Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Sep 1934, p. 38

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38 September 27, 1934 Woman's Club to Hear Musicale Swigart Trio and Gina Vanna, A Yongc Artists, orr Program for Reception and Tea Xitlî a reception t o IMrs. AE. Kiunder, the president who i enibarking upon lier second yea of office, and to the mninbers 04 ber board, another vear is boni on Wednesday afternoon Octo- ber 10, at 2 o'clock to the Woin- at's Club of Wilrette. A mu- sicale is chosen for this hirst pro- gram. Youith anid real talent mingle in the choice of artists for that dav. The S%%igart trie and Gina Vîanna, soprano. %vith Rhea Shelters lier acconmpanist. wviIl) e presented to club niein- bers and guests. Tea foIIowvs the j)rogram. George Swigart, violinist, bis sister Estelle, the cellist, and Pauline Mani- chester, pianist. formi a trio tliat. as one critic declares, plays "entertaiii- ing music with refinenient and good taite."' Establishing a musical record for itself, it draws the warm i)raise of' critics. .-These young people are no longer students; thev are and hav, heen for some time among the fi.nest musicians in the Chicago area "a critic wrote after a recent concert ini Winnetka bv, the ensemble. "As a group." the critic also reînarked, it displaed conciseiless of. tempo. beautv of plirasing. intelligent mu- sicianship. and a rare interpretative quality which is sel domn equalled. As individuals its members showe2d vir- tuoitygraifyngto the listener be- sIlendid ensemble." Unusual incidents bave befallen tîhe trio wben in concert. lu Berlini, wvhere it ivas enthusiasticallv acclaimied, a Red riot broke up its prograin until another hall wvas secure.d. A tlilling hold-up at Nippersink Lodge in XýVis- cousin. interrupted aniother concert. A word, briefly. of tliese gifted mu- sicians individ ually. Each is recognized as a young artist. Eaclilbases bis mu- sicianship. in. addition to, inherent abilitv. upon musical education gleant- ed froui the finest sources ini this country and abroad.' George Swigart's playing is ini de- mand. He lias appeared before many~ clubs and organizations in Chicago and 'vicinity, and in joi nt prograis with rnaiiv prominent*;irtists., and lias been soloist witlt the Little Sv-m- phony or chbes t ra under G-eorge Dascb. ln, 1929 lie -vas awarded'a sclolarship by the Juilliard Fountda-> tion of New York, and was preseinted by the. Musical Guild of Chicago ii, recital at Kimbail hall in i May 1932 In the words of Dr. Frederick Stock. "He lias a flare for ,solo playingý." He is à member of the Knupfer studios and connected with Bushi conserva- tory. His musiciansbip is recognized hv critics. E-stelle Swigart, wi'o witli ber brôther. lives in WVilmette, lias just returned from lier second European trip. Adoîf Steiner of Gerniany, lier WiIl Play at Woman's Club tWhe;n nembi'rs and <iness (Pl t/he J4onan's Club of Wilmnette assemble for the firsi finté this secison ont JVednesday affernoon, October 10. for their rece't ion Io .l'rs. A4. E. Klîjiider, presidepit of tlie club, and mieinbers of t/te board, they 7will Itear a pro qram of music by' the Swigart trio, a gron p of t/tree ta/cii ted younfg ,nusicians. residents of t/he iorili shore, u'hose plaving is givinq theii a steady clinzb up mb tte music zcorld. At the 1dbt is Este/le Szcicart, next is lier braiter, Georqýe. l'o t/ of l*il;meitte. hnd Pa-tidine Mali- c/tester of H ii;~,ctka piiî iý.~ Sororify Moi+îers Meeting A- meeting of. the Alpha Xi Delta Motiiers cl) vill be hiel on Mn day. October 1, at the chapter blouse in Evant.on, 710 Emerson street. Luncheon will be served at 12 most receîît teacher. finds bier. a taI- ented pupil. Praise conmes to lier froni ahroad .vhere sbe %vas soloist wVith tI e fani- ous B;ïch orchestra. She is on the facultv of the Chicago Conservatorv of Music. S Pauline Manchester, now living in \Vinnetka. is, botb concert soloist and teacher. For the past few years. she -bias been director of the piano (le- partment at Ferry hall, in Lake For- est, and has- been in charge of