Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Sep 1934, p. 39

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Septenmber 27, 1934 Young Mothers Club +o Insfeli Officers The Young Mother's club of Wil- mette will have its annuafaidne party next Monday evening at the Library1 Plaza hotel, 1637 Orr ington avenue' , Evanston, for the Purpose of iinstaJling the following newly elected officers: .Mrs., William K. Xanner, 221 Lock- erbie Jane, president; Mrs. PaullH. Gathiercoal, 2413 Thornwvood avenue, vice-liresident and program chair- min; Mrs. S. G;ordlon McWilliams, 915 (>akwood avenue, recording sec- retary-, Mrs. Harold 0. Hayes, 124 Ninth street, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. Ivar Wendell, 545 Park ave- nue, treasurer. l'le program chairman. Mrs. Paul WV. Stade of *1500 Washington avenue, bias arraflge(l the prograni for the eveniiig vhich includes- an instru- mental trio consisting of Miss V'ic- toria, lcCloud. piano; Miss Reenia Calloxv, violini..t, and 'Miss Arleen Wâlker, cellist, aIl of Evanston. They will play during thîe dinner. Two of Miss Alice Stade's dancing pupils, Patricia Rutlege and Gladys Boynen will give several flumlers. Bill. Cizek, a Chiîcago baritone. will sînpg. Lucile Nielsen, w~ho is a niine-year old pro(ligy and pupil of Guy Callow of -The Young Mfonthier5 club wvas fornied about teti years ago by a group of mothers, of pre-school age childrcn ith the object of stimulating thec cultural and social life of niothers and1 to proinote a spirit of Christian friendIiness anîong its iiinihers," it Club JuÛniors Discuss 'Design -for Living' ~Dsgîfor 1Livinig*" byNoei Cow- ard xvas thie play read and discussed- at thee irst meeting of the 1)rama circle oi hIe Juniors of the \Womian's- Ctholic club this past 'iluesdav. The li(stes>.. Miss Ilarriet McDèrnîott of ni20> Washîington avenue, read the i1a1ý andl a discussion followed. Thie nexi,ý regular meceting of the aiuxiliarý, wvIllbu lield.at the \oansclubi>on lue.dav-, (Jtober 9.....'girls wvho wvîsli o becoîne nîenibers or. h Nv'uîl<l like to attend the next mneeting. are ,,ke(l to caîl thîe îuenibershiip cliairinan. Miss Lorraine Mioore of 419 Fif teentli .streetthle 1Juniiors an- Northridge Notes 'l'le first meeting of the literaurej (lepartinent of the Xorthirîdge \\o - man's club> of WVilinette will be hield at the home of Nirs. Robert Marley, 2041 Tlîornwvood aventue. \I onida%,, OctoIer I1', at 1:30.o'clock. NIrs. Kennieth Long will read "Tlie l)over Roadl," by' A. A. Mlile. Al mienibers of thxe group ixill l)c cordially welconxe and an invitation is >exténded to-ail those interested in thle draina. It is flot necêssary ho be a iinber of the .Northrî(lge club, tO join the group. 1This group wvas' formed uinder the auspices of the Evanston 1)raîna club andl Nrs. Mlarley iR the leader for thue year jîîst Ibegînuîing. To Be.Guild Hastess Mirs. Louis D). Jones, 325 Riclimond road, Kenilworth, wilI be luncheon lîostess. Monday, October 1, to the Stewvart guild of the Church of tîhe HolyComortr Th i wIllh.- the- EH ILe4 a4a AND IT'S JUST ýAS FOOLISH TO DO'VOUR WASHING AT HOM E H orro rs! A cow on the iawn wiii the neighbors think? "Crd " "Passe.'" Modern mefhods and modern equipment makes Iaundry work clone in any North Shore Quality Laundry such that if sets a standard of quality which many other laundries strive for. Look for the gold, green.and reci in- signia on Iaundry trucks. Ths insignia is assurance of thé fin- est laundry work obtainable at no more cost than the ordinarv kind. of a north Tsk! Tski shore home? What 'kOid fashioned." Yet down. in -thc basement ecd week is. a performance as ridicuously aid fashioned as milikng a cow an the front Iawn. Home washing! It's the old fashioned way of doing the Iaundry. Jus+ as there is a more modern milk suppiy... Sa there is a more modern, efficient, satisfactory and economicai way of having fhe family iaundry don.. Today serving ecd community of the north shore is a member of. the North Shore Quaiity Laundries. Each is a big,1 modern institution empioying the most up-to-date mnethods. Wky don't you break, away from .ail that drudgery invoived în washing at home? BE MODERNI Send your nexf week's bundie ta the member.in your cammunity. NORTH SHORE LAUNDRIES Nelson Laundv-Y 1210 Central Avenue, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 1800 French Laundry 806 Demiputer Street. Evanston Phone University 2776 Reliable LaundrY North Shore Launda7 618 N. Green Bea.y Road, Highland Park 566 Cheustnut St, Wina"e Phone Highiland Park 177 Phono Wmnnetka 602 Quafly Laundry Nelson DBo@, Laundw» 1709 Darrow Avenue, Bvmnston 1014 Davis Street, Evan. Phone University 4620 Phone University 0112 j' .4 I 1! I I a WILMETT-E..LlFE 39 mai 'q

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