Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Sep 1934, p. 28

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REAL EST ATE NEWIS 28 WILMETTE LUFE September 27, 1934 Improvements j,2 frame addition to the porch on bisSt e Re lE t e Bo r WT l Winnetka to C s cost of $1,000. MSdwraca Harry Kahn lias takeni out a Meet in Evanston Ot Toa f$100permit for alterations to bis resi- -O t Seven' building permîts were issued dence at 1162 Scott avenue, costing in Wipnetka during the past thirty $400. Delegates WiIl Have OpPortu- nence have already be days. The total value of these im- Mrs. B.. J. Lameraux is building- a including many past pi provenients is $31,000, indicative of a two car frame and stucco garage at nity to Visit World's Fait» the National Associatioi marked increase ini building activ- 226 Sheridan road, costing $4.30, and Estate boards. ities.1 Harry G. Deily was issued a permit Oct. 24 and 25 have been set as NrhSoeCo Tw f h erisweeisîclfor a two car portable garage at! the dates of tbe annual Illinois State NrhSoeCo for new residences, one costing $210.-1992 Cherry street, costing $200. Real Estate board's convention in The task of creating 000 and the other $11,000. Three Evanston by the Evanston board's among realtors in Wilîi were for remodeling. jobs to1tallinig Two New Residences to special committee which met recent- worth, Winnetka. Glenccg $1,90b, and two for private garage.1s 1I Be Bunditakn'Kliaslworth costing $680. B ul nK nlot This will be the first time the con- V. J. MacDonald of 'Onl on oftheinipoveent is The encouraging response to thie vention hias been held in Evanston Whitaker company, wh( in the business district of the vil- campaign for more building activitieS and it will also be the shortest session iae himno h lage. The National Tea Co., 800 manifest in many communities dur- 1 ever scheduled, for business which in committee. The member Elm street, bias built an addition to ing Septenîber was also evidenced in the past bas taken three days to torb vth hr edlto ta i its store, costing $500. Kenilworth the past mohth when transact will be put through in two t eivtdt h c One f th peritstwo building permits were issued f0r davs iin order to enable delegates and ing of the EvanstonE Oneofth prmtsfor a iiCw. new residences costing a total of their families to spend the weekend the final prograni will be resdecewa isud o . . cCy, $32,500. l at the World's Fair. Because the entire fiel who is erecting a . two story brick One 'of the permits was issued1 toi -Il sessions, which will be -held in are to be crowded into veneer- building, with attaclied. gar-. N. Chase Flint for a two-story bricktemrig feno n vnn session, it is planned t( age, at 133 Chestinut street, at a cost iveneer residence and attached tivo of $20000. eerrsdneadatce w of the two days, will be conducted Wednesday nîght as chie Theothr rsidnc cotin $I,-car garage, at 227 Warwvick road, at the Country club of Evanston. functioni open to the pul Th thrreiene csin 11-costing $22,500. * r!fort30 istothil e avilnrablethougi 000,' is being built by Dr. John Favil, The other permit was taken out by xet30Vsor ilbavlbethug at 200 Church road. It is a two i1Nrs. Tillie Simon, of 2848 North Advanice indications point to an at- tors. story' structure, of 'brick construc- Burling street, Chicago, for a onef tendance of at least 300. The large at- Entertain Wanen tion. -A ;----I U iLC A nVJ-411UIinAUUltCU1eAirhaC fii z Porcli Addition Charles H. Kreger is buildiing and une-hlnstory trame. residence an(d detachied garage. at 420 Brier a str eet,> costing $10,,000. WE CAN RE CON DIT ION REMODEL OR RECONSTRUCT YNour home property quiekl1y, economically and in the most modern way by our new service Architect Plonned Modernizat ion LET US SHOW YOU How and where money is now available for, this work-or for mortgage refinancing or building a new home. *Save tinte and nioney. Use this serv- ice.. Bring us your problem wit hout obligation, any week day front 9 to -9. RB.WHT~ER c 841 Eim Stroet BUILDING WINNETKA REAL ESTATE Winmetka 3250 INSURANCE. renced bv the, fact that several day after thýe convention adjourns ber ;the directors of the National Asso ciation of Real Estate boards wil meet in Chicago. Ten past presi dents of the national body, the pres ent president, Hugli Potter, and thý president-elect, Walter Schmidt o Cincinnati, will be in Chicago for thi meeting, and it is hoped that the) will corne out to Evanston and ad. dress the state convention. Plan Huge Banquet arnqtplanic ll fbe ahe on ou baPrqsetplancaîwllfor ahepobli ofthe two nigbts of the convention with a speaker of national promu. nence to address the diners. Dele- gates to the convention will bc housed iin the North Shore, Orring- ton and Georgian hotels. The convention plans to discuss aIl the phases of the government*s new housing prograni. Jules F..Fisher bas been appointed hv the Evanston board as general chairman of the host comhmittees for the convention., The cooperation of the service clubs and Chamber -ol Commerce of Evanston and the North Shore, Real Estate board is asked bv' the local board. Invite Home. Owners Home owners of the north shore witl. be 'made welcome at -the con- vention. Tbe sessions devoted to discussions of home fiancing, taxa- tion =nd modernization are. expect- ed to -be of special interest to 'the owners of real estate. Each year, according to jules F. Fisher, 'gen- eral chairman of the convention, the annual gathering of realtors in various cities in the state have at- tracted growing numbers of prop- erty owners who find in the varions sessions an opportunity to become better informed on general real es- tate conditions. With a greatly improved outlooik in the realty field,' the. convention should be one of the largest in many years. Speakers of national pronîl- j- 'e ie ie 2-.2 5 )een secured, presidents of on of Real perates * eîîthusiasm mette, Kenil- oe and Higli- entruste(l to the R. B. ïo has been nortb shore rship of the Lte board is ctober meet- board when ,annouinced. Ild of t opics o a two-day :o set aside ifly a social blic. Tickets Countrv club h local real- Mrs. Gretta P. Fuller, prominent women broker of Evanston, bas been named chairmani of a special Ladies committee which is making extensive plans for entertaining the wives of the delegates. A series of luncheons, bridge parties and tours of the nortb shore are to be announced soon by this committee. Mayor Charles H. Bartlett of Evanston will extend an officiai wel- come when the convention is con- vened on Wednesday. Report Activity in Farm Land Transfers Inicreased activity and inquiry have e been noted iâ the sale.of farm lands -by John B. Utley, manager of the farmn and estates department of the sNorthwestern Realty and Building company, 528 Davis street, Evanston. During the past sixty days Mr. Utley I las sold four fanms in the section northwest of Chicago, 'and reports rseveral other sales pending. f William B. Temple, interior dec- forator at 740 Rush street, Chicago, b as purchased a 140-acre dairy farn ;in McHenry.county, two and one-baîf miles east of Woodstock. Mr. Temple is: making elaborate alterations and improvements on the propeity, and, plans to erect stables for bis saddle borses. Dr. Charles E. Pope of Evanston' bas also purcbased a dairy farn in McHenry county, consisting of. 120 acresadjoïing the town of Union. He plans to open an ,office in Wood- stock in conjunction with bis Evans- ton office, iand is repairing the eight- roomn residence for part, time oc- cupancy. W. W. Hale, consulting engineer, recently purchased 105 acres ini Wal- worth county, Wis., four miles east of Lake Geneva. The property is bheavily wooded and contains a 12- acre lake. The eight-room bhouse bas. been improved for year-round use as a country home. September 17, 1934

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