September 27, 1934 WILMETTE LIFE Pro gress .Steadily on Skokie, Valley TeRecta mation Work pictures,, "Reling kke NValley,'" ap.pearing. elsewbere in this issue, complete a series of views of "befoe and after" work i connection witb tbe widening and deepening of * tbe nortb brancb of tbe Chicago river,and tbe Skokie river, from Wl low road soutb, whicb bave been sbown in tiiese pages from time to tinie (Iuring the past several months. It is a part of the Skokie drainage alid reclamation work being done by the members of the, Skokie V\,alley Camp of Emergencv Conservation Corps workers under the planning and direction of the National Park Serv- ice. The Sainie project embraces the construction of seven large lagoons ini the Skokie, betweei Xillow and Di)undee road, now uniderway. Two Of tiiese lagoons ,ý, it1î their comnecting channels are coinplleted. This work iiicludecl the excavation of ap- ;roxinîately 500,OOQ cubic y'ards of inaterial. -l'lie Skokie river aind north branch of the Chicago river d1rainage portion ()f the project. south of WiIlowv roadl to a point 900 feet south of Lake ave- inue -wlere it tapers into the high- l)ank section of the north lranch. is now 1ractically coniplete, with the excptionl of approxinîately three- fiburths of a mile. This section of about three-quar- ters 'of a mile in the Skokie river, extends m. aa northi-easterlv direction fromn a p)oinit near lits juniction with the niorth branch of the Chicago river. This section of Skokie river passes throughi land over whlich the Forest Preserve has tiot. to date, l)eeli able to complçte niegotiations for right-of-wvay. These negotiations. howvever, are stili underwav, it is explainied, and construction of the filiai gap in the river drainage portion ()f the project nma% be quickl,% coinl- pletedl, once the righit-of-way ki se- cured. Invite to Travelog on Black Forest Locality ()I Friday evening of this week the \\Vomatn s society of the Wilmette F'nglîsh Lutheranl church, Seventh srteet at Grëeenleaf avenue. the Rev. D)avidl R. Kabele. pastor. is sponsor- ing a "Family Night" for the nin- b)ers and friends of the church. The program wil1 feature a motion- picture travelog of the lack Forest lii Germany and surrounding country, %vith complete details of the voyage. The programn will begin at 7 :45 o*clock. A voluntary offering will be received. Refreshinents, will be se rved. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES "Reality" will'be the subject at the services in First Cburch of Christ, Scientîst' in Wilmette Sunday, morn- ing, September 30, at Il o'clock,. held in tbe edifice of, 1003 Central avenue. Sunday school conveiles at 9 :45 oclock. SELF.CONSCIOUSNESS PUBLIC SPEAKING Quc,.Ulu4unI Milod MEMORY TRAINING Men,Women Trained for socIn-flusiflesas %cces 'Jocahulrv-RepartrC cultural ubects--Charn, Boise Personality DevelnPed K(.therine Whitn0y Social Authorîtv Auditorium ilotel liai. 5000 Congreu and Michigan Blvd. EsSaAfthé :5 ars Women Hockeyites Begin New Season The North Shore Field Hockey as- sociation is eager to increase the number of. hockey players, and, en- tbusiasts coming out for practice and play at Skokie Playfield in Winnetka. Toanyone, girl or young woman 0o1 the north shore who has played field hockey and is interested in the game, it sends this invitation to corne to the playfield on practice days. Whetber or not a player bas played in its or- ganization previously, makes no dif- ference. The North Shore Field Hockey association is for aIl devotees of the garne, it announces. througlh its publicity chairman, Miss Margot Atkin of 12 lIndiani Hill road, WVin- netka. About thirty players were present for the first turn-out and practice of the season last week-end, and after practice they ail went into the new clubhouse at Skokie Plavfield to be served coffee and doughnuts by the entertainment committee. Afterwards the variotis clubs in the associationi held selarate meetings. According to present plans, regular practice wilI be on Saturday mornings Pure Oil's Localized a9:30, Sundays at 10, and Wednes- day.afternoons at 3:30. The, first game of the season is next Saturday morning at, 9:30, with the Lake Shore. team competing against. the Country Day team,, and ,with the Skokie and Indian Hill teams playing eacb other. One day of games almost every ýweek-end, and one day to practice, is the present scbedule for tbe season whiicb continues througbout Novem-. ber. Skokie Playfield, the association announces for the benefit of new- comers and to those new to the or- ganization, is at tbe west end of Elm street, the main east and west busi- ness street in Winnetka.. Fuel Oil Plan assures uniform quality, fixed price, and personal service. eIf you haven 't yet contracted for your winter's fuel oul require- ments, we advise you to get in t ouch with us at once. Prices are advantageous at this time, and a contract will protect you against Possible increases when demand is at its. peak. PueOul Fuel Oils are controlled in quality from oil wells, through TEA FOR GARtDEN CLUB 'Mrs. Charles, 325 Abbotsford, road, Keftilwroth,: will entertain the Kenilwortb' Garden club at tea Fri- day. Mrs. Rufus Stolp wilI operate the Iantern sbowiig pictures of the Great Smoky mountains, and Mri. W. N. Gillett wilI read the lecture. Gr ,ant Ridgway' will show moving pictures of four. gardens of- merubers of the club. He took these pictures when the Garden Club of America met in Cbicago in June, 1933. .GOES TO ANN ARBOR Paul Philips. 625 ]Brier street, Kenilwortb, left Sunday, September 16, for Ann Arbor, wbere he wili be- gin his junior year studies at the Univers ity of Micbigan. NASH PRICES REDUCED SAVE "O .185O0 NASH-LAFAYETTE MODEL-$585 AT FARIORY EVANSTON NASH CO. 1735 Benson Av., 11/2 BIks. N. of Davis 'V' Station refineries, to your storage tanks. They meet official association standards and the requirements of your own hurner. And as the final assurance that you will get what you want when you want it, your neighborhood Pure Oit serv- ice man will give your require- ments bis personal attention. Ask your neighborhood Pure Qil Service Station ,Man about Pure Qil's Localized Fuel Oul Plan. PURE 011 PRODUCIS, COMPANY General Offices: Chicago. One of the largest Fuel Oul Distributors in the Chicago area NO MAN'S LAND STATION, Sheridan Rossi Edward Dretske Wilmette 5372 "V' TERMINAL STATION, Fourth Street just north of Uindený William Webster andi George Hen'ch Wilmtte 3878 NO RTH E.VANSTON STATION, Broadway andi Central Charles Scallon Greenleaf 8718 Don't Risk Increased Costs CONTRA&CT-FOR YOU R FUEL OIL N OW W.ILMETTE LIPE Septeniber 27,,1934 U