Sei~embr .7, 934~~vWILMET Dinner o.nd Travelogue Hoads $46. Program for A* O. P. The first event of the, new season for the North.Shore Alumnae group (Rbo 'chapter) of Alpha Omicron Pi is a dinner meeting at 6:30 o'clock, 'Iuesday, October 2, at the home of Mrs. Seth Brown, 718 Forest avenue, Evanston. Reservations are to ,be made with the hostess a day in ad- vanice. Eta chapter of the University of Wisconsin is co-hostess. Donald G. Robertson, president of the North Shore Ring Ting Candy shop, is to give a motion picture travelogue on "Our Western Parks and the Mormn' Country," including in his films views. of Zion, Grand, and Bryce canvons. Mrs. L.. G. Bratton of 515 Jackson avenue, Glencoe, offers transportation to the meeting to aluimnae in iivi- mette and(lnorth along the shore -wlo cali her at ber home., Mrs. James Solheim of Chicago is in charge of arrangements. for thg philanthropy benefit on October 17. at the ISdgewater Beach hotel.-__________________ Rho chapter is having its home- Tolof Phot-) coming dinner at the Chapter bouse in i Chairnianj of the rummnage sale on Evanston at 6 o'clock on November. October 3 and 4, for the bene fit 10. Reservations are to l)e made two, Of the Marýy Crane league, is Mrs. days in advance, the chiapter an- Wilfred Shazu of Wilmette. Resi- nounces. dents harving uscd articles to donate, Ofilcers of the North Shore g-roup mycl hro lr> oetE are: Gretchen Barsch, chairmnt;an: ther so AThrs.aoert e. Ruth Solheim., vice-chairinan ; Lydia be ai 1610 Orringlon ave'111e, Ev- Brown, secretarv ; Virginia Funk-;alisioin. houser, treasurer, Marion Beckman,ý h istori an. North shore residents are on thej executive board which includes Mrs. Atlan Ashicraft of lsvanston, '.\îiss Cocktails Before Dance Gretchen Barsch, Mrs.* Russell Beazel Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Geither of Wlmete; Ms. Gne Bckma ofwill entertain at a dutch treat cock- Chicago; Mrs. L. G. Bratton of Glen-1tail party Saturday at their home, coe: Mrs. Sethi Browvn; Miss Virginia 321 Raleigh. road, Kenilworth pre- Funkhouser;, Miss jean McDougall, ceding the Harvest Home dinner Miss Ruth «Marshall, and Mfrs. L. V. dance at Skokie Country club. Stephenson of Evanston: Mle- James Among their guests will be Mr. and Solheim and 'Miss Dorothy Speirs of 'Mrs. Frank Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. Chicago..'Tom Dix, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Knoop, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Rath- bonie, Mr. and Mrs. Percy N. Cutier, Mr. and Mrs. Rov Knauer, 166 Mr.. and Mrs. Clyde Ross of Kenil- Abingdon avenue, Kenilworth, en- worth', Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Van tertained a dozen guests at a dinner Landingham of Winnetka, and Mr. bridge last Saturday. and Mrs. George'Bird of Wilmette. NATIONAL COLLEGE 0F EDUCATION Evanston, Illinois The followlng courses are to be offered during the first temester to meet the needs of teachers in service. Addi- tional courses w III be offered upon the request of six or more students'. REGISTRATION SEPTEMBER 26 TO 299.1934, Studi« ii Cliid Dew.Jopment 3 cr. 4:00-5:30 M.W. Child Psyclaology Edu inlMeasurement Arithuietie în Latier Elem.nutay School parent Education MarnualTrah"ig Speech Re-educatou Engiuhli Social Ecornoniie Nursey Sehool Education 1 Readinginuthe New Curriculum 3 cr. 4: 00 3cr4: 00 2 r4: 0 3cr4: 0 1 cr. 4: 00 ler. 4: 00 3 er. 4:00 3 cý. 4: 00 2c.4: 00-5:3U T. 2 r4: Od-5: ET. Miss FarweU M.W.F. Mr&. Campbell M.W.F. Mr. Russeli M.W. Mis& Ford W.F. Miss Fmmk M.W. Mr. BOwb>jou M.W.F. MissFfimger M.W.F. Mia StaJ.y M.W.F. Mr. Davis SATURDAY CLASSES-9:30 TO 11 lauprovemeut ini Academic Achievement (Remedial Methods in Elementary Scbool Subjects) 2 cr. Mental Hygi.e,»of Childhood 2cr. Miss Maddox mise clama Baker Miss Farwefl Miss Adams Miss Fink. CLASSES WILL MEET SEPTEMBER 29 FEES Temchers rn Service: Enrofimnmt f". (may be applied on'matriculation) .... $ Sms Singi. couse (one credit) plus a nomninal fee for books and materials... ..$,. 'TELP 37i Soulhfer'n Allionce Sels Oct. 5 as Benefif Dole Several Evanston homes, and two on the e north, shore: willý be o pened Friday afternoon, October 5, for thie annual benefit card party of the Soùthern Woman's Educational alli- ance. Mrs. Randali E. Poindexter of Happ road,, Wilmette, is 'one of tbe north' shore hostesses. The other is Mrs. William F. Benoist of 81 Locust road, Winnetka. Among those assist- ing her will be Mrs. H. H. Barnum, Mrs. Vincent de Mesimy, and Mrs. C. F. Fuller. Mrs. Poindexter, will aiso bave several assistants, including .Mrs. Carey Orr of WilMette, Mrs.. Charles Jacobs of Winntk,. and M rs. L. E. Wood of HiÉhland Park. Tea wilI follow the card game. Resume Meetings Oct. 4 Regular: sessions of the Winnetka board for the Northwestern Univer- sity settiement will be resumed Thursday,, October 4, at Christ church Parisb bouse. This is to be an ail- day meeting, and it is expected that plans will be completed for the board's show, to be beld October 30, in the big hall of the Parisb bouse. *AN AFTERNOON GOWN 0F DISTINCTION Black Crisscross Crepe with an Ascot of Red Bagheera and Rhine- stone Clips and Fob-just the very last word. The price is $i55.oo.. The Hat is of Black Antelope trimmed with Red Quili. It seils for $39.5o. To the many who feel that the public hasn't the money ta spend on fine clothes, we suggest that they see for themselves this most outstanding collection of misses' clothes. They will then readily understand why Miss Weathered's Shops are crowded most of the time. This smart Fait Gown is one of many being shown by the WEATHERE'D MISSESSHOP AT OAK STREET September.27, 1934