rhy- thm and music at the Montessori school ini Winnetka. Twvice she bias won a contest sponsored b)v the So- ciety of Anierican M usicians. A, Chi- cago debut %vas. a reward for the first contest, l)eing soloist with the Chicago Sy-mphonv was ber second bonor. Her performance at once thrust lier into thei front rank of young %vomen pianists. Events, Civics Course Is for Catholic Club A course of ten V'essons ini citizen- ship, parliamnentary procedure, and current events, beginning Wednes- day, October 3, at 10 o'clock ini the morning, will be held at the home of Mlrs. T. H. Barrett of 1231 Green- woo(l avenue, under auspices of the civics (lepartmeit, of the Womnan's Catholic 'Club of \Vilmette. AIl meni- bers of the club are. invited to join the series w~hich is. held at the bomne of the chairman of the departmient. 1Friday afternoon of this week is recil)rocitv (lay and1 1reside1it's, day at the XVornan's Catholic clubà of \Viltînette. It is the opening nieeting of tbe season., Circle Meeting Friday Mrs.-'A. W. Farraîl, 1625 Spencer avenue, ivili be liostes.s this Friday at 12:30 to members of the North- west circle of the Congregational church. Assisting hostesses will be. Mrs. John D. Stewart, Mrs. Albert Tucker, and Mrs. L. 'G. H-aines. This is the first faîl meeting.of the group. Neighbors to Open Season on Tuesday Attractive Program for Year to B. Present.d by Artists in Many Fields 'lle Neighibors of KeniJlvortlî anticipate an exceptionallyi- terestinog and delighitful vear. withi artists of outstanding abi!- itv in the' fields of music, art, lit- erature. (draina, and(llOlitics. '1wopcning receptioîî to the' J)resi(lelt, Mrs. Henry C. Zan- decr. j r.. an(d nemnienibers. 15 (on Ttiesdîav, Octol)er 12, at 2 :30 Amyv Neill, violinist, and Agiies (onover, accompanist,, will be pre- sented in a musicale by the depart- ment of music, of which M.\rs. George Irving Bell is chairman. As Miss .NeilIlihas the world-wide reputatioti of being one. of tlie fnest violinists of the day, and as 'Miss Conover is an accompanist of rare sympathy and understanding, the afternoon pronli.- es to be most enjoyable, the club an'- nouinces. The hostesses of thec dav are the members of the boardl. Nrs. Irving Kiiudsont. and. Mrs. Harrv * Beglen. On Tuesday, October 16, a t 2 :30, there will be a joint meeting with tlhe Kenilworth League of XVomeu, Voters, wvhcn 'Mrs. John Huett Ros-' enstiel %viIl speak on "Issues.of the Congressional Elections." M rs. Ros -. enstiel' is a native of Illinois an(l, as Bertha Bidwell, began ber social service wvork on ber graduation f roin M\,ount Holyoke colle .ge, and bas la3ed an active part in. the great social service movement of thîe last thirty years. She bas traveled ex- tensivelv, and served for a vear as "Directora" of the Gulick scbool for Spanish girls ini Madrid. Slie lias beld several national and local office- in the League of XVomîen \Toters, and us a speaker, of great cliarni and subtle it. Mrs. W. H. Smytlîe is the hostess for the afternoon. The Club tour of tlie Art institute takes place at 10 :45 the niorhîing of October 23, followed by a one-o'clock lunclîeon at the Chicago Woman's club. Two women mieml)ers of the Art Institute staff, Miss Helen Parker and Miss Helen Barsaloux, will cou- duct two groups tlirougb the Loan exhibit, comnîenting and explaiuiing as tbey go. Tlie department of art and literature, of wbicb i rs., Harold Rigler is chairman,, is. responsible, for the day's programi The October club meetings close ,vitli a dràmatic, tecital by Estelle Ayer Jolinson, onie of the -leading Chicago artists,. and takes place on October 30, at 2-:30. She lias 'a vivid anîd radianît personality, a finished and, charmîîîg technique, and the afternoon will uuîdoubtedly be bigbly enjoyal)le, the comniittee empliasi7es. 0. Of M. Hostess St. Francis Household, Order of Martha, will ineet witb N'rs. John Budinger, 614 Maple'avenue, on Mon- day afternooui. October 1. at 1:30 o'clock. WILMRTTE LIFE' Nws, 'of:te othSore Clubsý rm-l iLli September 27, 1934

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