Kiel, Xis. The bride's only at- tendant; Miss Helenii1David of Evans- ton,. wore a lace gown of rust color and( carried an arm bouquet of yellom, roses anid bronze pompon élirysani- Front Bethesda. Aid.. corles annoanîcemient tellilly of the eln.Q mlent of Missç Alirv Fila daugkter of Air. and Airs. M. hatîî Fitila3vsqi, to Johl, ?\f of Ilasin;gtoil, D. C. 's ati gagqe- yso,'. Gra- ehols Vivianna Tarnow to jBe Marred Sel'urday This Saturday mnorning at 9 :30 o'clock at St. Francis Xavier 'cburch the marriage, of Miss Vivianna Tar- now of Wilmette and Raymond J. Groh of Chicago wvill be solemnized. The bride will bave as ber attendants ber sister,' Mrs. James Costello, the former Dorothea Tarnoiv, as inatron of honor, and the groom's sister, Miss Angeline Groh, as maid of honor. The groom's brother, Clarence Groh, w~ill serve as best mani, and Carl Braefeld will usher. Following the ceremony there will he a wedding breakfast for the im- mediate families at the Rogers Park- hotel, and in the afternoon after 3 o'clock a reception will be held at the Tarnow home for friends and rela- tives. On their honéymoon the bride and bridegroom will motor to Pittsburgh and Kentucky to visit friends, anid will be at home aftem October 15, on the northwvest side of Chicago. Mrs. A. P. Louden of Chicago, an aunt of the bride-to-be, was hoseess at. a, kitchen shower and- tea last Saturday. Make Befroihal Known Mr. and Mrs. Evan Richard James. l304 Forest avenue, Wilmetté,.. an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Alice, to Stanford M. Sher- màn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Sherman of Evanston, formerly of Winnetka. The betrothal was made known at a tea for about twenty-five friends given at the James home last- Saturday, and at which Mrs. Louis Sherman and Mrs. .Harry Judson of Evanston poured. t Ilemnums. The wedding service wvas read at 3 :30 o'clock by the Rev.. George H. Carey of the First Presbyterian churcli. Rice Lake, \Vis., at the home of the bride's parents, NMr. and Mms. Leslie Perry, 1127 Greenwood avenue.. 'lail 'vrouglit iron standards holding colored faîl flowers stood between the living rooni and the dining room, and( beh.n( these were candelabra with lightc d white tapers. The wed- ding mu.îic as played by NIrs. Francis Hollister of Wilmette, piano, and Mrs. George Carey of Rice Lake, violin. liszt's 1iebestmaumi" xas plaved prece(ling ' th wedding march. The Rev. Robert S. Harvey of the Neighboihood. Settlement bouse, served the bridegroom as best mari. A small reception and tea followed the service. The bride's table in the dining room had for its centerpi 1ece a large wedding cake, and on1 each side a vase of white pompon chrys- anthemums and gladiolus. The Rev. Mr. Johnisori and, bis bride1 are honeynîooning at Cedar Lake, Wis., and. after the middle of October will be at home ini Keil, XVis., wvhere the former is pastor of the First Presbyterianl church. Bel'rol'ed Helen Balfour.Morrison Photo Mr. and Mrs. Alfred P. Broum.- 551 Hill terrace, Winnetka, ant- notince the engagement of théeir daughter, Margaret Virginia, to Howard H. Kraudter, son of Afrs. Henry Krauter of Chicago. Wilmette Girl Sets October 6 for Her Wedding The date of the miarriage- of Miss Patricia K ra f t h e f e r. daughter of Mur. and lurs. Jaincs M. Krafthefer of Wilmet te. and Albert R. Thonîpsori, son oif Mr. anid Mrs. T. E. Thompson of H-ighland Park, has- been set fo)r Saturdav evenirig. Octoher 6. at 8 o'clock. The cerenmonv vill take place at the bride's home, 901 Oakwood ave- nue,. %vith the Rev. Bernard Bradv officiating. Miss Krafthefer tvill have bueonc attendant, Miss Betty M Nor- rison of Kenilworth. Mr. Thompson %vill have as bis best marn his brother. John T. Thompson. The bride's small niece, Mariesther. Schuartz, ivill bc floiver girl. After the wedding Mr. Thompson anid bis- bride '%vill leave for Sani Franicisco wvhere they Nvill make their home. Last Saturday Miss Morrison 'wNas hostess to forty guests at a lingerie sbower anid tea at her home 111 Rob- sart road, ini honor of. Miss Kraft- hefer. Miss Helen- Lynch, also of Kenilworth, entertairied at a dinner party and miscellaneous showver yes- terday, and this Friday Miss Kath- leen Harvey of Wilmette %vill bc hostess at a btiffet supper andl hosiery sbower, at wbich both bride an(I groom-to-be will bc guests of honor. Next Suriday 'Miss Mary Horne of Evanston will be hostess at a tea ini honor of Miss Kraftbefer and Mr' Thompson., Former Wilmel'le Girl Is Engaged lfo Marry Mr. and Mrs. M. Graham Finlav- son of Bethesda, Md., -formerîr, of, Wilmette, announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary, to John R. Nichols, son of Mm. and Mrs. Clinton R. Nichols of Washington, D. C. Miss, Finlayson attended New Trier High, school and Chevy Chase High school. Mr. Nichols -attended -George Washington university where he wvas a meml)er. of Acacia fraternity. Spoke Hostess Mrs. E'dward E. Maston of 223, Seventeenth street 'wili be hostess this afternoon to Spoke- 12 of the Second Presbyterian cburch, Evans- ton. The party will be given in honor of Mr§. Eugene Youngert of, Evans- ton,, who is moving to Rockfomd on, October 1. Birthday Celebration Gloria Love, daugbter of Mm. and Mrs. Chase W. Love, 422 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, will celebrate ber eighth birtbday 'on Saturday, Octo- ber 6, at an- afternoon party for twenty-four of ber small friends.' 1. September 27, 1934 W-ILMET.,TJB LIPE.

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