Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Sep 1934, p. 23

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aeptembr. m.M9342: 'l r- ~i 1r IWRLCOME! University of Scouting WilI Open, October 15 Aniong the items of business trans- acted at the executive board meeting last Monday- was the approval anid endorseinent of thec University of Scoutitîg hich is to open Monday even ing, Uctober 15, at 7 :45 o*clock. At the invitation of Christ church. Winnetka, of wvhicli the Rev. E. Ash- 1e N Gerhard is rector. the universitv wilhold its six sessions of the fail terrn at ticl Christ Church Parish house in \\Vinnetk-a. Several courses are heing offered' simiultaneously and ecd is designcd to help leader..;tc understand and ineet their problemns with l>cîîcr information. SEE YOU AT TH-E GAME! Mr. Raîîîsav . who ucceed-ý Walter'!S-aturd;,N- afternoon. Septeimbler 21). M. Kiplinger ni the higlhest regionai Bov Scouts art iflvite(l to be giuests post, was iîflruduced to~î1l ( the of -N'ýorth%%estern universitv at. the scout executives (of the ninet%-t bret' opening gaine (of the seasoîl Nvith councils of Regioii'Seveni lasî veek a# Marquette university. Ail troops m-ill a conference at the Hnîe-l a Salle. in report at gate N-"o. 1 of Dyche stadjuni Chicago. at 1 oclock an(l should be accom- Region Séven includes tliv sate,ý uf panied bv a leader. Scouts are asked Illinois, Indiana. M ichigan andi Ais- to wvear their uniforms and to stav% consin, and lie NN-111 hav e charge of â.ll withi their troops. Executive Board Plans Year's Coune'il Programl Th'le executive board o f the North Shore "Area council-a group. of men representing each district within the council, and chairmen of special council committees - met in Scout beadquarters, 21. North Sheridan road, Highland Park, Monday.night of this week to hear the reports of camping and Sea Scout committees and to establish the council programi for the ens.uing year. BOYS' LIFE ON AIR Beginning Monday, October 1, at o'clock; Boys' Lifie,ý the magazine for ail boys, published by the Boy Scouts of America, will be presented.- in a se 'ries of radio programs,ý dramnatizing stories by its regular authors. scouting activities in' the f our states. Before coming to Region Seven he was for three years executive of Re- gion Pour, covering Obio, West, Vir.- ginia and Kentucky. A graduate of illin.ois, State Normal* college, Mr. Ramsay began his scout' work in Decatur and Bloomiington. His scouting, professionally, bas tak- en him to Elgin, Ill.; and also to the Northwest district- of the Chicago. council where be. was a field exécutive. In 1920 he becarne scout executive of Akron, Ohio, and later became the scout executive of Region Four. m m CET THE FiNESTr ARecord of 49 Years of Building Health and Character Ask Y'ourself These Questions: x. Wbere can I get the finest heaitb facilities obt3nab1-e anywbere. au lowest possible cost? 2. Where can I get the most 'attractive Swim- ming Pool for myself and family,. with free swimming and diving instruction? 3. Where can 1 ger the best handball and squash on regulation, courts witbout. extra charge?, 4. Where can I find al the facilities of a fine Club under one roof. for exercise, dining, residence and therapeutic department1 including Sun baths. electric .batbs and massage? Imagine these new rates f or a full year: Payable New Low withln 60 Days Cash Rates 18-21 years .. .. ..$14.0 22-25 years...... 18.00 26-29 years....22.00 30 years and over.. 28.00 $ 12.60 16.20 20.70 25.20 New Evanston "Y" Men's Atbletic Club with private facilities: $44.00 per year S3 9.5 0 cash The ANSWER is- THE EVANSTON Y. M. C. A.- Truly. a Great Institution Classes Begin Oct. lst-Join,,Now Heres wbat you get-no extra assessments Large beau tiful, Swlmming Pool, 75X27 ft., with one htgh board and two low boards. Instruction in swimm ing and diving, life. saving fôr- beginners and advanced. Two large gyms, equipped for Ba-sketball, Volley Bail, Paseball, Track, Callsthenics, Badminton. Boxing and Wrestling classes, under experts. Four Handball and Two Squash c-ourts,' al regulat ion. Individual exercise room, with Rowing Machine, Meclianieal H-orse, Bicycles, Weights, Exervisers and Vibrators. Mixed Swimming parties a specilty.- Glee ('tub, Dramatic Club, Men's Club, Social program. AIl for as Low as $2.00 to $3.50 Per Montb Average Cost Importantt Features: e 197 attractive residence rooms for young, men, away f romn home. 9, Modern self-service grill, and soda grill for. members and guests. e Evanston "Y" Men's Athletic Club. The, finest to be fouind anywhere for business and professional"men. $39.50 per year., Evanston Y. M. C. A. Grove St. at Maple Ave. Telephone Gre. 7400 Use this coupon and see wby we can, offier gou tbe greateat health value in the entire, aiea. FRE UEST COUPON YOU BETI1 I want the enjoyable frret trial of your mmarvelous facilitien, without obligation.. My Name is .... ........................ Address.. ----------------. Phone NO............. ........»...... ....... Please Invite As My Guesn...... ....... .. .......... Address ....»............--..................... THE PEMBRIDGE Evanstons Fiptest Moderate Priced Hotel IMI A Permanent Home in the Rest Zone MANORt HOUSE DINING ROOM CLAUDE A. WARD Managing Director 1406 Chicago Ave., Evanston Gre. 3500 Dwigbt Al. Ramsay, îvho was recenti yap>poin ted, retiional scout execuitvýe, Region Se7'dn, is il neU, residen t -with iii thi, North Sh ore' .4rca council. Boy Scouts of .1ineri- ca. With his wifc and son. lie ha.< made bis lhomeinilim<tc VOUR PRINTING . . '. ail of it, from ettenieads to mailing pieces, shoutd not only representyou or your firm, and the nature of your business, but if should be in keeping wth the quality and character of the. merchandise you offer. Th. more nearly your prining is truly appropriate, the more effective it will be. LLOYD HIOLLISTER INC. PHONE WILMETTE 4300 JOIN'THE EVANSTON ""Y"E September-'-17..1934 . WILMETTE

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