September 27, 1934 WILMETTE LIFE Marquette ies Worthy Foe For Coach Han ley's Grid- Machine' Genuine . Struggle, Ex>ected at OPener *Saturda.v Northwesterin's-footb)all teain, hop)e- fuil of b)ette r fortunes than.have heen its lot for the p ast two seasons, wvi11 face its first test of the. 1934 seaso'î Saturday wvhen il opens a gruelling eighît-gamne schiedule against the for- midable Marquette eleven froin Ml va uk ee. at the wing backs, power at fullback.ý a nd capable direction. It could stand l)etter kicking and passing,. two0 fac- tors whicb will be furnished by the re- serves. Bill Mole, sophomore back, is a fine punter, almost. equal to Oison. last vear's great kicker. Qilie Adel- inan. sophomore, who with Freddy Iind, senior, are the substitute quar- terl)acks. is an accurate passer.. So is Fino Hayskar, another sophomore, w~ho, like Cruice, is a southpaw. A crowd of 35,000 will witness the \V~ildcat foiiowers will hardlv recog- sesn's peneea vh îdu nize the personnel of the line. wbich, Included in the throng wiîl l)e nearly withi the exception of the guard posi- 5.000 Milwaukee follo-,wers of the Hill- lions, is coniposed entirelv of new toIl)ers,:'lured hy the 1prospect of see,-imni cither reserves froin last year or ing their favorites engage tlhe \Vild-! sophoinores. I aken as a -tvhole the cats in a game wvhich lias cverv indica- Purpie fo'rw%%ard -vall will have poxi'er lion of l)ciIg an evenly toughit hattle and speed. froin start to finish. 'Feu thousand Leeper at End Boy Scouts, Y. M. C. A. groups and:i larry Leeper. erstwhile halfback. l)Ovs'club-, -%will aIse attend1 the game j lias beeni converte(1 into an endl. He- as"ts of the university. 1 will start at righit endl againsl 'Mar- Worthy Opponent tlîelte. Verm Anderson, 190 pouind junior. will lie the 'other flank. Bill Iherc 15 10 (lCtOlbt~hlHeuderson. and Gerge \Wilson. two Nortlîwesterîi regard1s NI arquiette as aiCnptn ohinrs vl upr worîhv opponeul. Coach Frank Mur-. oxeletspomrsn.l upr ray9s îeains lave becu 10 oolsistent beChanmbers. 225 pounder. vh- inu their victories over larger schoolsi saw cou sideral)le service as a sopho- tiot to 1)e taken seriouisly. IThis ya o atearar, -iîî sîare thie îackîe the i lîllop;>ers, streligtlielle( bv the'dtis~ihSi aih loajno linest arrav et sophoinores ini the lus - Four soiphionore huskies, ail over 200 tory of the sclhooi. approacl tîle Coi- potiu<is. il pusli the veterans. They tesalthe snieir nedhacs, R v Buividare Jirn Green, Abe Epstein. De\\itt tha thir ewbacs. Za ý uivdGibson and Park Wray. <;eorge i.ett and \\ard Cutii. wlii lia- rass the \Wihdcats pleut\. Kawal Is Ready 1.ike Narquetle, the *W\ildicats have C-apI . AI Kawal, slowv 10 gel under- takeu courage froîn the early seasoil wav îhis faIt due to favoring his trick exploits ot a crop of sophoinorcs whio shoulder, plus an eye injurv, is ex- 10 have ad<ie< renewve< vigor- pecte(l 10 le readv to take his position itheir raniks. Both the backfiel'l aI left guard against Marquette. The aud hune have bülnefited by these iiew- other guard position will be occupied corners \vho have already recalle(l hy sturdy Ed.Whalen, a senior. Carl imemnories of the hiahcyon days of %31) DeV-r\ and Frank Riley, a pair of barrI andi '31 wvhen the Purpie reposed at tlic hitting sophomores, are their iimnedi- top of the conference.l ate understudies. Althoughi Coach I)ick Hatnley col, AI Lind'. a junior, wvho has' played temiplates starliug aul experiencei' Iotlî gtar(l and center during his brief crewv against \Iarquette. there is no0 career wviîh the \Viidcats, is firmly doubt but wvhat a nunîber of sophoc- estaiîished at the pivot position this mores vil iller their ,vay mb.t the, faîl. Uinr is one of the "go gettinigest"' iliiieuj> before the gaine lias far ad- inenien on the squad and althougb v a nced. weighing but 178 pounlds he asks and Swisher a Reguhar rive s 1no quarter. Leon Fuller, 6 feel Bob Swishier, 'free-siridliing lalibac!l 4 iuch junior. and -Rav Artabasy. fromn Peoria. via the St. John's Ntililar,' steckyN 190 1)ouu(1 sophornore. are re- acadeniv, alipears 10 be the onlv firsl ! erve celiters. v-ear llayer to illa regular joli at 1i AAI ETR stage of the season. H e is establishied BH' ETR at left haif where his speed and shifli- 'lîunîiortalitv" is the subject of the ness nlay give the Purpie the ball car- lecture tb be given at Foundation rying they have been seeking silice hall. Bahia'i House of Worship on Pug Rentner departed. Swisher 15 avenue and Sheridan road,i slight of stature, weighing but 160 Wilinette. Sunday afternoon, Septem- pounds, but bas a lot of drive and onceClier 30. at 3 :30 o'clock. Madame Bar- in the open isa real touchdowni threat- 1ry- Orlova lis again to be the speaker. The other halfback assigniment i5 i" Mme. Orlova, an Americanl by 'birth, the bands of Wally Cruice, a junior, a lias lived ini Russia for eight years, hard running lack who appears to is a world trave er, having aiso been have improved on his sophomore i yiîds of pbilanthropic work sbowng.Geore Ptter exeriecedand actively interested in internation- by two seasons of play, fits in at thle ai clubs. quarterback position w he re. bis _________ slirewdness, running, passing, and 1RSMSPAOCAS kicking abilities combine to make him REU SPIN CLS S an ideai pilot. Chunky Hugh Duval," Mrs. Gertrude- Lees Toberts, 629 second year fullback, wili supply the Gregory% aveni.ue, blas resumed ber fal drive and power to the ball-carrying classes in piano instruction. Pupils b)rigade. are accepted f rom pre-school age up This quartet comprises aà svell through the various, grades, Mrs. rounded backfield. It wiii have speed. Roberts explains. North Shore Montessori chnool 761 CHERRY ST., WINNETKA For cbildren f rom 3 tO 7 years of age, will begin iks i gh year on Monday, the st of October, 1934. MISS DOROTHY SEARS TELEPHONE WINNETKA 2896 RIGIT Eli onths NOIRTH SHORE for les# thun REDUCING, BODY BEAUTY, HIEALTH AND FUN! e Right here at home is an institution nationally famed for its work in this field. It's fun to, reduce, build healtby and beauti- f ul bodies. e It's F U N to build healh ..~.resistance kee nness of mind the North Shore School. No medicine ... no torturing treatments ... no radical adjustment of living ... no loss of time. Just the ap- plication of a littie com- mon sense by *a qualified staff. And a lot of FUN at the same time. 0 T he c os t challenges comparison. NEW LOW- ER PRICES PREVAIL wbicb places the fine facil- ities of the North Shore School within, reach of a*I. WE CATER TO SPLASH PARTIES' LOOK WRAT YOU. GET for less thon $1 for wluich ordinary* commerciol institutions charge $7.50 *FUN . .. REDUCING! CONDITIONING and COR- RECTIVE EXERCISE under competent instructort. *FUN . .. GAMES! BADMINTON, S Q U A S H, HANDBALL, BO0X IN G, WRESTLING. The finest courts in the ares. *FUN ... SWIMMING! We guarantee 10 teach you to swim under the supervision of competent instructors in a pool purer than theý water you drink. Diving and life-saving instruction. 9b PHYSICAL THEIRAPY Violet ray lights, Infra red lights, electrie cabinets, mas- sages. 7 massueses. *LOCKER. SHOWER LAUNDRY YOUR OWN LO0C K ER. NEEDLE SHOWERS! LAUNDRY SERVICE which sterilizes clothing. *EXERCISE ROOMS PLENTY OF SPACE. Exer-- Cisc groups Iimited for caire- fui supervision. *PERSONAL SERVICE Atail times your PERSON. AL 'PROBLEM of health building under observation and direction. For further details cail NORTE SEORE ScuooL .1 Phyical evelopni, 1700 Centfral Street Evansion. Illinois Gre enleaf 3700 Winnetka 418 i. September 27,, 1934 W Il . :LMETTE LIFE